魏魏魏 (2022-04-04 23:41):
#paper doi:10.1007/s10802-021-00833-w Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, (2021), Adolescent Emotionality and Emotion Regulation in the Context of Parent Emotion Socialization Among Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Call to Action with Pilot Data. 父母的情绪社会化影响儿童和青少年的神经发展障碍,该领域的研究目前并不多,该研究也只是一个预备性研究,而且被试量也并不多,只有18个有神经发育障碍的青少年和他们的抚养者。研究中的青少年被试有注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)以及系列共生障碍,比如焦虑、抑郁以及自闭症谱系障碍。当前研究采用了冲突讨论任务、观察法和问卷法。最后发现,父母支持性的情绪社会化行为与观察得到的子女适应性的情绪调控策略显著相关,与观察得到的负性情绪以及青少年报告的负性情绪的减少正相关,而父母非支持性情绪社会化行为与观察到的消极情绪相关。因此,当前研究发现支持了适应性父母情绪社会化抚养行为有助于减少有神经发育障碍子女的消极情绪体验,或者使之能更好地进行情绪调控。当前研究对探讨父母教养行为与子女神经发育障碍的关系提供了一个启发,希望后续能够看到更多此类研究。
Adolescent Emotionality and Emotion Regulation in the Context of Parent Emotion Socialization Among Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Call to Action with Pilot Data
To date, only three studies have examined the role of emotion socialization in the emotional functioning of youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. As such, this review article with pilot data sought to provide a call to action and first step in addressing this limited research body. Pilot data was collected with 18 adolescents (Mage = 13.5, SD = 1.6; 70% male) with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their primary caregiver. All adolescents were diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and displayed a range of comorbid disorders: autism spectrum disorder (27.8%), anxiety (66.7%), depression (44.4%), and disruptive behavior disorders (50%). Adolescents and caregivers completed a conflict discussion task while physiological, observational, and self-report measures of emotion socialization and emotional functioning were measured. Observed supportive parent emotion socialization behaviors were significantly associated with more observed adaptive emotion regulation strategies, and decreased observed and adolescent-reported negative affect, whereas non-supportive emotion socialization behaviors were associated with more observed negative affect and less observed adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Our pilot findings support growing research suggesting that adaptive parent emotion socialization practices can help foster less negative emotionality and better emotion regulation in youth with neurodevelopment disorders. We make a call to action for more emotion socialization research focused on youth with neurodevelopmental disorders, and propose four important directions for future research: 1) Research examining emotion socialization behaviors during daily life, 2) Understanding the nuanced role of emotion socialization practices, 3) Considering diversity in emotion socialization practices with clinical populations, and 4) Longitudinal and intervention research studies.