muton (2023-01-31 23:03):
#paper # Yu, W., Zadbood, A., Chanales, A. J., & Davachi, L. (2022). Repetition accelerates neural markers of memory consolidation. bioRxiv, 2022-12.; 认知加工过程中一旦体验结束,神经记忆表征就开始通过记忆回放的过程得到加强和转化。使用功能磁共振成像技术,作者研究了编码过程中通过重复操纵而改变的记忆强度如何调节人类的编码后回放。结果显示,重复不能增强海马的回放频率,但是皮层区域的回放以及皮层海马共同协调的回放在重复事件中被显著增强,表明重复加速了记忆巩固的过程,另外在海马和皮层的回放频率可以调节即时联想辨认测试中编码较弱的信息的行为成功率,这表明了编码后回放在帮助回忆曾经出现过事件的重要作用。总的来说这篇文章突出了回放在巩固较弱记忆和加速皮层记忆巩固来增强记忆过程中的作用。
Repetition accelerates neural markers of memory consolidation
AbstractNo sooner is an experience over than its neural memory representation begins to be strengthened and transformed through the process of memory replay. Using fMRI, we examined how memory strength manipulated through repetition during encoding modulates post-encoding replay in humans. Results revealed that repetition did not increase replay frequency in the hippocampus. However, replay in cortical regions and hippocampal-cortical coordinated replay were significantly enhanced for repeated events, suggesting that repetition accelerates the consolidation process. Interestingly, we found that replay frequency in both hippocampus and cortex modulated behavioral success on an immediate associative recognition test for the weakly encoded information, indicating a significant role for post-encoding replay in rescuing once-presented events. Together, our findings highlight the relationships of replay to stabilizing weak memories and accelerating cortical consolidation for strong memories.