他者 (2023-08-20 15:47):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02449-9 Nature Scientific Data,2023,Release of cognitive and multimodal MRI data including real-world tasks and hippocampal subfield segmentations 这篇研究介绍了一个包含217名健康成年人(平均年龄 29 岁,范围 20-41;109 名女性,108 名男性)的数据集,数据集包含3T的MRI数据(包括多参数图检查组织微结构、扩散加权MRI、T2加权高分辨部分容积结构MRI扫描、全脑静息态功能MRI扫描和部分容积高分辨静息态功能MRI扫描)和大量认知评估问卷和行为实验。该数据集对认知和临床心理学的研究者,尤其是关注海马脑区的研究者有用,其中的认知测试和问卷也具有一定的参考意义。所有数据均可在 Dryad 上免费获取。
IF:5.800Q1 Scientific data, 2023-08-16. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-023-02449-9 PMID: 37587129
Release of cognitive and multimodal MRI data including real-world tasks and hippocampal subfield segmentations
We share data from N = 217 healthy adults (mean age 29 years, range 20-41; 109 females, 108 males) who underwent extensive cognitive assessment and neuroimaging to examine the neural basis of individual differences, with a particular focus on a brain structure called the hippocampus. Cognitive data were collected using a wide array of questionnaires, naturalistic tests that examined imagination, autobiographical memory recall and spatial navigation, traditional laboratory-based tests such as recalling word pairs, and comprehensive characterisation of the strategies used to perform the cognitive tests. 3 Tesla MRI data were also acquired and include multi-parameter mapping to examine tissue microstructure, diffusion-weighted MRI, T2-weighted high-resolution partial volume structural MRI scans (with the masks of hippocampal subfields manually segmented from these scans), whole brain resting state functional MRI scans and partial volume high resolution resting state functional MRI scans. This rich dataset will be of value to cognitive and clinical neuroscientists researching individual differences, real-world cognition, brain-behaviour associations, hippocampal subfields and more. All data are freely available on Dryad.