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魏魏魏 (2022-12-22 21:45):
#paper doi:10.1038/s44184-022-00011-w Mental Health Research (2022), The mental health and well-being profile of young adults using social media. 青(少)年社交媒体的使用历来吸引人的关注,研究者和政策制定者都对社交媒体使用与心理健康的关系都予以重视,然而,社交媒体对青年心理的影响并不为人所知,对他们关系的影响因素也知之甚少,甚至存在误解。当前研究被试广泛选取了Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat和YouTube用户,共计有4083人,均为同辈群体。在当前研究中,研究者采用了追踪研究设计。研究者全面测量了抑郁症状、自杀想法、饮食失调、幸福感、生活满意度、感恩和人生意义等表征心理健康的变量,同时测量了自我决定理论中的三个基本心理需要,也测量了社交媒体的使用情况,包括是否使用软件以及使用频率等情况。当前研究最有价值的发现是,不同类型的社交媒体使用并不必然会导致青少年心理健康变好或变坏,结果因使用软件类型和性别等的差异而有所不同。当前研究有助于我们了解此前研究出现不同结果的原因,也有助于我们了解青少年社交媒体使用的情况。
The relationship between mental health and social media has received significant research and policy attention. However, there is little population representative data about who social media users are which limits … >>>
The relationship between mental health and social media has received significant research and policy attention. However, there is little population representative data about who social media users are which limits understanding of confounding factors between mental health and social media. Here we profile users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children population cohort (N=4,083). We provide estimates of demographics and mental health and well-being outcomes by platform. We find that users of different platforms and frequencies are not homogeneous. User groups differ primarily by sex and YouTube users are the most likely to have poorer mental health outcomes. Instagram and Snapchat users tend to have higher well-being than the other social media sites considered. Relationships between use-frequency and well-being differ depending on the specific well-being construct measured. The reproducibility of future research may be improved by stratifying by sex and being specific about the well-being constructs used. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-11-30 21:50):
#paper doi:10.1111/cdep.12279 Child Development Perspectives, (2018), The Development of Self and Identity in Adolescence: Neural Evidence and Implications for a Value-Based Choice Perspective on Motivated Behavior. 青少年的自我意识和自我同一性发展是重要发展任务,这将影响他们的自主性和社会关系。与自我过程相关的神经影像学研究发现在青少年阶段与自我同一性关系密切的腹侧前额叶皮层的活动更多,这意味着青少年基于价值观和动机的行为及决策会出现进步。在本文中,作者提出了青少年基于动机的行为会受到基于价值观的决策过程的影响的观点,而基于价值观的决策过程以腹侧前额叶皮层为中心。作者的观点形成了一个独特的青少年神经发育模型,这一模型聚焦奖励的敏感性和认知控制,同时认为青少年发展中的自我和自我同一性会产生重要的作用。本文中作者重点阐述了这一模型和青少年自我发展的关系,为青少年自我和行为研究提供了新的思路。
Following a key developmental task of childhood-building a foundation of self-knowledge in the form of domain-specific self-concepts-adolescents begin to explore their emerging identities in ways that foster autonomy and connectedness. … >>>
Following a key developmental task of childhood-building a foundation of self-knowledge in the form of domain-specific self-concepts-adolescents begin to explore their emerging identities in ways that foster autonomy and connectedness. Neuroimaging studies of self-related processes demonstrate enhanced engagement of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in adolescence, which may facilitate and reflect the development of identity by integrating the value of potential actions and choices. Drawing from neuroeconomic and social cognitive accounts, we propose that motivated behavior during adolescence can be modeled by a general value-based decision-making process centered around value accumulation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. This approach advances models of adolescent neurodevelopment that focus on reward sensitivity and cognitive control by considering more diverse value inputs, including contributions of developing self- and identity-related processes. It also considers adolescent decision making and behavior from adolescents' point of view rather than adults' perspectives on what adolescents should value or how they should behave. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-10-31 22:51):
#paper doi:10.1111/cdev.13002 Child Development, (2017), Adolescent Perceptions of Parental Privacy Invasion and Adolescent Secrecy: An Illustration of Simpson’s Paradox. 该研究探讨了父母对子女隐私的侵犯与青少年子女隐私之间的关系,这属于亲子关系的深入探讨,而且是对青少年群体的研究。青少年的隐私与被视为隐私侵犯的父母行为之间的关系是复杂的,该研究试图通过交叉滞后研究探讨两个变量之间的因果关系。在当前研究中,青少年前后三次报告了感知到的父母隐私侵犯行为和隐私的情况。结果发现,隐私侵犯行为正向预测子女的保密行为,这一关系反过来也是成立的。控制了正向的群体水平上的相关这个混淆变量的影响后,个体水平上的相关呈现出负相关关系。再个体水平上,较高保密行为预测了较低的隐私侵犯行为。这一结果与人们的常识或朴素的感觉是冲突的,因此,相关研究应该深入进行。
Adolescents' secrecy is intertwined with perception of parents' behaviors as acts of privacy invasion. It is currently untested, however, how this transactional process operates at the within-person level-where these causal … >>>
Adolescents' secrecy is intertwined with perception of parents' behaviors as acts of privacy invasion. It is currently untested, however, how this transactional process operates at the within-person level-where these causal processes take place. Dutch adolescents (n = 244, M  = 13.84, 38.50% boys) reported three times on perceived parental privacy invasion and secrecy. Cross-lagged panel models (CLPM) confirmed earlier findings. Privacy invasion predicted increased secrecy, but a reverse effect was found from increased secrecy to increased privacy invasion. Controlling for confounding positive group-level associations with a novel random intercept CLPM, negative within-person associations were found. Higher levels of secrecy predicted lower levels of privacy invasive behaviors at the within-person level. These opposing findings within- versus between-persons illustrate a Simpson's paradox. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-09-07 11:47):
#paper doi:10.1007/s10802-010-9396-z. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, (2010), Mother and Adolescent Reports of Associations Between Child Behavior Problems and Mother-Child Relationship Qualities: Separating Shared Variance from Individual Variance. 基于共同命运模型(Common Fate Model, CFM)的研究很少,所以看到了2010年的文献,只为更好地学习这种方法。共同命运模型很适合研究夫妻、母子和父子关系这种双方成员共享生活环境的人,即双方受到共同的环境变量影响,在一些变量上双方具有相似性。关系中的双方都需要在相关变量上报告自己的情况,这样就形成了配对数据(dyadic data),而且,双方的数据会存在依存性(interdependence),这也就打破了传统的相关分析需要变量各自独立的假设前提,此时共同命运模型可以解决这个问题。再有,传统研究只考察了单个被试在自变量和结果变量上的情况,这可能会出现因数据有共同来源而导致的共同方法变异(Common method variance),这会使最终结果的变异被夸大或缩小,也会影响我们对实际情况的准确认识。此时,这个模型也很有优势,因为它引进了另一个关系被试的情况,使得数据的来源多元化。基于共同命运模型的分析除了考察单个被试内变量的相关情况,也考察了被试间在同样的变量上的相关情况,还考察了关系水平上自变量与结果变量的相关情况。在这个过程中,关系双方共享因素带来的变异被分解了出来,帮助人们更好地了解了自变量与因变量的真实关系。当前研究考察了青少年行为问题与母子关系品质的关系,在两个变量上,母子双方有共同的认识,彼此间也会存在差异。基于共同命运模型,该研究同时考察了母子在相同变量上的情况。在具体分析中,除了考察子女报告的变量间的相关情况,也考察了母亲报告的变量间的相关情况,还从母子关系水平上分析了变量间的相关,并同时在模型中分别分析了母子在变量间的相关情况,并比较了多个相关系数之间在大小上的差异情况。最终发现了不同于基于传统研究的发现结果。
This study contrasts results from different correlational methods for examining links between mother and child (N = 72 dyads) reports of early adolescent (M = 11.5 years) behavior problems and … >>>
This study contrasts results from different correlational methods for examining links between mother and child (N = 72 dyads) reports of early adolescent (M = 11.5 years) behavior problems and relationship negativity and support. Simple (Pearson) correlations revealed a consistent pattern of statistically significant associations, regardless of whether scores came from the same reporter or from different reporters. When correlations between behavior problems and relationship quality differed, within-reporter correlations were always greater in magnitude than between-reporter correlations. Dyadic (common fate) analyses designed for interdependent data decomposed within-reporter correlations into variance shared across reporters (dyadic correlations) and variance unique to specific reporters (individual correlations). Dyadic correlations were responsible for most associations between adolescent behavior problems and relationship negativity; after partitioning variance shared across reporters, no individual correlations emerged as statistically significant. In contrast, adolescent behavior problems were linked to relationship support via both shared variance and variance unique to maternal perceptions. Dyadic analyses provide a parsimonious alternative to multiple contrasts in instances when identical measures have been collected from multiple reporters. Findings from these analyses indicate that same-reporter variance bias should not be assumed in the absence of dyadic statistical analyses. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-09-01 15:01):
#paper doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21635-5_9 National Symposium on Family Issues, (2016), Why Do Fathers Matter for Children’s Development? 延续此前阅读的内容,持续关注父亲和父亲的教养行为对子女发展的影响。这是一篇评论或综述性文章,作者介绍了此前研究中发现的父亲不同于母亲的教养行为,比如参与的行为领域不同,他更喜欢打闹类的游戏,而母亲更多是照料行为等,而且,发现这种不同对子女发展的影响也是有差异的。作者对此做出了分析和点评,认为这可能都是表面现象,可能都受到了文化影响下的教养观念的影响,比如,子女性别会影响父亲具体的教养行为。他认为,父母教养行为可能在本质上可能区别并不大。作者认为,为了更好地理解父亲的教养行为对子女的影响,可以基于“父子关系生态学的扩展模型”来分析相关影响因素(环境因素和个人特征因素)以及具体的影响方式。以后的研究应该继续关注父亲的教养行为并深入分析其具体机制。 .
Evidence regarding whether fathers are “essential” for or contribute substantially to children’s development over and above their financial contributions is still emerging. The question of how exactly fathers matter for … >>>
Evidence regarding whether fathers are “essential” for or contribute substantially to children’s development over and above their financial contributions is still emerging. The question of how exactly fathers matter for children’s development has dominated much of the emerging research on fatherhood and has produced some promising findings. In this chapter, I briefly review the theoretical underpinnings of what fathers do and how it matters for children’s development. I then examine current findings on the association between fathers’ involvement and children’s outcomes over time, and conclude with suggestions for future research. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-08-12 20:21):
#paper doi:10.1111/1467-8721.01259 Current Directions in Psychological Science, (2003), Understanding Families as Systems. 这是一篇比较古老的文献了,而且属于综述性质的文献,只是因为对于探讨父亲或母亲在子女心理发展中的作用有价值才阅读的。作者认为,应该把家庭看作是有婚姻关系和亲子关系等多个子系统构成的一个整体系统,这个系统是有层次的,像一个生命一样能够对外界刺激作出反应并适应外界的变化。这样的观点有助于我们深刻理解儿童心理发展,比如,基于上述家庭观,我们对亲子依恋、儿童气质类型的理解不再是静态的且二元的,应该看到夫妻关系或婚姻关系对儿童心理发展的影响,所以,现在我们的研究一般都把夫妻关系品质或父母任何一方的幸福感等作为控制变量。把家庭看作能够对外界刺激做出反应的系统也是有意义的,这意味着家庭系统内部不同层次之间是相互影响的,不同家庭发展阶段儿童受到的影响也是不同的,因此,采用追踪研究对儿童心理发展进行研究是有必要的。这篇文献对具体的实证研究有很大的启发。
<jats:p> In this article, we discuss recent research that has arisen from theoretical and conceptual models that use a systems metaphor for understanding families. We suggest that research stimulated by … >>>
<jats:p> In this article, we discuss recent research that has arisen from theoretical and conceptual models that use a systems metaphor for understanding families. We suggest that research stimulated by such models leads social scientists in new and important directions in understanding the social and emotional development of children in their families. These models view development as resulting from the dynamic transactions across multiple levels of family systems, which regulate a child's behavior. Thus, these models are important in considering multiple influences on development and adaptation. </jats:p> <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-08-02 10:40):
#paper doi:10.1177/0002716214528276 The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, (2014), Time Investments in Children across Family Structures. 家庭结构会影响子女从父母那里得到的时间投资,而这个时间投资会影响儿童的心理发展,积极的时间投资越多通常意味着儿童发展会从中受益更多。当前研究对全美样本进行了追踪分析,采用时间日记法收集数据,对婚姻内父母同居、母亲和继父、单身母亲等六种不同家庭结构内子女获得的时间投资进行了分析。结果发现,儿童与婚内亲生父亲共处时间很长,长于与继父共处时间;父母同在的家庭,儿童会获得更多照料时间。这一研究结果对婚姻和家庭研究很有启发。
<jats:p> This article compares time invested in children across family structures as a means to understand differences in children’s development. Using data from the 1997 Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ … >>>
<jats:p> This article compares time invested in children across family structures as a means to understand differences in children’s development. Using data from the 1997 Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ Child Development Supplement, we measure time investments from multiple caregivers and distinguish time children spend with a caregiver alone versus shared with another caregiver. We examine six family structures—married biological parents, cohabiting biological parents, mother and stepfather, mother and cohabiting boyfriend, single mother only, and multigenerational households. The total care-giving time that children receive in married biological parent families and cohabiting biological parent families is comparable to that for children living in stepfather families and multigenerational families. This is because children in stepfather families and multigenerational households receive substantial time investments from nonresident biological fathers and grandparents, respectively. In contrast, children receive little time investment from resident nonbiological father figures; and children in single mother, cohabiting boyfriend, and multigenerational households receive little time investment from their nonresident biological fathers. Finally, children who live with married biological parents receive the greatest share of caregiving time in the form of shared caregiving compared with children in all other family structures. Our findings suggest that having two resident biological caregivers predicts greater time investments in children and that shared parenting may be an important dimension of family structure. </jats:p> <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-07-31 21:37):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12991-020-0260-4 Annals of General Psychiatry, (2020), Association between personal values in adolescence and mental health and well-being in adulthood: a cross-cultural study of working populations in Japan and the United States. 心理健康是心理学家关注的重点领域,在积极心理学兴起后,幸福感也成为研究的焦点,然而这些与个人价值观的关系还很少有人去关注。当前研究采用了跨文化研究的方式,探讨了日本和美国职场成年人的心理健康和幸福感与其青少年时期个人价值观的关系的差异。青少年时期价值观的测量和其他变量不一样,采用了回忆的方式。在统计分析时使用了多群组路径分析的方法。结果发现两种不同文化下上述关系存在差异,比如,信念和挑战与良好的心理健康和幸福感的积极关系只出现美国被试身上,而对经济成功的追求只在日本与较差的心理健康和幸福感相关。这一研究结果对中年人心理健康和幸福感研究有很大启发,然而,这一研究存在一些研究设计和研究方法上的缺陷,比如使用追踪研究应该更好,既能够测量即时的个人价值感,也能够确定自变量与因变量之间的关系。
BACKGROUND: For promoting mental health and well-being of individuals, it is important to investigate its association with personal values. However, in Eastern Asian countries, no study has yet investigated the … >>>
BACKGROUND: For promoting mental health and well-being of individuals, it is important to investigate its association with personal values. However, in Eastern Asian countries, no study has yet investigated the association between personal values in adolescence and mental health and well-being in adulthood. To fill that research gap, we conducted a cross-sectional study based on two online surveys of working populations in Japan and the United States. METHODS: A total of 516 workers from each of the two countries, aged 30-49 years, completed a questionnaire that measured personal values in adolescence, current psychological distress, health-related quality of life, and subjective well-being (satisfaction and happiness). Personal values were measured by items based on Schwartz's theory of basic values and people's commitment to those ten values. Multiple group path analysis was performed to examine the associations between personal values in adolescence and health-related outcomes, grouped by country. RESULTS: Care, graduating from school, and commitment to values were associated with better mental health and well-being in Japanese participants. Belief and challenging were associated with better mental health and well-being in US participants. On the other hand, financial success was associated with poor mental health and well-being in Japanese participants. Avoiding causing trouble and positive evaluation were associated with poor mental health and well-being in the US participants. CONCLUSIONS: Certain personal values and commitment to those values in adolescence may be associated with mental health and well-being in adulthood. To address the limitations of this study, future studies should use a longitudinal design and investigate the interactions among the types of personal values and commitment to the values. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-06-30 21:45):
#paper doi:10.1111/cdep.12275 Child Development Perspectives, (2018), Fathers Are Parents, Too! Widening the Lens on Parenting for Children’s Development. 此前谈到亲子关系一般讨论和研究的都是母子关系,最近这些年人们开始关注父亲的作用,然而,父亲为什么会在亲子关系中起作用呢?最近的研究发现,父亲对子女成长的影响既有直接的影响也有间接的影响。儿童发展处于一个非常丰富的生态系统里,这个系统有助于全面解释儿童的发展,其中,亲子关系,尤其是父子关系是一个非常重要的影响因素。父子关系反映了当下的家庭生活,对父子关系进行界定和评估是研究中非常重要的事情,然而,此前的研究中父亲一直都是缺失的,这篇文章首先讨论了父亲缺失的原因。然而,父亲是家庭系统中不可缺少的一部分,家庭是一个生态系统,父子关系是其中的一个子系统。相关模型告诉我们父子关系具有多样性,而且父子关系是如何变化的。最新的模型是基于动态系统的,这更有助于理解父亲在子女发展中的影响,人们很容易发现父亲在以直接和间接地方式影响子女成长。比如以教育水平和收入水平为指标的父亲的社会阶层在直接影响子女成长。父亲也会通过母亲这个中介间接影响子女成长。最后文章探讨了父子关系的评估方法,比如问卷法、视频记录法、质性研究法和神经科学方法等,多个研究方法的使用有助于更好地父亲与母亲在子女成长中所起作用的不同,也有助于确定研究结果的效度。
Why do fathers matter? Recent conceptual and theoretical advances regarding father–child relationships have demonstrated that fathers affect children's outcomes both directly and indirectly. To attain a complete developmental account of … >>>
Why do fathers matter? Recent conceptual and theoretical advances regarding father–child relationships have demonstrated that fathers affect children's outcomes both directly and indirectly. To attain a complete developmental account of the ecologically rich contexts of child development, in this article, we recommend best practices regarding the conceptualization and assessment of father–child relationships that reflect contemporary family life. We also discuss conceptual and measurement issues pertaining to father–child relationships in different family configurations, including those with resident and nonresident fathers. We conclude with recommendations that can help developmental researchers advance our understanding of fathering, parenting, and children's development. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-06-30 16:52):
#paper doi:10.1111/jftr.12227 Journal of Family Theory & Review, (2018), Father Love and Mother Love: Contributions of Parental Acceptance to Children’s Psychological Adjustment. 在家庭教育中,父亲的作用不容忽视,在子女心理发展中和母亲一样各自起着独特作用,只是,这种独特性和相对重要性仍然没有定论。此前研究更多从实证研究的角度探讨父亲教养方式在子女心理问题或健康中的作用,该研究则从元分析的视角比较了子女感知到的父亲和母亲的接纳对子女成长的影响。该研究基于127份研究进行,这些研究都采用子女报告的方式获取数据,自变量均是父亲和母亲对子女的接纳,结果变量是子女发展指标。首先,不论父母性别如何,子女都能够从感知到的父母的接纳中受益并积极发展,父母的接纳都能够显著预测子女的适应状况。但是,在具体指标方面可以发现父母影响的差异,父亲接纳通常与子女的问题行为和精神病理学等指标密切相关,而母亲的接纳则往往有助于子女在社会情绪方面的积极发展。当然,父母接纳也会共同影响子女适应,即通过交互影响的方式以及与其他因素交互影响的方式影响子女。父母的接纳与子女发展的关系会因子女的性别不同而有所不同,当然,这一关系也会因文化不同而有差异。这一结果对推进积极父子关系的建立和科学家庭教育是有利的,父亲不应该在家庭教育中缺失。
Research on child development increasingly includes data on both parents and from different cultures. However, the relative importance of fathers versus mothers for child adjustment is still under debate. The … >>>
Research on child development increasingly includes data on both parents and from different cultures. However, the relative importance of fathers versus mothers for child adjustment is still under debate. The present review compares the contributions of perceived paternal and maternal acceptance to various child adjustment indicators among samples of families around the world. We reviewed 127 published studies that included child-reported paternal and maternal acceptance and developmental outcomes. Regardless of the sex of parent, children benefited from perceived parental acceptance. Fathers and mothers were often found to both predict adjustment significantly to varying degrees. Paternal acceptance tended to be related to children's problem behavior and psychopathology, whereas maternal acceptance was more likely to contribute to socioemotional development. Paternal and maternal acceptance also often jointly contributed to child adjustment through their interaction with each other and with other predictors. Moreover, the link between parental acceptance and adjustment was often moderated by child gender and cultural context. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-05-30 23:07):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.01.017 Personality and Individual Differences, (2015), The impact of self-determined motivation on volunteer role identities: A cross-lagged panel study. 志愿者的工作在很多领域都被探讨,那么这种有计划且持久的亲社会行为的动机基础是什么?本研究探讨的就是这个问题,即志愿者是如何认同自己角色的。自我决定理论认为,动机的品质会极大影响人们在各种情况下的行为表现和幸福感等。当前研究采用了交叉滞后研究设计,探讨了自我决定及控制性动机与整体角色认同和组织特异性角色认同两种不同志愿者角色类型之间的交叉之后效应,这个交叉之后的时间间隔是16个月。最终的分析结果表明,自我决定的动机对两种不同志愿者角色类型都存在积极影响。只有组织特异性角色认同对随后的自我决定动机有积极影响。组织特异性角色认同对随后的控制性动机有积极的交叉之后效应。整体来讲,该研究支持了自我决定动机是志愿者角色认同的观点。
Volunteer role identity is regarded the direct and proximal cause of sustained volunteerism. Self-determination theory suggests that the quality of motivation greatly affects performance and well-being in various contexts. Therefore, … >>>
Volunteer role identity is regarded the direct and proximal cause of sustained volunteerism. Self-determination theory suggests that the quality of motivation greatly affects performance and well-being in various contexts. Therefore, this study investigated cross-lagged effects (over a time period of 16 months) between self-determined and controlled motivation, on the one hand, and two types of volunteer role identities, on the other hand: general role identity (GRI) and organization-specific role identity (OSRI). Analyses confirmed positive time-lagged effects of self-determined motivation on both GRI and OSRI. Time-lagged effects in opposite direction were significantly weaker; only OSRI showed a positive impact on subsequent self-determined motivation. OSRI (but not GRI) also had a positive lagged effect on controlled motivation. Overall, this study supported the idea that self-determined motivation represents a causal antecedent of volunteer role identities. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-04-05 00:36):
#paper doi:10.1007/s10826-015-0349-6 Journal of Child and Family Studies, (2016), Emotion Regulation in Relation to Emerging Adults’ Mental Health and Delinquency: A Multi-informant Approach. 父母的教养方式是其教养态度和价值观的反映,并体现在其具体的教养行为中,最终影响子女各方面的发展。此前研究证实,权威型教养方式有更多优点能促进子女积极发展,而威权型教养方式和溺爱型教养方式则会带来更多消极结果。当前研究探讨了父母教养方式与子女情绪调控技能和心理健康及越轨行为的关系,以及情绪调控的中介作用。不过,当前研究的被试不同于此前研究中的儿童或青少年被试,该研究以刚刚成年的子女为研究对象。该研究采用的是问卷法。结果发现,被试报告的情绪调控能力部分中介了权威型教养方式与心理健康的关系,而权威型教养方式通过情绪调控间接与子女的越轨行为发生关系。威权型和溺爱型两种消极的教养方式没有与情绪调控能力发生关系。这一结果提示家庭教育工作者,父母权威型教养方式是有利于子女情绪调控能力发展和心理健康的,不过,未来研究需要建立在干预研究或者追踪研究的基础上才更好。
Relative to the merits of authoritative parenting, potential adverse outcomes are well documented for authoritarian and permissive parenting. However, conclusions are typically drawn from single informants. The ability of youths’ … >>>
Relative to the merits of authoritative parenting, potential adverse outcomes are well documented for authoritarian and permissive parenting. However, conclusions are typically drawn from single informants. The ability of youths’ emotion regulation skills to mediate outcomes in emerging adults has also not been fully explored. This study investigated whether emotion regulation mediated parenting style history and potential outcomes of mental health and delinquency. Parenting style history and emerging adults’ emotion regulation ability were reported by 110 youth and their caregivers; youth reported on mental health functioning and delinquency. Emerging adults’ emotion regulation ability partially mediated the association between authoritative parenting history and mental health functioning and authoritative parenting history was indirectly related to delinquency through emotion regulation; however, based on all reporters, emotion regulation ability was not associated with authoritarian or permissive parenting style history. Results support that the merits of authoritative parenting may lie in fostering better emotion regulation skills. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-04-04 23:41):
#paper doi:10.1007/s10802-021-00833-w Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, (2021), Adolescent Emotionality and Emotion Regulation in the Context of Parent Emotion Socialization Among Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Call to Action with Pilot Data. 父母的情绪社会化影响儿童和青少年的神经发展障碍,该领域的研究目前并不多,该研究也只是一个预备性研究,而且被试量也并不多,只有18个有神经发育障碍的青少年和他们的抚养者。研究中的青少年被试有注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)以及系列共生障碍,比如焦虑、抑郁以及自闭症谱系障碍。当前研究采用了冲突讨论任务、观察法和问卷法。最后发现,父母支持性的情绪社会化行为与观察得到的子女适应性的情绪调控策略显著相关,与观察得到的负性情绪以及青少年报告的负性情绪的减少正相关,而父母非支持性情绪社会化行为与观察到的消极情绪相关。因此,当前研究发现支持了适应性父母情绪社会化抚养行为有助于减少有神经发育障碍子女的消极情绪体验,或者使之能更好地进行情绪调控。当前研究对探讨父母教养行为与子女神经发育障碍的关系提供了一个启发,希望后续能够看到更多此类研究。
To date, only three studies have examined the role of emotion socialization in the emotional functioning of youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. As such, this review article with pilot data sought … >>>
To date, only three studies have examined the role of emotion socialization in the emotional functioning of youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. As such, this review article with pilot data sought to provide a call to action and first step in addressing this limited research body. Pilot data was collected with 18 adolescents (Mage = 13.5, SD = 1.6; 70% male) with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their primary caregiver. All adolescents were diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and displayed a range of comorbid disorders: autism spectrum disorder (27.8%), anxiety (66.7%), depression (44.4%), and disruptive behavior disorders (50%). Adolescents and caregivers completed a conflict discussion task while physiological, observational, and self-report measures of emotion socialization and emotional functioning were measured. Observed supportive parent emotion socialization behaviors were significantly associated with more observed adaptive emotion regulation strategies, and decreased observed and adolescent-reported negative affect, whereas non-supportive emotion socialization behaviors were associated with more observed negative affect and less observed adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Our pilot findings support growing research suggesting that adaptive parent emotion socialization practices can help foster less negative emotionality and better emotion regulation in youth with neurodevelopment disorders. We make a call to action for more emotion socialization research focused on youth with neurodevelopmental disorders, and propose four important directions for future research: 1) Research examining emotion socialization behaviors during daily life, 2) Understanding the nuanced role of emotion socialization practices, 3) Considering diversity in emotion socialization practices with clinical populations, and 4) Longitudinal and intervention research studies. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-03-30 00:08):
#paper doi:10.1080/02796015.2008.12087908 School Psychology Review, (2008), Looking beyond psychopathology: The dual-factor model of mental health in youth. 这是一篇比较老的文献了,关于心理健康的,是一个基于新的心理健康概念展开的研究。此前人们认为的心理健康大多都是基于精神病理学中内化或外化问题指标的,比如抑郁、焦虑或行为问题等。但是,这种评估心理健康的方法容易夸大或者忽视人们的心理健康问题。在积极心理学影响下,心理健康双因素模型提出了新的心理健康观念,即,评估人们的心理健康时,既要看到传统的精神病理学指标的状况,也要看到人们的积极方面的水平,比如幸福体验。这样,心理健康就包括了积极因素和消极因素两个方面,而且,基于两个因素可以将人群区分出健康特征不同的四类人群:低疾病症状且高幸福感的完全心理健康组,低疾病症状且低幸福感的部分心理健康组,高疾病症状且高幸福感的部分疾病组,高疾病症状且低幸福感的完全疾病组,而且,通常,部分心理健康组被称为易感人群。当前研究基于10到16岁美国东南地区的学生进行,结果得到了占比不同的四类人群,完全心理健康组只占到了57%,而且,四个人群在学业表现、身体健康和社会功能等方面存在差异,而且,完全心理健康组在学业表现、学校出勤、阅读技能和学业相关目标等方面均优于其他三个人群。 这个心理健康概念和评估的方法对心理健康的评估工作和学校教育等领域具有重要意义。
In a dual-factor model of mental health (cf. Greenspoon & Saklofske, 2001), assessments of positive indicators of wellness (i.e., subjective well-being—SWB) are coupled with traditional negative indicators of illness (i.e., … >>>
In a dual-factor model of mental health (cf. Greenspoon & Saklofske, 2001), assessments of positive indicators of wellness (i.e., subjective well-being—SWB) are coupled with traditional negative indicators of illness (i.e., psychopathology) to comprehensively measure mental health. The current study examined the existence and utility of a dual-factor model in early adolescence. The SWB, psychopathology, academic functioning, social adjustment, and physical health of a general sample of 349 middle school students was assessed via self-report scales, school records, and teacher reports regarding students' externalizing psychopathology. The existence of a dual-factor model was supported through the identification of four mental health groups: 57% of the sample had complete mental health, 13% was vulnerable, 13% was symptomatic but content, and 17% was troubled. The means of the four groups differed significantly in terms of academic outcomes, physical health, and social functioning. Results support the importance of high SWB to optimal functioning during adolescence, as students with complete mental health (i.e., high SWB, low psychopathology) had better reading skills, school attendance, academic self-perceptions, academic-related goals, social support from classmates and parents, self-perceived physical health, and fewer social problems than their vulnerable peers also without clinical levels of mental illness but with low SWB. Among students with clinical levels of psychopathology, students with high SWB (symptomatic but content youth) perceived better social functioning and physical health. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-02-27 13:29):
#paper doi:10.3390/ijerph120201412 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, (2015), Correlation between Family Environment and Suicidal Ideation in University Students in China. 这篇文章探讨了中国大学生家庭环境与自杀意向的关系。最后发现,有自杀意向的学生有很大的相似性,比如家庭结构和家庭关系糟糕,家庭社会经济地位较差,父母的教养方式有问题。再有女大学生的自杀意向要比男大学生有更多。家庭环境,或者说原生家庭对个体发展真的很重要。
BACKGROUND: This study investigated the association between suicidal ideation and family environment. The sample included 5183 Chinese university students. A number of studies on suicidal ideation have focused on individuals … >>>
BACKGROUND: This study investigated the association between suicidal ideation and family environment. The sample included 5183 Chinese university students. A number of studies on suicidal ideation have focused on individuals rather than families. This paper reviews the general principles of suicidal ideation and the consequences resulting from the family environment. METHODS: This study used six different colleges as the dataset, which included 2645 males and 2538 females. Students were questioned with respect to social demographics and suicidal ideation factors. The data were analyzed with factor and logistic analyses to determine the association between suicidal ideation and poor family environment. RESULTS: The prevalence of suicidal ideation was 9.2% (476/5183). Most participants with suicidal ideation had significant similarities: they had poor family structures and relationships, their parents had unstable work, and their parents used improper parenting styles. Female students were more likely to have suicidal thoughts than male students. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that suicidal ideation is a public health issue among Chinese university students and demonstrates the importance of considering the family environment when examining university students' suicidal ideation. Understanding family-related suicidal ideation risk factors can help to predict and prevent suicides among university students. <<<
魏魏魏 (2022-02-14 11:20):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100852 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020, The association between parenting and the error-related negativity across childhood and adolescence。此前,关于父母教养方式的研究大多采用问卷法和观察法此类经典的心理学研究方法,很少有将其与生理指标关联的研究。焦虑障碍与一个脑电指标错误相关负电位(Error-related negativity, ERN)相关,焦虑个体的ERN的升高通常意味着焦虑障碍的出现,已有的元分析也表明,ERN与焦虑可能存在中等水平的相关效应。该研究将其与父母的教养方式这一能够诱发焦虑的环境因素联系到一起,探讨了严厉的威权型教养方式是否会影响ERN。基于女性青少年的研究发现,年龄会调节威权型教养方式与ERN的关系,年龄越大,这一关系越不明显。这一结果为焦虑儿童的干预提供了启发。
Anxiety is the most common form of psychopathology, and it is often characterized by chronic impairment across the lifespan. Researchers have identified core neural markers that confer risk for anxious … >>>
Anxiety is the most common form of psychopathology, and it is often characterized by chronic impairment across the lifespan. Researchers have identified core neural markers that confer risk for anxious outcomes. An increased error-related negativity (ERN) in anxious individuals has been shown to prospectively predict onset of anxiety disorders across development. Hence, it is critical to examine environmental factors that may shape the ERN. In the current study, we use a large sample of 170 female adolescents aged 10-17 to investigate whether the ERN mediates the relationship between parenting style and anxiety diagnostic status. This study replicates previous findings, and it extends previous work by suggesting that this relationship is more robust in young children as compared to adolescents. Interventions targeting the ERN via parenting may be most effective during childhood. <<<