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吴增丁 (2022-01-20 17:31):
#paper doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt178,这篇文章是2013年发表在nucleic acids research上的,标题“Translating mRNAs strongly correlate to proteins in a multivariate manner and their translation ratios are phenotype specific” 核心卖点:用一种RNC-seq的方法,证明了RNC-mRNA与蛋白组定量存在显著相关性(R2=0.94) 文章意义:1、尝试探索中心法则中的定量关系:定性上我们都知道DNA到RNA到protein,但是前期研究发现。有些mRNA有表达甚至量也不低,怎么在protein上就没有呢?前期有人尝试用total mRNA 和蛋白质组做相关性,但是结果很不理想。本文作者张弓发现通过RNC-mRNA和 SILAC-based MS 表征的蛋白组相关性,在引入了mRNA-length这个变量后,得到相关系数达到0.94。 2、开发了一个NGS-based 研究方法——RNC-seq (mRNAs bound to ribosome-nascent chain complex) 个人认为第1点意义很大,相当于在RNA层面找到了一个蛋白质组研究的替代方法,这个大大简便了研究,尤其是在转化医学要求检测技术手段越简单操作越好的时代。但是问题来了,为什么这个技术follow的人怎么少呢?
IF:16.600Q1 Nucleic acids research, 2013-May. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt178 PMID: 23519614 PMCID:PMC3643591
As a well-known phenomenon, total mRNAs poorly correlate to proteins in their abundances as reported. Recent findings calculated with bivariate models suggested even poorer such correlation, whereas focusing on the … >>>
As a well-known phenomenon, total mRNAs poorly correlate to proteins in their abundances as reported. Recent findings calculated with bivariate models suggested even poorer such correlation, whereas focusing on the translating mRNAs (ribosome nascent-chain complex-bound mRNAs, RNC-mRNAs) subset. In this study, we analysed the relative abundances of mRNAs, RNC-mRNAs and proteins on genome-wide scale, comparing human lung cancer A549 and H1299 cells with normal human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells, respectively. As discovered, a strong correlation between RNC-mRNAs and proteins in their relative abundances could be established through a multivariate linear model by integrating the mRNA length as a key factor. The R(2) reached 0.94 and 0.97 in A549 versus HBE and H1299 versus HBE comparisons, respectively. This correlation highlighted that the mRNA length significantly contributes to the translational modulation, especially to the translational initiation, favoured by its correlation with the mRNA translation ratio (TR) as observed. We found TR is highly phenotype specific, which was substantiated by both pathway analysis and biased TRs of the splice variants of BDP1 gene, which is a key transcription factor of transfer RNAs. These findings revealed, for the first time, the intrinsic and genome-wide translation modulations at translatomic level in human cells at steady-state, which are tightly correlated to the protein abundance and functionally relevant to cellular phenotypes. <<<
尹志 (2022-01-18 23:37):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41416-020-01122-x Deep learning in cancer pathology: a new generation of clinical biomarkers. British Journal of Cancer, 2020 Nov 18. 这是一篇综述,综述了一下深度学习从病理图像直接抽取biomarker的相关概念,以及病理图像中利用深度学习做的各种基本的和进阶的图像分析任务。 我们知道,在肿瘤的临床治疗中会基于各种分子生物标记物。但这些分子标记物都比较耗时费力。而且一般而言,这些分子标记物都需要tumour tissue。 但其实tumour tissue上有很多信息我们现在都没好好利用。利用深度学习,我们可以直接从常规病理图像中提取更多信息。从而提供潜在的具有临床价值的信息。 里面介绍的基本任务包括:检测、评级、tumour tissue亚型预测。这些任务的目的是自动化病理诊断流程,但结论不形成直接的临床决策。(辅助诊断呗)。 进阶任务可直接影响临床决策:比如分子特性推断、生存率预测、端到端的疗效预测。这些任务都可以直接影响临床决策,但目前需要更好的临床验证。比如需要更多前瞻性实验的验证。(就是还不能用呗)。
Clinical workflows in oncology rely on predictive and prognostic molecular biomarkers. However, the growing number of these complex biomarkers tends to increase the cost and time for decision-making in routine … >>>
Clinical workflows in oncology rely on predictive and prognostic molecular biomarkers. However, the growing number of these complex biomarkers tends to increase the cost and time for decision-making in routine daily oncology practice; furthermore, biomarkers often require tumour tissue on top of routine diagnostic material. Nevertheless, routinely available tumour tissue contains an abundance of clinically relevant information that is currently not fully exploited. Advances in deep learning (DL), an artificial intelligence (AI) technology, have enabled the extraction of previously hidden information directly from routine histology images of cancer, providing potentially clinically useful information. Here, we outline emerging concepts of how DL can extract biomarkers directly from histology images and summarise studies of basic and advanced image analysis for cancer histology. Basic image analysis tasks include detection, grading and subtyping of tumour tissue in histology images; they are aimed at automating pathology workflows and consequently do not immediately translate into clinical decisions. Exceeding such basic approaches, DL has also been used for advanced image analysis tasks, which have the potential of directly affecting clinical decision-making processes. These advanced approaches include inference of molecular features, prediction of survival and end-to-end prediction of therapy response. Predictions made by such DL systems could simplify and enrich clinical decision-making, but require rigorous external validation in clinical settings. <<<
颜林林 (2022-01-16 13:16):
#paper doi:10.3322/caac.21708 CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2022, Cancer statistics, 2022。这是最新发表的美国癌症统计数据,汇编了截至2018年的发病率数据及截至2019年的死亡率数据,并对其趋势进行预测和分析。主要结论是:乳腺癌和前列腺癌的进展停滞不前,但肺癌的进展却有所加强。CA杂志上每隔几年就会有关于世界范围或国家范围的癌症流调结果文章发表,算是重要的专业数据源及其解读,值得关注和阅读。值得注意的一句话:疫情导致医疗机构关闭或因恐惧暴露而减少护理,导致诊断和治疗延误,可能导致癌症发病率短期下降,随后晚期疾病上升,并最终增加死亡,相关数据收集需要滞后数年时间。
Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population-based cancer occurrence and … >>>
Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population-based cancer occurrence and outcomes. Incidence data (through 2018) were collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program; the National Program of Cancer Registries; and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Mortality data (through 2019) were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2022, 1,918,030 new cancer cases and 609,360 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States, including approximately 350 deaths per day from lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death. Incidence during 2014 through 2018 continued a slow increase for female breast cancer (by 0.5% annually) and remained stable for prostate cancer, despite a 4% to 6% annual increase for advanced disease since 2011. Consequently, the proportion of prostate cancer diagnosed at a distant stage increased from 3.9% to 8.2% over the past decade. In contrast, lung cancer incidence continued to decline steeply for advanced disease while rates for localized-stage increased suddenly by 4.5% annually, contributing to gains both in the proportion of localized-stage diagnoses (from 17% in 2004 to 28% in 2018) and 3-year relative survival (from 21% to 31%). Mortality patterns reflect incidence trends, with declines accelerating for lung cancer, slowing for breast cancer, and stabilizing for prostate cancer. In summary, progress has stagnated for breast and prostate cancers but strengthened for lung cancer, coinciding with changes in medical practice related to cancer screening and/or treatment. More targeted cancer control interventions and investment in improved early detection and treatment would facilitate reductions in cancer mortality. <<<
每年,美国癌症协会都会估计美国新发癌症病例和死亡人数,并汇编有关基于人群的癌症发病率和结果的最新数据。发病率数据(至2018年)由监测、流行病学和最终结果计划收集;国家癌症登记计划;以及北美中央癌症登记协会(North American Association of Central Cancer Registries)。死亡率数据(截至 2019 年)由国家卫生统计中心收集。2022 年,预计美国将发生 1,918,030 例新发癌症病例和 609,360 例癌症死亡,其中每天约有 350 人死于肺癌,肺癌是癌症死亡的主要原因。2014 年至 2018 年期间,女性乳腺癌的发病率继续缓慢增加(每年增长 0.5%),前列腺癌的发病率保持稳定,尽管自 2011 年以来晚期乳腺癌的发病率每年增加 4% 至 6%。因此,在过去十年中,诊断为晚期前列腺癌的比例从3.9%增加到8.2%。相比之下,晚期肺癌的发病率继续急剧下降,而局限性肺癌的发病率每年突然上升4.5%,有助于提高局限性诊断的比例(从2004年的17%上升到2018年的28%)和3年相对生存率(从21%上升到31%)。死亡率模式反映了发病趋势,肺癌的下降速度加快,乳腺癌的下降速度减慢,前列腺癌的下降趋势趋于稳定。总之,乳腺癌和前列腺癌的进展停滞不前,但肺癌的进展有所加强,这与与癌症筛查和/或治疗相关的医疗实践的变化相吻合。更有针对性的癌症控制干预措施和对改进早期发现和治疗的投资将有助于降低癌症死亡率。