muton (2022-12-31 22:43):
#paper doi: Human hippocampal ripples signal encoding of episodic memories biorixv 2022 海马尖波涟漪是在哺乳动物电生理中发现的一个很特别具有代表性的成分,最开始是在小鼠研究中被发现,随着人类脑电记录的发展,颅内记录的出现让研究尖波涟漪在人类中变为现实,以往在人类的研究中更多关注于ripple和记忆提取之间的关系,很少研究在编码信息,尤其是单个项目时ripple的作用,本文则填补了这一空白,通过124名被试的情景记忆任务表现,作者发现虽然在MTL等重要脑区能够发现高频信号的随后记忆效应,但ripple并未表现出差异,但令人新奇的是ripple会在记忆item在编码时间上相近或语义相近的item时表现出更频繁的发放,也被称为一种聚类效应,并且这一现象在编码和提取阶段都能够被发现,这种现象可能代表了一种对于记忆的保留,有助于预测和提取记忆。本篇文章对于探究ripple这一脑电成分在人类情景记忆中的功能有重要提示。
Human hippocampal ripples signal encoding of episodic memories
AbstractRecent human electrophysiology work has uncovered the presence of high frequency oscillatory events, termed ripples, during awake behavior. This prior work focuses on ripples in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) during memory retrieval. Few studies, however, investigate ripples during item encoding. Many studies have found neural activity during encoding that predicts later recall, termed subsequent memory effects (SMEs), but it is unclear if ripples during encoding also predict subsequent recall. Detecting ripples in 124 neurosurgical participants performing an episodic memory task, we find insignificant ripple SMEs in any MTL region, even as these regions exhibit robust high frequency activity (HFA) SMEs. Instead, hippocampal ripples increase during encoding of items leading to recall of temporally or semantically associated items, a phenomenon known as clustering. This subsequent clustering effect (SCE) arises specifically when hippocampal ripples occur during both encoding and retrieval, suggesting that ripples mediate the encoding and future reinstatement of episodic memories.