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魏魏魏 (2022-04-05 00:36):
#paper doi:10.1007/s10826-015-0349-6 Journal of Child and Family Studies, (2016), Emotion Regulation in Relation to Emerging Adults’ Mental Health and Delinquency: A Multi-informant Approach. 父母的教养方式是其教养态度和价值观的反映,并体现在其具体的教养行为中,最终影响子女各方面的发展。此前研究证实,权威型教养方式有更多优点能促进子女积极发展,而威权型教养方式和溺爱型教养方式则会带来更多消极结果。当前研究探讨了父母教养方式与子女情绪调控技能和心理健康及越轨行为的关系,以及情绪调控的中介作用。不过,当前研究的被试不同于此前研究中的儿童或青少年被试,该研究以刚刚成年的子女为研究对象。该研究采用的是问卷法。结果发现,被试报告的情绪调控能力部分中介了权威型教养方式与心理健康的关系,而权威型教养方式通过情绪调控间接与子女的越轨行为发生关系。威权型和溺爱型两种消极的教养方式没有与情绪调控能力发生关系。这一结果提示家庭教育工作者,父母权威型教养方式是有利于子女情绪调控能力发展和心理健康的,不过,未来研究需要建立在干预研究或者追踪研究的基础上才更好。
Relative to the merits of authoritative parenting, potential adverse outcomes are well documented for authoritarian and permissive parenting. However, conclusions are typically drawn from single informants. The ability of youths’ … >>>
Relative to the merits of authoritative parenting, potential adverse outcomes are well documented for authoritarian and permissive parenting. However, conclusions are typically drawn from single informants. The ability of youths’ emotion regulation skills to mediate outcomes in emerging adults has also not been fully explored. This study investigated whether emotion regulation mediated parenting style history and potential outcomes of mental health and delinquency. Parenting style history and emerging adults’ emotion regulation ability were reported by 110 youth and their caregivers; youth reported on mental health functioning and delinquency. Emerging adults’ emotion regulation ability partially mediated the association between authoritative parenting history and mental health functioning and authoritative parenting history was indirectly related to delinquency through emotion regulation; however, based on all reporters, emotion regulation ability was not associated with authoritarian or permissive parenting style history. Results support that the merits of authoritative parenting may lie in fostering better emotion regulation skills. <<<