DeDe宝 (2022-08-14 17:53):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.006 Current Biology,2020,Stress Disrupts Human Hippocampal-Prefrontal Function during Prospective Spatial Navigation and Hinders Flexible Behavior.前瞻对空间导航的规划非常重要,前瞻性规划部分依赖于情景记忆检索机制,而检索能力受到压力的负面影响。本研究采用虚拟空间导航任务,检查压力是否以及如何影响前瞻和决策行为。研究结果表明,压力可能对新目标的导航规划神经机制产生影响。从行为角度,压力限制了检索landmark的能力和有效导航的能力,降低了采取新捷径的可能性,并增加了达到目标的路径长度。从神经角度,压力会降低海马后部、FPC、广义CCN脑区和其他与记忆相关脑区(如角回)在新路程规划的神经活动。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2020-05-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.006 PMID: 32243859
Stress Disrupts Human Hippocampal-Prefrontal Function during Prospective Spatial Navigation and Hinders Flexible Behavior
The ability to anticipate and flexibly plan for the future is critical for achieving goal-directed outcomes. Extant data suggest that neural and cognitive stress mechanisms may disrupt memory retrieval and restrict prospective planning, with deleterious impacts on behavior. Here, we examined whether and how acute psychological stress influences goal-directed navigational planning and efficient, flexible behavior. Our methods combined fMRI, neuroendocrinology, and machine learning with a virtual navigation planning task. Human participants were trained to navigate familiar paths in virtual environments and then (concurrent with fMRI) performed a planning and navigation task that could be most efficiently solved by taking novel shortcut paths. Strikingly, relative to non-stressed control participants, participants who performed the planning task under experimentally induced acute psychological stress demonstrated (1) disrupted neural activity critical for mnemonic retrieval and mental simulation and (2) reduced traversal of shortcuts and greater reliance on familiar paths. These neural and behavioral changes under psychological stress were tied to evidence for disrupted neural replay of memory for future locations in the spatial environment, providing mechanistic insight into why and how stress can alter planning and foster inefficient behavior.