来自用户 芝麻 的文献。
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芝麻 (2023-10-30 16:32):
#paper DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320930 Exploring prognostic indicators in the pathological images of hepatocellular carcinoma based on deep learning 肿瘤病理学包含丰富的信息,包括组织结构和细胞形态,反映疾病进展和患者生存情况。 然而,表型信息微妙而复杂,使得从病理图像中发现预后指标具有挑战性。本文基于深度学习探索肝细胞癌病理图像中的预后指标,通过AI发现一个很好的临床指标,它不仅在中国人群中做出了差异,还在tcga里做了验证,作为一个与其他因素独立的marker,hr达到3.5,是一个利用AI提高患者预后准确率的成功案例
IF:23.000Q1 Gut, 2021-05. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320930 PMID: 32998878
OBJECTIVE: Tumour pathology contains rich information, including tissue structure and cell morphology, that reflects disease progression and patient survival. However, phenotypic information is subtle and complex, making the discovery of … >>>
OBJECTIVE: Tumour pathology contains rich information, including tissue structure and cell morphology, that reflects disease progression and patient survival. However, phenotypic information is subtle and complex, making the discovery of prognostic indicators from pathological images challenging.DESIGN: An interpretable, weakly supervised deep learning framework incorporating prior knowledge was proposed to analyse hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and explore new prognostic phenotypes on pathological whole-slide images (WSIs) from the Zhongshan cohort of 1125 HCC patients (2451 WSIs) and TCGA cohort of 320 HCC patients (320 WSIs). A 'tumour risk score (TRS)' was established to evaluate patient outcomes, and then risk activation mapping (RAM) was applied to visualise the pathological phenotypes of TRS. The multi-omics data of The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA) HCC were used to assess the potential pathogenesis underlying TRS.RESULTS: Survival analysis revealed that TRS was an independent prognosticator in both the Zhongshan cohort (p<0.0001) and TCGA cohort (p=0.0003). The predictive ability of TRS was superior to and independent of clinical staging systems, and TRS could evenly stratify patients into up to five groups with significantly different prognoses. Notably, sinusoidal capillarisation, prominent nucleoli and karyotheca, the nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and infiltrating inflammatory cells were identified as the main underlying features of TRS. The multi-omics data of TCGA HCC hint at the relevance of TRS to tumour immune infiltration and genetic alterations such as the FAT3 and RYR2 mutations.CONCLUSION: Our deep learning framework is an effective and labour-saving method for decoding pathological images, providing a valuable means for HCC risk stratification and precise patient treatment. <<<
芝麻 (2023-09-21 13:34):
#paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE216877 Multi-modal characterization and simulation of human epileptic circuitry 颞叶癫痫是第四常见的神经系统疾病,大约有40%的患者对药物治疗无效。文章根据海马硬化严重程度将四个样本颞叶癫痫进行分级,然后进行单细胞核测序对比,发现了海马颗粒细胞在疾病进展中发生的改变,并将这些变化归因于三种电导通道:BK、Cav2.2和Kir2.1,最后作者在一个网络模型中通过调试以上三种电导通路的活性,达到了将疾病进展有关的变化逆转成一个较不易兴奋的“早期疾病样”状态
IF:7.500Q1 Cell reports, 2022-12-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111873 PMID: 36577383
Temporal lobe epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder, with about 40% of patients not responding to pharmacological treatment. Increased cellular loss is linked to disease severity and pathological … >>>
Temporal lobe epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder, with about 40% of patients not responding to pharmacological treatment. Increased cellular loss is linked to disease severity and pathological phenotypes such as heightened seizure propensity. While the hippocampus is the target of therapeutic interventions, the impact of the disease at the cellular level remains unclear. Here, we show that hippocampal granule cells change with disease progression as measured in living, resected hippocampal tissue excised from patients with epilepsy. We show that granule cells increase excitability and shorten response latency while also enlarging in cellular volume and spine density. Single-nucleus RNA sequencing combined with simulations ascribes the changes to three conductances: BK, Cav2.2, and Kir2.1. In a network model, we show that these changes related to disease progression bring the circuit into a more excitable state, while reversing them produces a less excitable, "early-disease-like" state. <<<
芝麻 (2023-08-31 22:31):
#paper doi: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8809251/ Parallel analysis of transcription, integration, and sequence of single HIV-1 proviruses 作者发现在个别细胞中,HIV病毒基因表达不会因为受到药物的影响,这种特异性被发现与HIV整合在基因组的区域相关:在非基因区域整合的HIV-1原类病毒表现出显著较低的转录活性,而在染色质某些特殊功能区域附近整合时,HIV病毒的转录活性会显著增强。并且,当HIV整合位点接近激活的组蛋白修饰(H3K4me1、H3K4me3和H3K27ac)时,对于HIV基因转录活性有促进作用。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2022-01-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.12.011 PMID: 35026153
HIV-1-infected cells that persist despite antiretroviral therapy (ART) are frequently considered "transcriptionally silent," but active viral gene expression may occur in some cells, challenging the concept of viral latency. Applying … >>>
HIV-1-infected cells that persist despite antiretroviral therapy (ART) are frequently considered "transcriptionally silent," but active viral gene expression may occur in some cells, challenging the concept of viral latency. Applying an assay for profiling the transcriptional activity and the chromosomal locations of individual proviruses, we describe a global genomic and epigenetic map of transcriptionally active and silent proviral species and evaluate their longitudinal evolution in persons receiving suppressive ART. Using genome-wide epigenetic reference data, we show that proviral transcriptional activity is associated with activating epigenetic chromatin features in linear proximity of integration sites and in their inter- and intrachromosomal contact regions. Transcriptionally active proviruses were actively selected against during prolonged ART; however, this pattern was violated by large clones of virally infected cells that may outcompete negative selection forces through elevated intrinsic proliferative activity. Our results suggest that transcriptionally active proviruses are dynamically evolving under selection pressure by host factors. <<<
芝麻 (2022-08-31 21:33):
#paper IGF1R upregulation confers resistance to isoform-specific inhibitors of PI3K in PIK3CA-driven ovarian cancer, Cell Death Dis. 2018 Sep 20;9(10):944. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-1025-8. PIK3CA突变导致的(PI3K)通路的过度激活发生在20%以上的卵巢癌患者中,是卵巢癌的一个潜在药物靶点。但是卵巢癌PI3Ki的临床试验中,患者对治疗会产生耐药。因此,临床迫切需要开发新的药物应对PI3Ki的耐药。作者通过对比抗PI3Ki vs PI3Ki敏感的PIK3CA突变OC细胞系来寻找导致PI3Ki耐药的分子机制。作者发现在耐药细胞系中,AKT/mTOR的持续激活是导致PI3Ki耐药的主要原因。通过体外敲除关键因子IGF1R,可以逆转PI3Ki的耐药,并且IGF1R抑制剂在体外和体内显示出有效的抗肿瘤活性。总之,作者研究证明,PI3K和IGF1R的双重抑制可能被视为PIK3CA驱动的OC的一种新的治疗策略。
IF:8.100Q1 Cell death & disease, 2018-09-20. DOI: 10.1038/s41419-018-1025-8 PMID: 30237504
Genomic alterations (GA) in PIK3CA leads to the hyper-activation of the phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway in more than 20% of ovarian cancer (OC) patients. Therefore, PI3K therapies are under … >>>
Genomic alterations (GA) in PIK3CA leads to the hyper-activation of the phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway in more than 20% of ovarian cancer (OC) patients. Therefore, PI3K therapies are under clinical evaluation for this subset of patients. Evidently, in clinical trials testing the efficacy of isoform-specific inhibitors of PI3K (PI3Ki), patients having a stable disease eventually relapse, as tumors become resistant to treatment. Hence, there is an urgent clinical need to develop new therapeutic combinations to improve the efficacy of PI3Ki in PIK3CA-driven OC patients. Here we identified the molecular mechanism that limits the efficacy of the beta-sparing PI3Ki, Taselisib (GDC0032), in PIK3CA-mutated OC cell lines (IGROV1 and OAW42) that acquired resistance to GDC0032. By comparing the molecular profile of GDC0032-sensitve and -resistant OC cell lines, we found that AKT/mTOR inhibition is required for GDC0032 efficacy. In resistant cells, the sustained activation of AKT/mTOR was regulated by the upregulation of the insulin growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R). Knockdown of IGF1R re-sensitized cells to GDC0032 in vitro, and the combination of AEW541, an IGF1R inhibitor, with GDC0032 exhibited potent anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo. We further demonstrated that IGF1R regulates tumor cell proliferation in IGROV1 cells, whereas in OAW42, it determines autophagy as well. Overall, our findings suggest that the dual inhibition of PI3K and IGF1R may be considered as a new therapeutic strategy in PIK3CA-driven OC. <<<
芝麻 (2022-07-28 09:52):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.tranon.2021.101016. Epub 2021 Jan 16. PMID: 33465745; PMCID: PMC7815805. Machine learning analysis using 77,044 genomic and transcriptomic profiles to accurately predict tumor type. Transl Oncol. 肿瘤转移是肿瘤患者的主要死亡威胁之一,而对一部分转移瘤患者,仅凭形态学观察无法确定肿瘤的原发部位,这样的转移瘤被临床称为原发灶不明转移瘤(Cancer of unknown primary, CUP)因为CUP具有较高的转移侵袭性,且没有可识别的起源部位,医生在选择治疗方案时会有的困扰,因此CUP的精准治疗是肿瘤临床的一个挑战。2021年,Jim Abraham 和同事在超过20000个癌症样本中,结合基因组突变和转录组表达特征两类数据进行基于机器学习的模型训练,并且先后尝试了超过300个不同的机器学习模型,最后在19555个样本的独立验证集中达到了97%的正确率
Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) occurs in 3-5% of patients when standard histological diagnostic tests are unable to determine the origin of metastatic cancer. Typically, a CUP diagnosis is treated … >>>
Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) occurs in 3-5% of patients when standard histological diagnostic tests are unable to determine the origin of metastatic cancer. Typically, a CUP diagnosis is treated empirically and has very poor outcomes, with median overall survival less than one year. Gene expression profiling alone has been used to identify the tissue of origin but struggles with low neoplastic percentage in metastatic sites which is where identification is often most needed. MI GPSai, a Genomic Prevalence Score, uses DNA sequencing and whole transcriptome data coupled with machine learning to aid in the diagnosis of cancer. The algorithm trained on genomic data from 34,352 cases and genomic and transcriptomic data from 23,137 cases and was validated on 19,555 cases. MI GPSai predicted the tumor type in the labeled data set with an accuracy of over 94% on 93% of cases while deliberating amongst 21 possible categories of cancer. When also considering the second highest prediction, the accuracy increases to 97%. Additionally, MI GPSai rendered a prediction for 71.7% of CUP cases. Pathologist evaluation of discrepancies between submitted diagnosis and MI GPSai predictions resulted in change of diagnosis in 41.3% of the time. MI GPSai provides clinically meaningful information in a large proportion of CUP cases and inclusion of MI GPSai in clinical routine could improve diagnostic fidelity. Moreover, all genomic markers essential for therapy selection are assessed in this assay, maximizing the clinical utility for patients within a single test. <<<