徐炳祥 (2024-03-31 16:26):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108206 Cell Reports, 2020, tagHi-C Reveals 3D Chromatin Architecture Dynamics during Mouse Hematopoiesis。高通量染色质构象捕获技术(Hi-C)一直受限于对样品量的高要求而在一些只有有限样品的场景中应用受限。本文作者介绍了一种借助tagmentation原理的改进版tagHi-C,借助Tn5的低样品损失可以将Hi-C对样品的需求降低到百细胞量级。基于此,作者解析了小鼠造血系统发育过程中的染色质构象改变。发现染色质区室结构随造血系统的发育是高度动态的,终端分化细胞染色质呈现凝聚状态,高表达基因可自身形成结构域且结构域强度与表达水平正相关等结论。本文是in situ Hi-C以来对该技术的一项重大改进。提供了一套完整的Hi-C测试数据。
IF:7.500Q1 Cell reports, 2020-09-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108206 PMID: 32997998
tagHi-C Reveals 3D Chromatin Architecture Dynamics during Mouse Hematopoiesis
Spatiotemporal chromatin reorganization during hematopoietic differentiation has not been comprehensively characterized, mainly because of the large numbers of starting cells required for current chromatin conformation capture approaches. Here, we introduce a low-input tagmentation-based Hi-C (tagHi-C) method to capture the chromatin structures of hundreds of cells. Using tagHi-C, we are able to map the spatiotemporal dynamics of chromatin structure in ten primary hematopoietic stem, progenitor, and differentiated cell populations from mouse bone marrow. Our results reveal that changes in compartment dynamics and the Rabl configuration occur during hematopoietic cell differentiation. We identify gene-body-associating domains (GADs) as general structures for highly expressed genes. Moreover, we extend the body of knowledge regarding genes influenced by genome-wide association study (GWAS) loci through spatial chromatin looping. Our study provides the tagHi-C method for studying the three-dimensional (3D) genome of a small number of cells and maps the comprehensive 3D chromatin landscape of bone marrow hematopoietic cells.