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吴增丁 (2022-08-31 17:15):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-022-01488-1 这篇于2022年发表在nature method的文章,介绍了一种基于AlphaFold2的蛋白质折叠预测的接口工具ColabFold。该工具首要解决了一个广大用户使用AlphaFold2的难点,就是在无GUP,无大存储计算资源下依然可以使用这些蛋白质结构预测的工具,并且提升了计算速度。 ColabFold工作主要在三个方面:1.在多序列比对(MSA)时用MMseqs2替换了 HMMer和HHblits的方法,从结果看提高了约50倍速度且保持高准确度。值得提一下,MSA在蛋白质结构预测中是主要的限速步骤;2.构建了自己的同源比对数据库ColabFoldDB。 相比较Big Fantastic Databse(BFD)和 MGnify database,ColabFoldDB数据库具有更好的MSA多样性。3.开发基于Google Colaboratory的notebook版本的使用接口 ,这个使用工具允许无计算资源和编程经验的用户方便使用https://github.com/sokrypton/ColabFold。当然也开发了本地命令行版本https://github.com/YoshitakaMo/localcolabfold
IF:36.100Q1 Nature methods, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01488-1 PMID: 35637307 PMCID:PMC9184281
ColabFold offers accelerated prediction of protein structures and complexes by combining the fast homology search of MMseqs2 with AlphaFold2 or RoseTTAFold. ColabFold's 40-60-fold faster search and optimized model utilization enables … >>>
ColabFold offers accelerated prediction of protein structures and complexes by combining the fast homology search of MMseqs2 with AlphaFold2 or RoseTTAFold. ColabFold's 40-60-fold faster search and optimized model utilization enables prediction of close to 1,000 structures per day on a server with one graphics processing unit. Coupled with Google Colaboratory, ColabFold becomes a free and accessible platform for protein folding. ColabFold is open-source software available at https://github.com/sokrypton/ColabFold and its novel environmental databases are available at https://colabfold.mmseqs.com . <<<
吴增丁 (2022-07-31 23:04):
#paper DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aau5516 这是一篇发表在science translational Medicine的文章,证明了一个非常有意思的观点:非编码区是靶向肿瘤特异性抗原的主要来源。 肿瘤特异性抗原 (TSA) 代表了癌症免疫治疗的理想靶标,但是目前鉴定出来的没有多少。因此作者开发了一种基于质谱(MS)蛋白质组学的新抗原鉴定方法,以实现对可能由所有基因组区域编码的 TSA 的高通量筛选和鉴定。在两种鼠癌细胞系和 7 种人类原发性肿瘤中,作者共鉴定了 40 个 TSA,其中约 90% 来自据称非编码区域,并且会被标准的基于外显子组测序(WES-based)的方法遗漏。此外,这些 TSA 中的大多数来源于非突变但异常表达的转录本(例如内源性逆转录因子),这些转录本可能由多种肿瘤类型共享。最后,作者证明,在小鼠中TSA 疫苗接种后的抗肿瘤反应强度受“TSA 表达水平”和 “免疫组库中TSA应答T细胞水平”两个参数的影响,这两个参数可以在人类中临床研究中用于 TSA 优先级选择。总结来说,本文鉴定肿瘤特异性新抗原的策略可以极大地促进人类 TSA 的鉴定以及优先排序的确定。
Tumor-specific antigens (TSAs) represent ideal targets for cancer immunotherapy, but few have been identified thus far. We therefore developed a proteogenomic approach to enable the high-throughput discovery of TSAs coded … >>>
Tumor-specific antigens (TSAs) represent ideal targets for cancer immunotherapy, but few have been identified thus far. We therefore developed a proteogenomic approach to enable the high-throughput discovery of TSAs coded by potentially all genomic regions. In two murine cancer cell lines and seven human primary tumors, we identified a total of 40 TSAs, about 90% of which derived from allegedly noncoding regions and would have been missed by standard exome-based approaches. Moreover, most of these TSAs derived from nonmutated yet aberrantly expressed transcripts (such as endogenous retroelements) that could be shared by multiple tumor types. Last, we demonstrated that, in mice, the strength of antitumor responses after TSA vaccination was influenced by two parameters that can be estimated in humans and could serve for TSA prioritization in clinical studies: TSA expression and the frequency of TSA-responsive T cells in the preimmune repertoire. In conclusion, the strategy reported herein could considerably facilitate the identification and prioritization of actionable human TSAs. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-06-30 16:51):
#paper . doi:10.1038/s41392-021-00572-w 分享一篇发表在2021年nature子刊Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy的有关肿瘤靶向治疗小分子药物研发的综述:Small molecules in targeted cancer therapy: advances, challenges, and future perspectives. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy。 这篇文章汇总了自2001年第一个靶向治疗药物伊马替尼(格列卫--我不是药神)上市以来二十年间89种抗肿瘤小分子药,其对应的靶点涵盖了酪受体氨酸激酶抑制剂(ALK/c-MET/EGFR/FLT3/VEGFR/FGFR/PDGFR/NTRK)、非受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(BCR-ABL/BTK/JAK)、丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶抑制剂(BRAF/MEK/ERK/CDK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR)、酪氨酸激酶样激酶抑制剂(BRAF/MEK/ERK/CDK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR)、 表观遗传抑制剂(EZH/HDAC/IDH1,2)、BCL-2 抑制剂、PROTEASOME 抑制剂、以及合成致死(PARP)。这些靶点中酪氨酸激酶获批的药物最多。本文章并没有太多新颖之处,主要是以量取胜,几乎每一种药物都有相关内容的阐述,所以工作量还是蛮大的。这篇文章适合当做字典对靶向药的查询使用。
Due to the advantages in efficacy and safety compared with traditional chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapeutic drugs have become mainstream cancer treatments. Since the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib was approved … >>>
Due to the advantages in efficacy and safety compared with traditional chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapeutic drugs have become mainstream cancer treatments. Since the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib was approved to enter the market by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, an increasing number of small-molecule targeted drugs have been developed for the treatment of malignancies. By December 2020, 89 small-molecule targeted antitumor drugs have been approved by the US FDA and the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of China. Despite great progress, small-molecule targeted anti-cancer drugs still face many challenges, such as a low response rate and drug resistance. To better promote the development of targeted anti-cancer drugs, we conducted a comprehensive review of small-molecule targeted anti-cancer drugs according to the target classification. We present all the approved drugs as well as important drug candidates in clinical trials for each target, discuss the current challenges, and provide insights and perspectives for the research and development of anti-cancer drugs. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-05-30 14:45):
#paper DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa379 分享这篇2020年发表在NAR上的文章:NetMHCpan-4.1 and NetMHCIIpan-4.0: improved predictions of MHC antigen presentation by concurrent motif deconvolution and integration of MS MHC eluted ligand data。该文章是丹麦科技大学对NetMHCpan系列预测系列软件的更新。人体免疫系统工作的一个很重要的工作原理是:细胞通过组织相容性复合体MHC将细胞内被蛋白酶降解的多肽呈递到细胞表面,从而被T细胞识别,进而激发免疫级联反应。按照呈递抗原表位的来源可将MHC分类为 呈递内源性多肽的MHCI 和呈递外源性多肽的MHCII。现在随着肿瘤免疫治疗的兴起,在治疗性疫苗设计中,关于抗原序列的设计是非常关键。然而设计的抗原是否真的有免疫反应?这个抗原呈递的预测就非常关键,这也是本文章要不断打磨提升抗原呈递算法的核心驱动力。 本文章的相对上一版本的提升之处有两点:1.改进了机器学习的framework,将之前的核心框架NNAlign提升为NNAlign_MA,即更加适应了质谱的训练数据;2.扩大了训练数据集,并且对数据进行了更新标签。做了这些更新后,在性能上相比上一版本及其他类似软件,都获得了更有的PPV.
IF:16.600Q1 Nucleic acids research, 2020-07-02. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa379 PMID: 32406916 PMCID:PMC7319546
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are expressed on the cell surface, where they present peptides to T cells, which gives them a key role in the development of T-cell immune … >>>
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are expressed on the cell surface, where they present peptides to T cells, which gives them a key role in the development of T-cell immune responses. MHC molecules come in two main variants: MHC Class I (MHC-I) and MHC Class II (MHC-II). MHC-I predominantly present peptides derived from intracellular proteins, whereas MHC-II predominantly presents peptides from extracellular proteins. In both cases, the binding between MHC and antigenic peptides is the most selective step in the antigen presentation pathway. Therefore, the prediction of peptide binding to MHC is a powerful utility to predict the possible specificity of a T-cell immune response. Commonly MHC binding prediction tools are trained on binding affinity or mass spectrometry-eluted ligands. Recent studies have however demonstrated how the integration of both data types can boost predictive performances. Inspired by this, we here present NetMHCpan-4.1 and NetMHCIIpan-4.0, two web servers created to predict binding between peptides and MHC-I and MHC-II, respectively. Both methods exploit tailored machine learning strategies to integrate different training data types, resulting in state-of-the-art performance and outperforming their competitors. The servers are available at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetMHCpan-4.1/ and http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetMHCIIpan-4.0/. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-04-29 16:29):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s43018-022-00356-3 Cell type and gene expression deconvolution with BayesPrism enables Bayesian integrative analysis across bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing in oncology (2022) 最近为了能从bulkRNAseq数据中分析出肿瘤一致性,所以在找一款比较好用的cellar deconvolution的软件。这方面引用量最好的是CIBERSORT及CIBERSORTx,但是这两款软件存在显示的缺点是只能online分析,不能本地化部署。看到前几天(2022年4月25日)刚在Nature Cancer上发表的BayesPrism,它可以本地化部署且提供的源码,赶紧读一读且拿来了试用。 该软件采用了贝叶斯统计模型,利用已经对cell type/ cell states注释过的single cell data作为 Reference,实现了从bulk RNAseq中推断出不同肿瘤细胞的组成及比例,而且还估计除了不同cell type的gene expression。而且从文章自己展示的性能看,已经超过了CIBERSORT/CIBERSORTx/Bisque/MUSiC 了,并且在肿瘤细胞10%以上的样本中,得到的表达谱和真实表达谱相关性大于0.9。
IF:23.500Q1 Nature cancer, 2022-04. DOI: 10.1038/s43018-022-00356-3 PMID: 35469013 PMCID:PMC9046084
Inferring single-cell compositions and their contributions to global gene expression changes from bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) datasets is a major challenge in oncology. Here we develop Bayesian cell proportion reconstruction … >>>
Inferring single-cell compositions and their contributions to global gene expression changes from bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) datasets is a major challenge in oncology. Here we develop Bayesian cell proportion reconstruction inferred using statistical marginalization (BayesPrism), a Bayesian method to predict cellular composition and gene expression in individual cell types from bulk RNA-seq, using patient-derived, scRNA-seq as prior information. We conduct integrative analyses in primary glioblastoma, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and skin cutaneous melanoma to correlate cell type composition with clinical outcomes across tumor types, and explore spatial heterogeneity in malignant and nonmalignant cell states. We refine current cancer subtypes using gene expression annotation after exclusion of confounding nonmalignant cells. Finally, we identify genes whose expression in malignant cells correlates with macrophage infiltration, T cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells across multiple tumor types. Our work introduces a new lens to accurately infer cellular composition and expression in large cohorts of bulk RNA-seq data. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-04-02 17:54):
#paper Lang, F., Schrörs, B., Löwer, M. et al. Identification of neoantigens for individualized therapeutic cancer vaccines. Nat Rev Drug Discov 21, 261–282 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41573-021-00387-y 这篇最近发表在Nat Rev Drug Discov的综述文章用较长的篇幅介绍了新抗原neoantigen疫苗在肿瘤临床个性化治疗的应用。核心内容包括三个方面:1.新抗原能够产生免疫治疗效果前提与机理,即新抗原的呈递和被免疫细胞的识别;2.提出了一种新的新抗原的分类;3.鉴定新抗原的方法。 篇幅有限,此处1/3两点不做更多详述。重点介绍下第2点--新抗原的分类。传统上一般根据产生新抗原的somatic 突变类型进行分类的,比如SNV/INDEL/FUSION/splice variants等。但是作者根据临床表现来将新抗原分为Guarding neoantigen、Restrained neoantigen、Ignored neoantigen。 其中Guarding Neo是能够自然天然的帮助身体产生对肿瘤细胞的免疫反应,再不需要而外干预的情况抑制了肿瘤细胞的生长。这主要两种情况,一是肿瘤细胞正好有很强的免疫原性,激活了native T,并进一步激活了整个免疫反应;二是由于cross- reactive 效果,即机体可能再产生肿瘤细胞前因为病原感染产生了对某种多肽的免疫,并有了记忆T细胞,正好新生肿瘤中的新抗原含有这个多肽;其二Restrained neoantigen,这个是为什么PD-L1抑制剂能起作用的原因;其三Ignored neoantigen ,这是最有潜力用于免疫治疗的新抗原。
Somatic mutations in cancer cells can generate tumour-specific neoepitopes, which are recognized by autologous T cells in the host. As neoepitopes are not subject to central immune tolerance and are … >>>
Somatic mutations in cancer cells can generate tumour-specific neoepitopes, which are recognized by autologous T cells in the host. As neoepitopes are not subject to central immune tolerance and are not expressed in healthy tissues, they are attractive targets for therapeutic cancer vaccines. Because the vast majority of cancer mutations are unique to the individual patient, harnessing the full potential of this rich source of targets requires individualized treatment approaches. Many computational algorithms and machine-learning tools have been developed to identify mutations in sequence data, to prioritize those that are more likely to be recognized by T cells and to design tailored vaccines for every patient. In this Review, we fill the gaps between the understanding of basic mechanisms of T cell recognition of neoantigens and the computational approaches for discovery of somatic mutations and neoantigen prediction for cancer immunotherapy. We present a new classification of neoantigens, distinguishing between guarding, restrained and ignored neoantigens, based on how they confer proficient antitumour immunity in a given clinical context. Such context-based differentiation will contribute to a framework that connects neoantigen biology to the clinical setting and medical peculiarities of cancer, and will enable future neoantigen-based therapies to provide greater clinical benefit. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-04-02 11:39):
#paper  Sahin, U., Oehm, P., Derhovanessian, E. et al. An RNA vaccine drives immunity in checkpoint-inhibitor-treated melanoma. Nature 585, 107–112 (2020).  doi:org/10.1038/s41586-020-2537-9 这篇2020年发表在Nautre文章介绍了BioNtech关于FixVac BNT111的I期临床结果,它是2016年pre-clinical 研究( doi.org/10.1038/nature18300)的clinical 研究的延续。该文章首先介绍了临床研究设计: 1.药物核心还是用临川前验证有效的RNA-LPX载体递送四个TAA (NY-ESO-1/Tyrosinase/MAGE-A3/TPTE); 2.通过总共纳入了89例黑色素瘤患者,做了 a.剂量爬坡 、b.剂量范围(7.2-400ug totalRNA)、c. 单用及联合PD-1 抑制剂分别进行cohort验证药效和安全性分析。 最终结果显示单独或与PD1抑制剂联用,都可以介导晚期无法手术的患者产生客观缓解(OR)。通过进一步研究分析产生客观缓解的患者体内伴随着很强的CD4+和CD8+ T 细胞,这个水平几乎和T-cell治疗的水平相当,并且有持久效果。综合显示,TAA BNT111对治疗黑色素瘤取得较好效果。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2020-09. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2537-9 PMID: 32728218
Treating patients who have cancer with vaccines that stimulate a targeted immune response is conceptually appealing, but cancer vaccine trials have not been successful in late-stage patients with treatment-refractory tumours. … >>>
Treating patients who have cancer with vaccines that stimulate a targeted immune response is conceptually appealing, but cancer vaccine trials have not been successful in late-stage patients with treatment-refractory tumours. We are testing melanoma FixVac (BNT111)-an intravenously administered liposomal RNA (RNA-LPX) vaccine, which targets four non-mutated, tumour-associated antigens that are prevalent in melanoma-in an ongoing, first-in-human, dose-escalation phase I trial in patients with advanced melanoma (Lipo-MERIT trial, ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02410733). We report here data from an exploratory interim analysis that show that melanoma FixVac, alone or in combination with blockade of the checkpoint inhibitor PD1, mediates durable objective responses in checkpoint-inhibitor (CPI)-experienced patients with unresectable melanoma. Clinical responses are accompanied by the induction of strong CD4 and CD8 T cell immunity against the vaccine antigens. The antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cell responses in some responders reach magnitudes typically reported for adoptive T-cell therapy, and are durable. Our findings indicate that RNA-LPX vaccination is a potent immunotherapy in patients with CPI-experienced melanoma, and suggest the general utility of non-mutant shared tumour antigens as targets for cancer vaccination. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-04-01 16:41):
#paper Kranz, L., Diken, M., Haas, H. et al. Systemic RNA delivery to dendritic cells exploits antiviral defence for cancer immunotherapy. Nature 534, 396–401 (2016). DOI:10.1038/nature18300 该文章是BioNtech在2016年发表的,展示了其公司开发的RNA-LPX递送载体技术,以及利用该提送技术成功地将包含四个Tumor associate antigen (NY-SYO-1,MAGE-A3,tyrosinase,TPTE)的FixVac panel,成功推到了临床研究阶段。1.该研究在pre-clinical阶段:a.探索了LPX载体的生产工艺,包括其电荷比,mRNA:Lipid比例等关键参数等。b.探索了mRNA在老鼠体内的表达位置,通过调整DOTAM/DOPE比例,将mRNA的表达主要局限在spleen和骨髓中;c.通过注射能表达流感免疫原的mRNA,评估确定了mRNA能正常表达,且在老鼠体内产生了免疫反应;d.在小鼠体内也能对肿瘤产生免疫反应;2. 在clinical阶段,采用了四个在黑色素瘤中特异高表达的Tumor associate antigen (NY-SYO-1,MAGE-A3,tyrosinase,TPTE),并对纳入临床研究的几例patien分析评估其产生了免疫反应。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2016-06-16. DOI: 10.1038/nature18300 PMID: 27281205
Lymphoid organs, in which antigen presenting cells (APCs) are in close proximity to T cells, are the ideal microenvironment for efficient priming and amplification of T-cell responses. However, the systemic … >>>
Lymphoid organs, in which antigen presenting cells (APCs) are in close proximity to T cells, are the ideal microenvironment for efficient priming and amplification of T-cell responses. However, the systemic delivery of vaccine antigens into dendritic cells (DCs) is hampered by various technical challenges. Here we show that DCs can be targeted precisely and effectively in vivo using intravenously administered RNA-lipoplexes (RNA-LPX) based on well-known lipid carriers by optimally adjusting net charge, without the need for functionalization of particles with molecular ligands. The LPX protects RNA from extracellular ribonucleases and mediates its efficient uptake and expression of the encoded antigen by DC populations and macrophages in various lymphoid compartments. RNA-LPX triggers interferon-α (IFNα) release by plasmacytoid DCs and macrophages. Consequently, DC maturation in situ and inflammatory immune mechanisms reminiscent of those in the early systemic phase of viral infection are activated. We show that RNA-LPX encoding viral or mutant neo-antigens or endogenous self-antigens induce strong effector and memory T-cell responses, and mediate potent IFNα-dependent rejection of progressive tumours. A phase I dose-escalation trial testing RNA-LPX that encode shared tumour antigens is ongoing. In the first three melanoma patients treated at a low-dose level, IFNα and strong antigen-specific T-cell responses were induced, supporting the identified mode of action and potency. As any polypeptide-based antigen can be encoded as RNA, RNA-LPX represent a universally applicable vaccine class for systemic DC targeting and synchronized induction of both highly potent adaptive as well as type-I-IFN-mediated innate immune mechanisms for cancer immunotherapy. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-03-07 16:08):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.01.007 这篇张力和沈琳于2022年1月份发表在Cancer Cell上的一篇letter,题目是《Time to raise the bar: Transition rate of phase 1 programs on anticancer drugs》。 这篇文章的核心主题正如文章标题:一期临床的研发药物太多了,需要提高进入一期临床的门槛。 1.文章通过分析在中国的于2012-2020年期间进入一期临床的413个抗肿瘤药物(剔除了生物仿制药和非专利药)各期临床的成功率、通过率、叫停率,发现最终NMPA通过批准比例是5.8%,相比FDA通过率5.3%差异不大。但是和上一个十年(13.2%)比降低了很多; 2.分析其中的原因:a. 近十年的肿瘤药物更多是分析靶向药(MTA)和免疫抑制剂药(IO),这些药物相比之前的化疗药物,其药效和安全性上面没有更多直接的关系,药效也更加复杂,增加了不少不可控因素;b. 另外在中国有很多ME-Too药物,这些药物最终不能很好证明优于其它药物导致不能获批; 3.对比分析ME-Too 和First-in-Class药物,first-in-class药物具有更高的通过率。而且First-in-class药物一遍具有更深的pre-clinical和研究,而且在first-in-human的临床研究中更多会采用全球多中心、大cohort、biomarker-enriched的patient筛选的方法,这些方法也更有利于药物最终获批。 所以文章最终观点是:呼吁加深pre-clinical的深入研究,同时在法规上提高进入临床实验的门槛。
吴增丁 (2022-02-28 16:36):
#paper Towards precision medicine for AML #link https://www.nature.com/articles/s41571-021-00509-w 这篇21年发表在nature reviews clinical oncology上的文章,综述了最新的关于AML精准治疗相关的信息。在靶向治疗、免疫治疗方面非常详细地列举了对应靶点,以及这些靶点能够用来实现靶向治疗的细胞生物学逻辑。 血液病的治疗方案不像肺癌那么丰富,本综述基本上把AML目前的治疗方案和靶点都有探讨到了,适合对AML整体概貌了解
With rapid advances in sequencing technologies, tremendous progress has been made in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), thus revealing enormous genetic and clonal heterogeneity, and paving … >>>
With rapid advances in sequencing technologies, tremendous progress has been made in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), thus revealing enormous genetic and clonal heterogeneity, and paving the way for precision medicine approaches. The successful development of precision medicine for patients with AML has been exemplified by the introduction of targeted FLT3, IDH1/IDH2 and BCL-2 inhibitors. When used as single agents, these inhibitors display moderate antileukaemic activity. However, augmented clinical activity has been demonstrated when they are administered in combination with drugs with broader mechanisms of action targeting epigenetic and/or other oncogenic signalling pathways or with conventional cytotoxic agents. The development of immunotherapies has been hampered by the expression of antigens that are expressed by both leukaemic and non-malignant haematopoietic progenitor cells; nonetheless, a diverse range of immunotherapies are now entering clinical development. This myriad of emerging agents also creates challenges, such as how to safely combine agents with different mechanisms of action, the need to circumvent primary and secondary resistance, and new challenges in future clinical trial design. In this Review, we discuss the current state of precision medicine for AML, including both the potential to improve patient outcomes and the related challenges. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-01-20 17:31):
#paper doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt178,这篇文章是2013年发表在nucleic acids research上的,标题“Translating mRNAs strongly correlate to proteins in a multivariate manner and their translation ratios are phenotype specific” 核心卖点:用一种RNC-seq的方法,证明了RNC-mRNA与蛋白组定量存在显著相关性(R2=0.94) 文章意义:1、尝试探索中心法则中的定量关系:定性上我们都知道DNA到RNA到protein,但是前期研究发现。有些mRNA有表达甚至量也不低,怎么在protein上就没有呢?前期有人尝试用total mRNA 和蛋白质组做相关性,但是结果很不理想。本文作者张弓发现通过RNC-mRNA和 SILAC-based MS 表征的蛋白组相关性,在引入了mRNA-length这个变量后,得到相关系数达到0.94。 2、开发了一个NGS-based 研究方法——RNC-seq (mRNAs bound to ribosome-nascent chain complex) 个人认为第1点意义很大,相当于在RNA层面找到了一个蛋白质组研究的替代方法,这个大大简便了研究,尤其是在转化医学要求检测技术手段越简单操作越好的时代。但是问题来了,为什么这个技术follow的人怎么少呢?
IF:16.600Q1 Nucleic acids research, 2013-May. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt178 PMID: 23519614 PMCID:PMC3643591
As a well-known phenomenon, total mRNAs poorly correlate to proteins in their abundances as reported. Recent findings calculated with bivariate models suggested even poorer such correlation, whereas focusing on the … >>>
As a well-known phenomenon, total mRNAs poorly correlate to proteins in their abundances as reported. Recent findings calculated with bivariate models suggested even poorer such correlation, whereas focusing on the translating mRNAs (ribosome nascent-chain complex-bound mRNAs, RNC-mRNAs) subset. In this study, we analysed the relative abundances of mRNAs, RNC-mRNAs and proteins on genome-wide scale, comparing human lung cancer A549 and H1299 cells with normal human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells, respectively. As discovered, a strong correlation between RNC-mRNAs and proteins in their relative abundances could be established through a multivariate linear model by integrating the mRNA length as a key factor. The R(2) reached 0.94 and 0.97 in A549 versus HBE and H1299 versus HBE comparisons, respectively. This correlation highlighted that the mRNA length significantly contributes to the translational modulation, especially to the translational initiation, favoured by its correlation with the mRNA translation ratio (TR) as observed. We found TR is highly phenotype specific, which was substantiated by both pathway analysis and biased TRs of the splice variants of BDP1 gene, which is a key transcription factor of transfer RNAs. These findings revealed, for the first time, the intrinsic and genome-wide translation modulations at translatomic level in human cells at steady-state, which are tightly correlated to the protein abundance and functionally relevant to cellular phenotypes. <<<