哪有情可长 (2024-02-29 21:01):
#paper A quantitative genomics map of rice provides genetic insights and guides breeding, Nature genetics,01 February 2021, doi.org/10.1038/s41588-020-00769-9. 这篇文章先收集水稻中各种性状前人已经定位的QTL,对QTL区间内的关键功能变异位点锚定到水稻基因组精确的位置上,获取了一个包含348个变异位点和562个等位基因的分子图谱(QTN)。然后对另外收集的404份种质材料,构建包含前面鉴定的等位基因的数据库,方便后人进行遗传改良过程亲本的选择。作者有对基因变异的遗传效应进行评估,来鉴定变异位点的效应方向和量化变化的强弱关系。利用水稻QTN图谱和遗传图,论文作者系统分析了水稻基因组中存在的遗传累赘,并针对杂交-回交-自交、群体样本量、导入位点数等各类情形进行了大数据仿真模拟,获得了育种设计路线的优化参数。这篇文章对我与现在处理大量的小麦GWAS得到的显著的SNP位点,如何进行量化管理,形成对育种家有用的数据很有启发。
IF:31.700Q1 Nature genetics, 2021-02. DOI: 10.1038/s41588-020-00769-9 PMID: 33526925
A quantitative genomics map of rice provides genetic insights and guides breeding
Extensive allelic variation in agronomically important genes serves as the basis of rice breeding. Here, we present a comprehensive map of rice quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) and inferred QTN effects based on eight genome-wide association study cohorts. Population genetic analyses revealed that domestication, local adaptation and heterosis are all associated with QTN allele frequency changes. A genome navigation system, RiceNavi, was developed for QTN pyramiding and breeding route optimization, and implemented in the improvement of a widely cultivated indica variety. This work presents an efficient platform that bridges ever-increasing genomic knowledge and diverse improvement needs in rice.