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小年 (2022-10-31 21:19):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.09.004. ncFO: A Comprehensive Resource of Curated and Predicted ncRNAs Associated with Ferroptosis. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2022. 细胞死亡在组织发育和体内平衡中起关键作用,并抑制癌细胞的过度增殖。铁死亡是由脂质过氧化诱导的一种特殊类型的调节性细胞死亡方式,探索铁死亡的潜在调节因子将有助于阐明其分子机制和仔细研究潜在的药物靶点。 目前虽然有铁死亡与疾病关联的调节剂和标志物数据库FerrD,但不便于研究人员对铁死亡相关非编码RNA(ncRNA,包括miRNA、lncRNA、circRNA)进行系统研究,ncRNA已被证实参与铁死亡的调节,文献中的信息不方便研究人员从综合角度表征铁死亡相关的ncRNA。为了填补这一空白,作者开发了ncRNA-铁死亡关联数据库(ncFO, http://www.jianglab.cn/ncFO/),ncFO是第一个收集了实验验证的铁死亡相关ncRNA并预测候选ncRNA-铁死亡关联的平台。用户可以获得经过实验验证的ncRNA-铁死亡关联,包括ncRNA名称、疾病、物种、组织、靶标、调控、发表时间和PMID。此外,ncFO数据库还提供了ncRNA的生存分析和差异表达分析。数据库为查询和分析铁死亡相关的ncRNA提供可靠的分析平台,为癌症治疗靶点的识别提供参考。
Ferroptosis is a form of regulated cell death driven by the accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides. Regulation of ferroptosis might be beneficial to cancer treatment. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are a class … >>>
Ferroptosis is a form of regulated cell death driven by the accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides. Regulation of ferroptosis might be beneficial to cancer treatment. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are a class of RNA transcripts that generally cannot encode proteins and have been demonstrated to play critical roles in regulating ferroptosis. Herein, we developed ncFO, the ncRNA-ferroptosis association database, to document the manually curated and predicted ncRNAs that are associated with ferroptosis. Collectively, ncFO contains 90 experimentally verified entries, including 46 microRNAs (miRNAs), 21 long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and 17 circular RNAs (circRNAs). In addition, ncFO also incorporates two online prediction tools based on the regulation and co-expression of ncRNA and ferroptosis genes. Using default parameters, we obtained 3260 predicted entries, including 598 miRNAs and 178 lncRNAs, by regulation, as well as 2,592,661 predicted entries, including 967 miRNAs and 9632 lncRNAs, by ncRNA-ferroptosis gene co-expression in more than 8000 samples across 20 cancer types. The detailed information of each entry includes ncRNA name, disease, species, tissue, target, regulation, publication time, and PubMed identifier. ncFO also provides survival analysis and differential expression analysis for ncRNAs. In summary, ncFO offers a user-friendly platform to search and predict ferroptosis-associated ncRNAs, which might facilitate research on ferroptosis and discover potential targets for cancer treatment. ncFO can be accessed at http://www.jianglab.cn/ncFO/. <<<
颜林林 (2022-08-30 23:47):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.08.003 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2022, Dynamic Spatial-temporal Expression Ratio of X Chromosome to Autosomes but Stable Dosage Compensation in Mammals. 哺乳动物的性染色体,在雌性和雄性中分别为XX和XY,也即X染色体的数量在雌雄之间相差了一倍,然而X染色体上的基因并未因此在两性之间出现巨大的表达差异,这个现象称为剂量补偿效应。本文通过收集和分析多组学数据,包括转录组(RNA-seq)、翻译组(Ribo-seq)、蛋白组(质谱),涉及不同物种(人、鸭嘴兽、负鼠;使用鸡作为外类群),以及(小鼠模型的)不同发育阶段,对此现象进行了深入细致的研究。采用将X染色体连锁的各基因表达,与常染色体基因表达、直系同源基因的表达,分别计算比值,评估剂量补偿效应的量化情况,发现该表达量比值,在不同组织和不同发育阶段,存在时空动态性,且与演化相关。很有意思的一篇生信文章。
In the evolutionary model of dosage compensation, per-allele expression level of the X chromosome has been proposed to have twofold up-regulation to compensate its dose reduction in males (XY) compared … >>>
In the evolutionary model of dosage compensation, per-allele expression level of the X chromosome has been proposed to have twofold up-regulation to compensate its dose reduction in males (XY) compared to females (XX). However, the expression regulation of X-linked genes is still controversial, and comprehensive evaluations are still lacking. By integrating multi-omics datasets in mammals, we investigated the expression ratios including X to autosomes (X:AA ratio) and X to orthologs (X:XX ratio) at the transcriptome, translatome, and proteome levels. We revealed a dynamic spatial-temporal X:AA ratio during development in humans and mice. Meanwhile, by tracing the evolution of orthologous gene expression in chickens, platypuses, and opossums, we found a stable expression ratio of X-linked genes in humans to their autosomal orthologs in other species (X:XX ≈ 1) across tissues and developmental stages, demonstrating stable dosage compensation in mammals. We also found that different epigenetic regulations contributed to the high tissue specificity and stage specificity of X-linked gene expression, thus affecting X:AA ratios. It could be concluded that the dynamics of X:AA ratios were attributed to the different gene contents and expression preferences of the X chromosome, rather than the stable dosage compensation. <<<
颜林林 (2022-07-12 00:03):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.04.009 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2022, N6-methyladenosine and Its Implications in Viruses. 这是一篇关于m6A的综述。m6A是哺乳动物的mRNA上最常见的碱基修饰,而本文侧重于与病毒相关的m6A修饰的研究。这篇综述先概述了m6A的基本知识,包括m6A修饰碱基的占比及分布、进行m6A修饰或去修饰的调控蛋白,以及m6A在生物体中发挥的功能(如影响mRNA剪接、出核、翻译、降解等)。然后,又从技术角度,介绍检测该m6A修饰的不同实验方法。之后,进入正题,叙述这些年在各类病毒上开展的m6A相关研究,涉及SV40、乙肝、疱疹、HIV、丙肝、寨卡、登革热和新冠等病毒。从这些综述结果,可以看到m6A参与了各种各样的生物学活动。而在不同病毒中,m6A有时甚至行使着完全相反的功能。可见m6A更像是涉及底层机制过程的存在,而由它在基因调控网络中所处的时空位置不同,展示出不同的功能,而且,似乎万事都与之相关。m6A是近几年的研究热点,各类与之相关的数据挖掘层出不穷,大概也与这种“底层”且“普遍”的特性相关。对m6A的深入研究,有助于了解它对病毒复制等生命周期过程的影响,并为开发治疗病毒性疾病的药物提供基础研究支持,这很符合当前疫情时代之所需。
N-methyladenine (mA) is the most abundant RNA modification in mammalian messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which participates in and regulates many important biological activities, such as tissue development and stem cell differentiation. … >>>
N-methyladenine (mA) is the most abundant RNA modification in mammalian messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which participates in and regulates many important biological activities, such as tissue development and stem cell differentiation. Due to an improved understanding of mA, researchers have discovered that the biological function of mA can be linked to many stages of mRNA metabolism and that mA can regulate a variety of complex biological processes. In addition to its location on mammalian mRNAs, mA has been identified on viral transcripts. mA also plays important roles in the life cycle of many viruses and in viral replication in host cells. In this review, we briefly introduce the detection methods of mA, the mA-related proteins, and the functions of mA. We also summarize the effects of mA-related proteins on viral replication and infection. We hope that this review provides researchers with some insights for elucidating the complex mechanisms of the epitranscriptome related to viruses, and provides information for further study of the mechanisms of other modified nucleobases acting on processes such as viral replication. We also anticipate that this review can stimulate collaborative research from different fields, such as chemistry, biology, and medicine, and promote the development of antiviral drugs and vaccines. <<<
N-甲基腺嘌呤 (mA) 是哺乳动物信使 RNA (mRNA) 中最丰富的 RNA 修饰,参与并调节许多重要的生物活动,如组织发育和干细胞分化。由于对 mA 的理解有所提高,研究人员发现 mA 的生物学功能可以与 mRNA 代谢的许多阶段相关联,并且 mA 可以调节各种复杂的生物过程。除了在哺乳动物 mRNA 上的位置外,mA 还在病毒转录本上被发现。mA在许多病毒的生命周期和病毒在宿主细胞中的复制中也起着重要作用。本文简要介绍了mA的检测方法、mA相关蛋白以及mA的功能。我们还总结了mA相关蛋白对病毒复制和感染的影响。我们希望这篇综述能为研究人员提供一些见解,以阐明与病毒相关的表观转录组的复杂机制,并为进一步研究其他修饰的核碱基作用于病毒复制等过程的机制提供信息。我们还预计,这篇综述可以促进化学、生物学和医学等不同领域的合作研究,并促进抗病毒药物和疫苗的开发。
颜林林 (2022-06-20 07:48):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.03.002 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2022, Cancer is a survival process under persistent microenvironmental and cellular stresses. 这篇综述是关于癌症发生发展的机制,提出了一个新的框架看法。相较于传统以突变为核心的理解,该新看法的关键点在于,认为癌细胞的持续分裂是其生存的“必须”行为,而非仅受遗传物质突变所指导的被动结果。针对这个看法,文章从代谢模式变化、胞质pH状态、慢性炎症、过量铁积累负荷、芬顿反应等角度分别进行了阐释。对于某些癌种随年龄增长其发病率反而下降,以及某些物种很少发生或几乎不会发生癌症,这种看法也提供了新的解释。
颜林林 (2022-06-08 07:44):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.05.006 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2022, Systematic cross-biospecimen evaluation of DNA extraction kits for long- and short-read multi-metagenomic sequencing studies. DNA提取是宏基因组研究中的第一步湿实验,其质量和稳定性对于后续数据结果产出至关重要。本文对入组受试者采集了胆汁、粪便、唾液、斑块、痰和结膜拭子样本,并使用三个商业试剂盒分别进行DNA提取实验。提取得到的DNA,分别建库和上机测序,包括使用二代测序(华大DNBSEQ-G400测序仪)和三代测序(纳米孔Mk1B MinION测序仪),用以分析和评估微生物组成。其结果显示,不同DNA提取试剂盒之间的差异确实很大,但不同样本类型之间的差异更大。而宏基因组的重要评估特征α多样性,也受到试剂盒及测序深度的明显影响。而相应地,在不同测序技术平台之间,所得到的微生物组成及分类概况基本是一致的,即偏倚主要还是来自于前期样本处理,而非后期建库测序过程。由于不同DNA提取试剂盒的微生物群组成差异很大,因而文章推荐,对于旨在直接比较来自同一患者的多个微生物群的研究,应该采取单一试剂盒的策略,以避免由于试剂盒选择带来的干扰。
High-quality DNA extraction is a crucial step in metagenomic studies. Bias by different isolation kits impairs the comparison across datasets. A trending topic is, however, the analysis of multiple metagenomes … >>>
High-quality DNA extraction is a crucial step in metagenomic studies. Bias by different isolation kits impairs the comparison across datasets. A trending topic is, however, the analysis of multiple metagenomes from the same patients to draw a holistic picture of microbiota associated with diseases. We thus collected bile, stool, saliva, plaque, sputum, and conjunctival swab samples and performed DNA extraction with three commercial kits. For each combination of the specimen type and DNA extraction kit, 20-gigabase (Gb) metagenomic data were generated using short-read sequencing. While profiles of the specimen types showed close proximity to each other, we observed notable differences in the alpha diversity and composition of the microbiota depending on the DNA extraction kits. No kit outperformed all selected kits on every specimen. We reached consistently good results using the Qiagen QiAamp DNA Microbiome Kit. Depending on the specimen, our data indicate that over 10 Gb of sequencing data are required to achieve sufficient resolution, but DNA-based identification is superior to identification by mass spectrometry. Finally, long-read nanopore sequencing confirmed the results (correlation coefficient > 0.98). Our results thus suggest using a strategy with only one kit for studies aiming for a direct comparison of multiple microbiotas from the same patients. <<<