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魏魏魏 (2022-08-02 10:40):
#paper doi:10.1177/0002716214528276 The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, (2014), Time Investments in Children across Family Structures. 家庭结构会影响子女从父母那里得到的时间投资,而这个时间投资会影响儿童的心理发展,积极的时间投资越多通常意味着儿童发展会从中受益更多。当前研究对全美样本进行了追踪分析,采用时间日记法收集数据,对婚姻内父母同居、母亲和继父、单身母亲等六种不同家庭结构内子女获得的时间投资进行了分析。结果发现,儿童与婚内亲生父亲共处时间很长,长于与继父共处时间;父母同在的家庭,儿童会获得更多照料时间。这一研究结果对婚姻和家庭研究很有启发。
This article compares time invested in children across family structures as a means to understand differences in children’s development. Using data from the 1997 Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ Child … >>>
This article compares time invested in children across family structures as a means to understand differences in children’s development. Using data from the 1997 Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ Child Development Supplement, we measure time investments from multiple caregivers and distinguish time children spend with a caregiver alone versus shared with another caregiver. We examine six family structures—married biological parents, cohabiting biological parents, mother and stepfather, mother and cohabiting boyfriend, single mother only, and multigenerational households. The total care-giving time that children receive in married biological parent families and cohabiting biological parent families is comparable to that for children living in stepfather families and multigenerational families. This is because children in stepfather families and multigenerational households receive substantial time investments from nonresident biological fathers and grandparents, respectively. In contrast, children receive little time investment from resident nonbiological father figures; and children in single mother, cohabiting boyfriend, and multigenerational households receive little time investment from their nonresident biological fathers. Finally, children who live with married biological parents receive the greatest share of caregiving time in the form of shared caregiving compared with children in all other family structures. Our findings suggest that having two resident biological caregivers predicts greater time investments in children and that shared parenting may be an important dimension of family structure. <<<