DeDe宝 (2023-10-18 10:48):
#paper doi:,Temporal regularities shape perceptual decisions and striatal dopamine signals, bioRxiv, 2023。时间规律塑造感知决策和纹状体多巴胺信号,这里的时间规律指的是实验条件之间的转移概率,而不是我们一般理解的时间分布。文章对小鼠的视觉感知决策行为数据进行分析,总结行为数据关键特征并构建多试次部分可见马尔科夫强化学习模型(POMDP)捕捉并解释数据的关键特征。研究者还比对了公开数据集中99只小鼠在相似实验下的行为表现,说明小鼠更依赖2-back而非1-back决策和决策结果的权重不是由于本实验的实验设计导致,可能是知觉实验中的一种默认策略。最后,研究者发现多巴胺的分泌模式能够和强化学习中的关键预测印证。
Temporal regularities shape perceptual decisions and striatal dopamine signals
AbstractPerceptual decisions should depend on sensory evidence. However, such decisions are also influenced by past choices and outcomes. These choice history biases may reflect advantageous strategies to exploit temporal regularities of natural environments. However, it is unclear whether and how observers can adapt their choice history biases to different temporal regularities, to exploit the multitude of temporal correlations that exist in nature. Here, we show that mice adapt their perceptual choice history biases to different temporal regularities. This adaptation is well captured by a normative reinforcement learning algorithm with multi-trial belief states, comprising both current trial sensory and previous trial memory states. We demonstrate that striatal dopamine tracks predictions of the model and behavior, pointing towards the involvement of dopamine in forming adaptive history biases. Our results reveal the adaptive nature of perceptual choice history biases, and shed light on their underlying computational principles and neural implementation.