颜林林 (2022-07-15 00:05):
#paper doi:10.3390/ijms23137446 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, Identification of Spliceogenic Variants beyond Canonical GT-AG Splice Sites in Hereditary Cancer Genes. 位于外显子边界附近的点突变,可能会影响基因表达的剪接形式,这在遗传病诊断和咨询过程中,是重要的信息。然而,大多数情况下,这类突变只能通过既往报道和计算工具预测来进行判定,而在美国医学遗传学和基因组学学会和分子病理学协会(ACMG/AMP)变异分类指南中,计算方法得到的结果,通常只能作为意义不确定的突变(VUS)。本文研究纳入了732例携带此类潜在可能影响RNA剪接的VUS突变的患者,涉及APC、ATM、FH、LZTR1、MSH6、PALB2、RAD51C和TP53基因,采用多重PCR方法,在RNA水平上进行了检测,以验证这些VUS所造成的影响。对于检测结果,本文逐一进行了生物学功能的分析与解读,以确定相应突变是否致病。最终对50%的VUS突变重新进行了分类,25%降级成为可能良性,25%升级成为可能致病。
Identification of Spliceogenic Variants beyond Canonical GT-AG Splice Sites in Hereditary Cancer Genes
Pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in susceptibility genes that interrupt RNA splicing are a well-documented mechanism of hereditary cancer syndromes development. However, if RNA studies are not performed, most of the variants beyond the canonical GT-AG splice site are characterized as variants of uncertain significance (VUS). To decrease the VUS burden, we have bioinformatically evaluated all novel VUS detected in 732 consecutive patients tested in the routine genetic counseling process. Twelve VUS that were predicted to cause splicing defects were selected for mRNA analysis. Here, we report a functional characterization of 12 variants located beyond the first two intronic nucleotides using RNAseq in , , , , , , , and genes. Based on the analysis of mRNA, we have successfully reclassified 50% of investigated variants. 25% of variants were downgraded to likely benign, whereas 25% were upgraded to likely pathogenic leading to improved clinical management of the patient and the family members.