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魏魏魏 (2022-03-30 00:08):
#paper doi:10.1080/02796015.2008.12087908 School Psychology Review, (2008), Looking beyond psychopathology: The dual-factor model of mental health in youth. 这是一篇比较老的文献了,关于心理健康的,是一个基于新的心理健康概念展开的研究。此前人们认为的心理健康大多都是基于精神病理学中内化或外化问题指标的,比如抑郁、焦虑或行为问题等。但是,这种评估心理健康的方法容易夸大或者忽视人们的心理健康问题。在积极心理学影响下,心理健康双因素模型提出了新的心理健康观念,即,评估人们的心理健康时,既要看到传统的精神病理学指标的状况,也要看到人们的积极方面的水平,比如幸福体验。这样,心理健康就包括了积极因素和消极因素两个方面,而且,基于两个因素可以将人群区分出健康特征不同的四类人群:低疾病症状且高幸福感的完全心理健康组,低疾病症状且低幸福感的部分心理健康组,高疾病症状且高幸福感的部分疾病组,高疾病症状且低幸福感的完全疾病组,而且,通常,部分心理健康组被称为易感人群。当前研究基于10到16岁美国东南地区的学生进行,结果得到了占比不同的四类人群,完全心理健康组只占到了57%,而且,四个人群在学业表现、身体健康和社会功能等方面存在差异,而且,完全心理健康组在学业表现、学校出勤、阅读技能和学业相关目标等方面均优于其他三个人群。 这个心理健康概念和评估的方法对心理健康的评估工作和学校教育等领域具有重要意义。
In a dual-factor model of mental health (cf. Greenspoon & Saklofske, 2001), assessments of positive indicators of wellness (i.e., subjective well-being—SWB) are coupled with traditional negative indicators of illness (i.e., … >>>
In a dual-factor model of mental health (cf. Greenspoon & Saklofske, 2001), assessments of positive indicators of wellness (i.e., subjective well-being—SWB) are coupled with traditional negative indicators of illness (i.e., psychopathology) to comprehensively measure mental health. The current study examined the existence and utility of a dual-factor model in early adolescence. The SWB, psychopathology, academic functioning, social adjustment, and physical health of a general sample of 349 middle school students was assessed via self-report scales, school records, and teacher reports regarding students' externalizing psychopathology. The existence of a dual-factor model was supported through the identification of four mental health groups: 57% of the sample had complete mental health, 13% was vulnerable, 13% was symptomatic but content, and 17% was troubled. The means of the four groups differed significantly in terms of academic outcomes, physical health, and social functioning. Results support the importance of high SWB to optimal functioning during adolescence, as students with complete mental health (i.e., high SWB, low psychopathology) had better reading skills, school attendance, academic self-perceptions, academic-related goals, social support from classmates and parents, self-perceived physical health, and fewer social problems than their vulnerable peers also without clinical levels of mental illness but with low SWB. Among students with clinical levels of psychopathology, students with high SWB (symptomatic but content youth) perceived better social functioning and physical health. <<<