魏魏魏 (2022-10-31 22:51):
#paper doi:10.1111/cdev.13002 Child Development, (2017), Adolescent Perceptions of Parental Privacy Invasion and Adolescent Secrecy: An Illustration of Simpson’s Paradox. 该研究探讨了父母对子女隐私的侵犯与青少年子女隐私之间的关系,这属于亲子关系的深入探讨,而且是对青少年群体的研究。青少年的隐私与被视为隐私侵犯的父母行为之间的关系是复杂的,该研究试图通过交叉滞后研究探讨两个变量之间的因果关系。在当前研究中,青少年前后三次报告了感知到的父母隐私侵犯行为和隐私的情况。结果发现,隐私侵犯行为正向预测子女的保密行为,这一关系反过来也是成立的。控制了正向的群体水平上的相关这个混淆变量的影响后,个体水平上的相关呈现出负相关关系。再个体水平上,较高保密行为预测了较低的隐私侵犯行为。这一结果与人们的常识或朴素的感觉是冲突的,因此,相关研究应该深入进行。
IF:3.900Q1 Child development, 2018-11. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13002 PMID: 29178282
Adolescent Perceptions of Parental Privacy Invasion and Adolescent Secrecy: An Illustration of Simpson's Paradox
Adolescents' secrecy is intertwined with perception of parents' behaviors as acts of privacy invasion. It is currently untested, however, how this transactional process operates at the within-person level-where these causal processes take place. Dutch adolescents (n = 244, M = 13.84, 38.50% boys) reported three times on perceived parental privacy invasion and secrecy. Cross-lagged panel models (CLPM) confirmed earlier findings. Privacy invasion predicted increased secrecy, but a reverse effect was found from increased secrecy to increased privacy invasion. Controlling for confounding positive group-level associations with a novel random intercept CLPM, negative within-person associations were found. Higher levels of secrecy predicted lower levels of privacy invasive behaviors at the within-person level. These opposing findings within- versus between-persons illustrate a Simpson's paradox.