他者 (2023-01-29 17:31):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.23983 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2018. The retrosplenial cortex: A memory gateway between the cortical default mode network and the medial temporal lobe 默认模式网络 (DMN) 涉及相互作用的皮质区域,包括后扣带皮层 (PCC) 和压后皮质 (RSC),以及皮质下区域,包括内侧颞叶 (MTL)。过去的研究中DMN-MTL的功能连接FC与情景记忆EM表现的关联的静息态研究具有不一致的结果。动物研究表明RSC可以作为促进大脑皮层和皮层下 DMN 之间信息传递的中间层,研究假设RSC对DMN-MTL的功能连接FC与情景记忆EM表现具有中介作用。本研究使用COBRA项目数据集,采集了180名健康老年人(64-68 岁)的EM表现与rfmri,用图论方法对DMN节点进行的进一步分析揭示了RSC 的最高介数中心性,证实了DMN 区域中有很大比例的短路径通过 RSC。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2018-05. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23983 PMID: 29363256
The retrosplenial cortex: A memory gateway between the cortical default mode network and the medial temporal lobe
The default mode network (DMN) involves interacting cortical areas, including the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and subcortical areas, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The degree of functional connectivity (FC) within the DMN, particularly between MTL and medial-parietal subsystems, relates to episodic memory (EM) processes. However, past resting-state studies investigating the link between posterior DMN-MTL FC and EM performance yielded inconsistent results, possibly reflecting heterogeneity in the degree of connectivity between MTL and specific cortical DMN regions. Animal work suggests that RSC has structural connections to both cortical DMN regions and MTL, and may thus serve as an intermediate layer that facilitates information transfer between cortical and subcortical DMNs. We studied 180 healthy old adults (aged 64-68 years), who underwent comprehensive assessment of EM, along with resting-state fMRI. We found greater FC between MTL and RSC than between MTL and the other cortical DMN regions (e.g., PCC), with the only significant association with EM observed for MTL-RSC FC. Mediational analysis showed that MTL-cortical DMN connectivity increased with RSC as a mediator. Further analysis using a graph-theoretical approach on DMN nodes revealed the highest betweenness centrality for RSC, confirming that a high proportion of short paths among DMN regions pass through RSC. Importantly, the degree of RSC mediation was associated with EM performance, suggesting that individuals with greater mediation have an EM advantage. These findings suggest that RSC forms a critical gateway between MTL and cortical DMN to support EM in older adults.