魏魏魏 (2022-05-30 23:07):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.01.017 Personality and Individual Differences, (2015), The impact of self-determined motivation on volunteer role identities: A cross-lagged panel study. 志愿者的工作在很多领域都被探讨,那么这种有计划且持久的亲社会行为的动机基础是什么?本研究探讨的就是这个问题,即志愿者是如何认同自己角色的。自我决定理论认为,动机的品质会极大影响人们在各种情况下的行为表现和幸福感等。当前研究采用了交叉滞后研究设计,探讨了自我决定及控制性动机与整体角色认同和组织特异性角色认同两种不同志愿者角色类型之间的交叉之后效应,这个交叉之后的时间间隔是16个月。最终的分析结果表明,自我决定的动机对两种不同志愿者角色类型都存在积极影响。只有组织特异性角色认同对随后的自我决定动机有积极影响。组织特异性角色认同对随后的控制性动机有积极的交叉之后效应。整体来讲,该研究支持了自我决定动机是志愿者角色认同的观点。
The impact of self-determined motivation on volunteer role identities: A cross-lagged panel study
Volunteer role identity is regarded the direct and proximal cause of sustained volunteerism. Self-determination theory suggests that the quality of motivation greatly affects performance and well-being in various contexts. Therefore, this study investigated cross-lagged effects (over a time period of 16 months) between self-determined and controlled motivation, on the one hand, and two types of volunteer role identities, on the other hand: general role identity (GRI) and organization-specific role identity (OSRI). Analyses confirmed positive time-lagged effects of self-determined motivation on both GRI and OSRI. Time-lagged effects in opposite direction were significantly weaker; only OSRI showed a positive impact on subsequent self-determined motivation. OSRI (but not GRI) also had a positive lagged effect on controlled motivation. Overall, this study supported the idea that self-determined motivation represents a causal antecedent of volunteer role identities.