魏魏魏 (2022-08-12 20:21):
#paper doi:10.1111/1467-8721.01259 Current Directions in Psychological Science, (2003), Understanding Families as Systems. 这是一篇比较古老的文献了,而且属于综述性质的文献,只是因为对于探讨父亲或母亲在子女心理发展中的作用有价值才阅读的。作者认为,应该把家庭看作是有婚姻关系和亲子关系等多个子系统构成的一个整体系统,这个系统是有层次的,像一个生命一样能够对外界刺激作出反应并适应外界的变化。这样的观点有助于我们深刻理解儿童心理发展,比如,基于上述家庭观,我们对亲子依恋、儿童气质类型的理解不再是静态的且二元的,应该看到夫妻关系或婚姻关系对儿童心理发展的影响,所以,现在我们的研究一般都把夫妻关系品质或父母任何一方的幸福感等作为控制变量。把家庭看作能够对外界刺激做出反应的系统也是有意义的,这意味着家庭系统内部不同层次之间是相互影响的,不同家庭发展阶段儿童受到的影响也是不同的,因此,采用追踪研究对儿童心理发展进行研究是有必要的。这篇文献对具体的实证研究有很大的启发。
Understanding Families as Systems
In this article, we discuss recent research that has arisen from theoretical and conceptual models that use a systems metaphor for understanding families. We suggest that research stimulated by such models leads social scientists in new and important directions in understanding the social and emotional development of children in their families. These models view development as resulting from the dynamic transactions across multiple levels of family systems, which regulate a child's behavior. Thus, these models are important in considering multiple influences on development and adaptation.