颜林林 (2022-07-01 07:57):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.06.27.497710 bioRxiv, 2022, PaliDIS: A tool for fast discovery of novel insertion sequences. 这是一篇有关的生信工具的文章,通讯作者来自Wellcome Sanger Institute。该工具从宏基因组数据中,寻找彼此之间含有相同重复片段的序列,将其比对到各组装好的微生物基因组上,将连锁位于同一组装序列且彼此反向互补的重复片段筛选出来,并经过一系列质控过滤,从而鉴别出在微生物基因组上发生的倒位形式的移动元件,以此帮助对耐药基因及其在不同菌种之间传播进行研究。类似流程在人类基因组分析中并不少见,且基本都是根据基因组事件及其序列特征直接进行实现,方法本身算不上有什么特别的创新之处。只不过应用于特定场景的特定数据集(在这篇文章里,数据是来自HMP,Human Microbiome Project,人类微生物计划),对分析结果进行(关于该移动元件的)统计描述和分析,倒是可行且常见的研究套路。
PaliDIS: A tool for fast discovery of novel insertion sequences
The diversity of microbial insertion sequences, crucial mobile genetic elements in generating diversity in microbial genomes, needs to be better represented in current microbial databases. Identification of these sequences in microbiome communities presents some significant problems that have led to their underrepresentation. Here, we present a software tool called PaliDIS that recognises insertion sequences in metagenomic sequence data rapidly by identifying inverted terminal repeat regions from mixed microbial community genomes. Applying this software to 266 human metagenomes identifies 11,681 unique insertion sequences. Querying this catalogue against a large database of isolate genomes reveals evidence of horizontal gene transfer events of clinically relevant antimicrobial resistance genes between classes of bacteria. We will continue to apply this tool more widely, building the Insertion Sequence Catalogue, a valuable resource for researchers wishing to query their microbial genomes for insertion sequences.