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庞庞 (2023-04-30 19:59):
#paper doi:  10.1002/hbm.25985 Prediction of childhood maltreatment and subtypes with personalized functional connectome of large-scale brain networks 童年虐待 (CM) 对儿童的身心健康有着长期的影响。 然而,CM 的神经基础仍不清楚。本研究基于个体化的功能脑网络分区方法,计算功能网络连接 (FNC)和通过儿童创伤问卷 (CTQ) 评估的 CM 影响之间的关联。个体化的 FNC可以很好地预测 CM 总分和子量表分数,涉及到了默认模式网络、额顶叶网络、视觉网络、边缘网络、运动网络、背侧和腹侧注意网络,不同的网络对预测有不同的贡献。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2022-10-15. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25985 PMID: 35735128
Childhood maltreatment (CM) has a long impact on physical and mental health of children. However, the neural underpinnings of CM are still unclear. In this study, we aimed to establish … >>>
Childhood maltreatment (CM) has a long impact on physical and mental health of children. However, the neural underpinnings of CM are still unclear. In this study, we aimed to establish the associations between functional connectome of large-scale brain networks and influences of CM evaluated through Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) at the individual level based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data of 215 adults. A novel individual functional mapping approach was employed to identify subject-specific functional networks and functional network connectivities (FNCs). A connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) was used to estimate CM total and subscale scores using individual FNCs. The CPM established with FNCs can well predict CM total scores and subscale scores including emotion abuse, emotion neglect, physical abuse, physical neglect, and sexual abuse. These FNCs primarily involve default mode network, fronto-parietal network, visual network, limbic network, motor network, dorsal and ventral attention networks, and different networks have distinct contributions to predicting CM and subtypes. Moreover, we found that CM showed age and sex effects on individual functional connections. Taken together, the present findings revealed that different types of CM are associated with different atypical neural networks which provide new clues to understand the neurobiological consequences of childhood adversity. <<<
他者 (2023-01-29 17:31):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.23983 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2018. The retrosplenial cortex: A memory gateway between the cortical default mode network and the medial temporal lobe 默认模式网络 (DMN) 涉及相互作用的皮质区域,包括后扣带皮层 (PCC) 和压后皮质 (RSC),以及皮质下区域,包括内侧颞叶 (MTL)。过去的研究中DMN-MTL的功能连接FC与情景记忆EM表现的关联的静息态研究具有不一致的结果。动物研究表明RSC可以作为促进大脑皮层和皮层下 DMN 之间信息传递的中间层,研究假设RSC对DMN-MTL的功能连接FC与情景记忆EM表现具有中介作用。本研究使用COBRA项目数据集,采集了180名健康老年人(64-68 岁)的EM表现与rfmri,用图论方法对DMN节点进行的进一步分析揭示了RSC 的最高介数中心性,证实了DMN 区域中有很大比例的短路径通过 RSC。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2018-05. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23983 PMID: 29363256
The default mode network (DMN) involves interacting cortical areas, including the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and subcortical areas, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The … >>>
The default mode network (DMN) involves interacting cortical areas, including the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and subcortical areas, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The degree of functional connectivity (FC) within the DMN, particularly between MTL and medial-parietal subsystems, relates to episodic memory (EM) processes. However, past resting-state studies investigating the link between posterior DMN-MTL FC and EM performance yielded inconsistent results, possibly reflecting heterogeneity in the degree of connectivity between MTL and specific cortical DMN regions. Animal work suggests that RSC has structural connections to both cortical DMN regions and MTL, and may thus serve as an intermediate layer that facilitates information transfer between cortical and subcortical DMNs. We studied 180 healthy old adults (aged 64-68 years), who underwent comprehensive assessment of EM, along with resting-state fMRI. We found greater FC between MTL and RSC than between MTL and the other cortical DMN regions (e.g., PCC), with the only significant association with EM observed for MTL-RSC FC. Mediational analysis showed that MTL-cortical DMN connectivity increased with RSC as a mediator. Further analysis using a graph-theoretical approach on DMN nodes revealed the highest betweenness centrality for RSC, confirming that a high proportion of short paths among DMN regions pass through RSC. Importantly, the degree of RSC mediation was associated with EM performance, suggesting that individuals with greater mediation have an EM advantage. These findings suggest that RSC forms a critical gateway between MTL and cortical DMN to support EM in older adults. <<<
林李泽强 (2022-11-27 19:25):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25980 Human Brain Mapping, 2022: Voxel-wise intermodal coupling analysis of two or more modalities using local covariance decomposition. 这篇文章提出了一种新的多模态耦合的方法——基于协方差特征分解的耦合方法,这种方法解决了先前相关的研究中耦合值不对称以及仅限两种模态的缺点(Vandekar et al., 2016)。 该方法使用局部协方差分解(主成分分析中的最大特征值的方差占比)来定义对两个或多个模态有效的对称体素耦合值,较大的值表明体素的跨模态的局部协方差矩阵可以在单个维度中很好地概括。此外,作者还验证中这个指标的生物相关性,即验证该指标与年龄或性别的相关性。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2022-10-15. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25980 PMID: 35730989
When individual subjects are imaged with multiple modalities, biological information is present not only within each modality, but also between modalities - that is, in how modalities covary at the … >>>
When individual subjects are imaged with multiple modalities, biological information is present not only within each modality, but also between modalities - that is, in how modalities covary at the voxel level. Previous studies have shown that local covariance structures between modalities, or intermodal coupling (IMCo), can be summarized for two modalities, and that two-modality IMCo reveals otherwise undiscovered patterns in neurodevelopment and certain diseases. However, previous IMCo methods are based on the slopes of local weighted linear regression lines, which are inherently asymmetric and limited to the two-modality setting. Here, we present a generalization of IMCo estimation which uses local covariance decompositions to define a symmetric, voxel-wise coupling coefficient that is valid for two or more modalities. We use this method to study coupling between cerebral blood flow, amplitude of low frequency fluctuations, and local connectivity in 803 subjects ages 8 through 22. We demonstrate that coupling is spatially heterogeneous, varies with respect to age and sex in neurodevelopment, and reveals patterns that are not present in individual modalities. As availability of multi-modal data continues to increase, principal-component-based IMCo (pIMCo) offers a powerful approach for summarizing relationships between multiple aspects of brain structure and function. An R package for estimating pIMCo is available at: https://github.com/hufengling/pIMCo. <<<
大象城南 (2022-04-30 14:19):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25739 推测为血管源性的脑白质高信号(WMH)常在健康老年人群的MRI上有发现。WMH还与衰老和认知能力下降有关。本文使用包含认知健康老年人MRI数据的纵向数据集(基线N=231人,年龄范围在64~87岁之间),比较并验证了FreeSurfer (T1w)、UBO Detector (T1W + FLAIR)和FSL-BIANCA(T1w+FLAIR)三种脑白质高信号提取的算法的有效性。作为参考,我们在T1w、3D (3D) FLAIR和二维(2D) FLAIR图像中手动分割WMH,并用于评估不同自动化算法的分割精度。此外,我们评估了算法提供的WMH体积与Fazekas评分和年龄的关系。FreeSurfer低估了WMH的体积,其骰子相似系数最差(DSC = 0.434),但其WMH的体积与Fazekas得分有很强的相关性(rs = 0.73)。BIANCA在3D FLAIR图像中实现了最高DSC(0.602)。然而,在2D FLAIR图像中(rs = 0.41),与Fazekas得分的关系仅为中等,在探索人体内轨迹时检测到许多异常值WMH体积(2D FLAIR: ~30%)。UBO Detector在DSC中与BIANCA在两种模式下的表现相似,在2D FLAIR(0.531)中达到了最佳DSC,无需定制训练数据集。此外,它与Fazekas评分有很高的相关性(2D FLAIR: rs = 0.80)。总之,我们的结果强调了仔细考虑选择的WMH分割算法和mr模态的重要性。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2022-04-01. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25739 PMID: 34873789 PMCID:PMC8886667
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) of presumed vascular origin are frequently found in MRIs of healthy older adults. WMH are also associated with aging and cognitive decline. Here, we compared and … >>>
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) of presumed vascular origin are frequently found in MRIs of healthy older adults. WMH are also associated with aging and cognitive decline. Here, we compared and validated three algorithms for WMH extraction: FreeSurfer (T1w), UBO Detector (T1w + FLAIR), and FSL's Brain Intensity AbNormality Classification Algorithm (BIANCA; T1w + FLAIR) using a longitudinal dataset comprising MRI data of cognitively healthy older adults (baseline N = 231, age range 64-87 years). As reference we manually segmented WMH in T1w, three-dimensional (3D) FLAIR, and two-dimensional (2D) FLAIR images which were used to assess the segmentation accuracy of the different automated algorithms. Further, we assessed the relationships of WMH volumes provided by the algorithms with Fazekas scores and age. FreeSurfer underestimated the WMH volumes and scored worst in Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC = 0.434) but its WMH volumes strongly correlated with the Fazekas scores (r = 0.73). BIANCA accomplished the highest DSC (0.602) in 3D FLAIR images. However, the relations with the Fazekas scores were only moderate, especially in the 2D FLAIR images (r = 0.41), and many outlier WMH volumes were detected when exploring within-person trajectories (2D FLAIR: ~30%). UBO Detector performed similarly to BIANCA in DSC with both modalities and reached the best DSC in 2D FLAIR (0.531) without requiring a tailored training dataset. In addition, it achieved very high associations with the Fazekas scores (2D FLAIR: r = 0.80). In summary, our results emphasize the importance of carefully contemplating the choice of the WMH segmentation algorithm and MR-modality. <<<