他者 (2022-11-28 23:47):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0811-3 Nature Human Behaviour volume 4, pages397–411 (2020) Multimodal mapping of the face connectome 面部处理支持人脸识别和情感理解的能力,这依赖于脑区网络分布,但目前研究者对脑区的相互作用知之甚少。本篇文章结合解剖、功能连接测量与行为分析,建立了面部连接体的全脑模型,探明了模型的关键特征,如脑网络拓扑结构和纤维束构成。研究者提出了具有三个核心流的神经认知模型,面部处理流程沿着这些核心流并行或交互处理。虽然长程神经纤维束是很重要,但面部脑网络由短程神经纤维束主导,最后,研究者提供了面部处理流程右偏侧化是由于半球内和半球间连接不平衡的证据。总之,面部脑网络依赖于高度结构化的神经纤维束之间的动态链接,使支持行为和认知的面部处理流程成为可能。
IF:21.400Q1 Nature human behaviour, 2020-04. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-019-0811-3 PMID: 31988441
Multimodal mapping of the face connectome
Face processing supports our ability to recognize friend from foe, form tribes and understand the emotional implications of changes in facial musculature. This skill relies on a distributed network of brain regions, but how these regions interact is poorly understood. Here we integrate anatomical and functional connectivity measurements with behavioural assays to create a global model of the face connectome. We dissect key features, such as the network topology and fibre composition. We propose a neurocognitive model with three core streams; face processing along these streams occurs in a parallel and reciprocal manner. Although long-range fibre paths are important, the face network is dominated by short-range fibres. Finally, we provide evidence that the well-known right lateralization of face processing arises from imbalanced intra- and interhemispheric connections. In summary, the face network relies on dynamic communication across highly structured fibre tracts, enabling coherent face processing that underpins behaviour and cognition.