魏魏魏 (2022-09-01 15:01):
#paper doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21635-5_9 National Symposium on Family Issues, (2016), Why Do Fathers Matter for Children’s Development? 延续此前阅读的内容,持续关注父亲和父亲的教养行为对子女发展的影响。这是一篇评论或综述性文章,作者介绍了此前研究中发现的父亲不同于母亲的教养行为,比如参与的行为领域不同,他更喜欢打闹类的游戏,而母亲更多是照料行为等,而且,发现这种不同对子女发展的影响也是有差异的。作者对此做出了分析和点评,认为这可能都是表面现象,可能都受到了文化影响下的教养观念的影响,比如,子女性别会影响父亲具体的教养行为。他认为,父母教养行为可能在本质上可能区别并不大。作者认为,为了更好地理解父亲的教养行为对子女的影响,可以基于“父子关系生态学的扩展模型”来分析相关影响因素(环境因素和个人特征因素)以及具体的影响方式。以后的研究应该继续关注父亲的教养行为并深入分析其具体机制。 .
Why Do Fathers Matter for Children’s Development?
Evidence regarding whether fathers are “essential” for or contribute substantially to children’s development over and above their financial contributions is still emerging. The question of how exactly fathers matter for children’s development has dominated much of the emerging research on fatherhood and has produced some promising findings. In this chapter, I briefly review the theoretical underpinnings of what fathers do and how it matters for children’s development. I then examine current findings on the association between fathers’ involvement and children’s outcomes over time, and conclude with suggestions for future research.