魏魏魏 (2022-06-30 16:52):
#paper doi:10.1111/jftr.12227 Journal of Family Theory & Review, (2018), Father Love and Mother Love: Contributions of Parental Acceptance to Children’s Psychological Adjustment. 在家庭教育中,父亲的作用不容忽视,在子女心理发展中和母亲一样各自起着独特作用,只是,这种独特性和相对重要性仍然没有定论。此前研究更多从实证研究的角度探讨父亲教养方式在子女心理问题或健康中的作用,该研究则从元分析的视角比较了子女感知到的父亲和母亲的接纳对子女成长的影响。该研究基于127份研究进行,这些研究都采用子女报告的方式获取数据,自变量均是父亲和母亲对子女的接纳,结果变量是子女发展指标。首先,不论父母性别如何,子女都能够从感知到的父母的接纳中受益并积极发展,父母的接纳都能够显著预测子女的适应状况。但是,在具体指标方面可以发现父母影响的差异,父亲接纳通常与子女的问题行为和精神病理学等指标密切相关,而母亲的接纳则往往有助于子女在社会情绪方面的积极发展。当然,父母接纳也会共同影响子女适应,即通过交互影响的方式以及与其他因素交互影响的方式影响子女。父母的接纳与子女发展的关系会因子女的性别不同而有所不同,当然,这一关系也会因文化不同而有差异。这一结果对推进积极父子关系的建立和科学家庭教育是有利的,父亲不应该在家庭教育中缺失。
Father Love and Mother Love: Contributions of Parental Acceptance to Children's Psychological Adjustment
Research on child development increasingly includes data on both parents and from different cultures. However, the relative importance of fathers versus mothers for child adjustment is still under debate. The present review compares the contributions of perceived paternal and maternal acceptance to various child adjustment indicators among samples of families around the world. We reviewed 127 published studies that included child-reported paternal and maternal acceptance and developmental outcomes. Regardless of the sex of parent, children benefited from perceived parental acceptance. Fathers and mothers were often found to both predict adjustment significantly to varying degrees. Paternal acceptance tended to be related to children's problem behavior and psychopathology, whereas maternal acceptance was more likely to contribute to socioemotional development. Paternal and maternal acceptance also often jointly contributed to child adjustment through their interaction with each other and with other predictors. Moreover, the link between parental acceptance and adjustment was often moderated by child gender and cultural context.