来自杂志 Genome medicine 的文献。
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洪媛媛 (2023-01-03 17:45):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1186/s13073-022-01141-8. Genome Medicine (2022) 14:138. CRAG: de novo characterization of cell-free DNA fragmentation hotspots in plasma whole-genome sequencing. 该研究基于低深度全基因组测序(~1X),使用IFS(整合cfDNA覆盖度和片段大小)和CRAG算法(概率模型分析和背景噪音的区分度)挖掘cfDNA片段化热点区域,发现这些热点区域集中在开发染色质区,利用这些热点区域可以进行癌症的早筛和溯源。在训练集、验证集和独立测试集的AUC表现都不错。
IF:10.400Q1 Genome medicine, 2022-12-08. DOI: 10.1186/s13073-022-01141-8 PMID: 36482487
The fine-scale cell-free DNA fragmentation patterns in early-stage cancers are poorly understood. We developed a de novo approach to characterize the cell-free DNA fragmentation hotspots from plasma whole-genome sequencing. Hotspots … >>>
The fine-scale cell-free DNA fragmentation patterns in early-stage cancers are poorly understood. We developed a de novo approach to characterize the cell-free DNA fragmentation hotspots from plasma whole-genome sequencing. Hotspots are enriched in open chromatin regions, and, interestingly, 3'end of transposons. Hotspots showed global hypo-fragmentation in early-stage liver cancers and are associated with genes involved in the initiation of hepatocellular carcinoma and associated with cancer stem cells. The hotspots varied across multiple early-stage cancers and demonstrated high performance for the diagnosis and identification of tissue-of-origin in early-stage cancers. We further validated the performance with a small number of independent case-control-matched early-stage cancer samples. <<<
颜林林 (2022-07-09 07:36):
#paper doi:10.1186/s13073-022-01079-x Genome Medicine, 2022, Identification of a cytokine-dominated immunosuppressive class in squamous cell lung carcinoma with implications for immunotherapy resistance. 这是一篇纯数据挖掘的文章,试图回答肺鳞癌中免疫检查点抑制剂耐药的机制问题。文章通过收集了来自TCGA和GEO的624例肺鳞癌转录组数据,使用无监督聚类,从中识别出与 T 细胞衰竭特征、免疫抑制细胞、临床特征和免疫治疗反应相关的表达模式,并定义了一组衰竭免疫等级 (EIC) 的免疫抑制患者。这些患者占到28%至36%,尽管他们表现出高密度的肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞,却因显著富集、高比例的免疫抑制细胞、多个免疫检查点基因同时上调等特性,表现出对ICB的耐药性。相应的表达特征,在具有 ICB 治疗抗性的黑色素瘤患者中也得到印证。文章还检查了基因组和表观组的数据,发现这些患者呈现出较低的染色体突变负担和独特的甲基化模式。由此,作者还建立了一个在线网站,整合了用到的数据及分析方法,供研究人员使用多组学数据分析来研究 ICB 耐药性的潜在关联。从分析方法看,这篇文章的套路应该是比较常见的,算不上有什么创新性,不过在单病种上整合数据,并以在线网站的形式来使分析过程能够泛化并提供他人使用,也算是一类可行的生信“原创”工作吧。
IF:10.400Q1 Genome medicine, 2022-07-08. DOI: 10.1186/s13073-022-01079-x PMID: 35799269
BACKGROUND: Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy has revolutionized the treatment of lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). However, a significant proportion of patients with high tumour PD-L1 expression remain resistant to … >>>
BACKGROUND: Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy has revolutionized the treatment of lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). However, a significant proportion of patients with high tumour PD-L1 expression remain resistant to immune checkpoint inhibitors. To understand the underlying resistance mechanisms, characterization of the immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment and identification of biomarkers to predict resistance in patients are urgently needed.METHODS: Our study retrospectively analysed RNA sequencing data of 624 LUSC samples. We analysed gene expression patterns from tumour microenvironment by unsupervised clustering. We correlated the expression patterns with a set of T cell exhaustion signatures, immunosuppressive cells, clinical characteristics, and immunotherapeutic responses. Internal and external testing datasets were used to validate the presence of exhausted immune status.RESULTS: Approximately 28 to 36% of LUSC patients were found to exhibit significant enrichments of T cell exhaustion signatures, high fraction of immunosuppressive cells (M2 macrophage and CD4 Treg), co-upregulation of 9 inhibitory checkpoints (CTLA4, PDCD1, LAG3, BTLA, TIGIT, HAVCR2, IDO1, SIGLEC7, and VISTA), and enhanced expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. TGFβ and CCL18). We defined this immunosuppressive group of patients as exhausted immune class (EIC). Although EIC showed a high density of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, these were associated with poor prognosis. EIC had relatively elevated PD-L1 expression, but showed potential resistance to ICB therapy. The signature of 167 genes for EIC prediction was significantly enriched in melanoma patients with ICB therapy resistance. EIC was characterized by a lower chromosomal alteration burden and a unique methylation pattern. We developed a web application ( http://lilab2.sysu.edu.cn/tex & http://liwzlab.cn/tex ) for researchers to further investigate potential association of ICB resistance based on our multi-omics analysis data.CONCLUSIONS: We introduced a novel LUSC immunosuppressive class which expressed high PD-L1 but showed potential resistance to ICB therapy. This comprehensive characterization of immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment in LUSC provided new insights for further exploration of resistance mechanisms and optimization of immunotherapy strategies. <<<
颜林林 (2022-06-19 00:14):
#paper doi:10.1186/s13073-022-01069-z Genome Medicine, 2022, Reanalysis of exome negative patients with rare disease: a pragmatic workflow for diagnostic applications. 过去这些年里,我们经常会对罕见遗传病患者开展全外显子组测序,以便确认其致病基因并形成诊断结论。然而,受限于技术和积累的知识,大部分患者在测序后也仍然无法确诊。这篇来自荷兰拉德堡德大学(Radboud University)的文章,回顾了其医学中心在2011年11月至2015年1月期间到访的疑似罹患复杂神经系统遗传疾病的150名儿童患者,对其中103名未得到确诊的患者进行了随访调查,通过重新查阅评估表型信息、重新分析其全外显子测序数据,以及对仍无法确诊的患者(使用新的实验流程和外显子panel)重新进行测序和分析。这一系列操作,让32名之前未被诊断的患者得到确诊,诊断率从31%(47/150)提升到53%(79/150)。其结果也支持了在临床护理和后续随访过程中,应该对未确诊患者进行重新分析和系统评估,新的临床证据信息、新的技术方法和分析方法,都有助于改善诊治,使患者获益。
IF:10.400Q1 Genome medicine, 2022-06-17. DOI: 10.1186/s13073-022-01069-z PMID: 35710456
BACKGROUND: Approximately two third of patients with a rare genetic disease remain undiagnosed after exome sequencing (ES). As part of our post-test counseling procedures, patients without a conclusive diagnosis are … >>>
BACKGROUND: Approximately two third of patients with a rare genetic disease remain undiagnosed after exome sequencing (ES). As part of our post-test counseling procedures, patients without a conclusive diagnosis are advised to recontact their referring clinician to discuss new diagnostic opportunities in due time. We performed a systematic study of genetically undiagnosed patients 5 years after their initial negative ES report to determine the efficiency of diverse reanalysis strategies.METHODS: We revisited a cohort of 150 pediatric neurology patients originally enrolled at Radboud University Medical Center, of whom 103 initially remained genetically undiagnosed. We monitored uptake of physician-initiated routine clinical and/or genetic re-evaluation (ad hoc re-evaluation) and performed systematic reanalysis, including ES-based resequencing, of all genetically undiagnosed patients (systematic re-evaluation).RESULTS: Ad hoc re-evaluation was initiated for 45 of 103 patients and yielded 18 diagnoses (including 1 non-genetic). Subsequent systematic re-evaluation identified another 14 diagnoses, increasing the diagnostic yield in our cohort from 31% (47/150) to 53% (79/150). New genetic diagnoses were established by reclassification of previously identified variants (10%, 3/31), reanalysis with enhanced bioinformatic pipelines (19%, 6/31), improved coverage after resequencing (29%, 9/31), and new disease-gene associations (42%, 13/31). Crucially, our systematic study also showed that 11 of the 14 further conclusive genetic diagnoses were made in patients without a genetic diagnosis that did not recontact their referring clinician.CONCLUSIONS: We find that upon re-evaluation of undiagnosed patients, both reanalysis of existing ES data as well as resequencing strategies are needed to identify additional genetic diagnoses. Importantly, not all patients are routinely re-evaluated in clinical care, prolonging their diagnostic trajectory, unless systematic reanalysis is facilitated. We have translated our observations into considerations for systematic and ad hoc reanalysis in routine genetic care. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-05-01 00:03):
#paper Transfer learning between preclinical models and human tumors identifies a conserved NK cell activation signature in anti-CTLA-4 responsive tumors, Genome Med. 2021 Aug 11;13(1):129. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00944-5. 目前,单细胞转录组测序在临床前动物实验研究应用较为普遍,然而,如何将这些新的发现迁移到人类的肿瘤单细胞转录组研究中,仍然是一大挑战。该研究利用机器学习中迁移学习方法,识别出在Anti-CTLA-4响应小鼠和人类肿瘤中共有的NK细胞状态特征,并发现该特征与患者更长的总生存期相关,能用于预测ICBs治疗疗效。最近,NK细胞的研究在CNS频繁“出镜”,可能NK细胞的过继细胞疗法在临床上取得较大进展有关,这也提示我们,相比于T细胞,NK细胞尚未有很大的研究空白,借助目前单细胞转录组测序技术,可能会找到一些有趣的新发现。
IF:10.400Q1 Genome medicine, 2021-08-11. DOI: 10.1186/s13073-021-00944-5 PMID: 34376232 PMCID:PMC8356429
BACKGROUND: Tumor response to therapy is affected by both the cell types and the cell states present in the tumor microenvironment. This is true for many cancer treatments, including immune … >>>
BACKGROUND: Tumor response to therapy is affected by both the cell types and the cell states present in the tumor microenvironment. This is true for many cancer treatments, including immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). While it is well-established that ICIs promote T cell activation, their broader impact on other intratumoral immune cells is unclear; this information is needed to identify new mechanisms of action and improve ICI efficacy. Many preclinical studies have begun using single-cell analysis to delineate therapeutic responses in individual immune cell types within tumors. One major limitation to this approach is that therapeutic mechanisms identified in preclinical models have failed to fully translate to human disease, restraining efforts to improve ICI efficacy in translational research.METHOD: We previously developed a computational transfer learning approach called projectR to identify shared biology between independent high-throughput single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets. In the present study, we test this algorithm's ability to identify conserved and clinically relevant transcriptional changes in complex tumor scRNA-seq data and expand its application to the comparison of scRNA-seq datasets with additional data types such as bulk RNA-seq and mass cytometry.RESULTS: We found a conserved signature of NK cell activation in anti-CTLA-4 responsive mouse and human tumors. In human metastatic melanoma, we found that the NK cell activation signature associates with longer overall survival and is predictive of anti-CTLA-4 (ipilimumab) response. Additional molecular approaches to confirm the computational findings demonstrated that human NK cells express CTLA-4 and bind anti-CTLA-4 antibodies independent of the antibody binding receptor (FcR) and that similar to T cells, CTLA-4 expression by NK cells is modified by cytokine-mediated and target cell-mediated NK cell activation.CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate a novel application of our transfer learning approach, which was able to identify cell state transitions conserved in preclinical models and human tumors. This approach can be adapted to explore many questions in cancer therapeutics, enhance translational research, and enable better understanding and treatment of disease. <<<