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张贝 (2023-08-31 22:32):
#paper Lung cancer scRNA-seq and lipidomics reveal aberrant lipid metabolism for early-stage diagnosis. Sci Transi Med.2022 Feb 2;14(630):eabk2756. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abk2756. 本研究首先通过单细胞测序技术分析早期肺癌组织与健康肺组织之间的表达差异,发现在肺癌组织中脂代谢通路相关基因表达显著下调,提示外周血脂代谢产物可作为肺癌早筛的生物标志物。通过高分辨质谱平台分析肺癌患者和健康人外周血脂代谢产物异同,构建并优化肺癌预测模型(分别构建LCAIDv1.0和LCAIDv2.0两个版本模型),分析两个版本模型的检测性能(前者包括训练集/测试集,后者包括训练集/独立验证集/筛查队列/前瞻队列),论证了LCAID在肺癌早筛中非常可靠有效。LCAIDv2.0在1.0版本上共筛选出9个血浆脂质标志物,提示该方法具有IVD的可能性。
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality, and early detection is key to improving survival. However, there are no reliable blood-based tests currently available for early-stage lung cancer … >>>
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality, and early detection is key to improving survival. However, there are no reliable blood-based tests currently available for early-stage lung cancer diagnosis. Here, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of different early-stage lung cancers and found that lipid metabolism was broadly dysregulated in different cell types, with glycerophospholipid metabolism as the most altered lipid metabolism-related pathway. Untargeted lipidomics was carried out in an exploratory cohort of 311 participants. Through support vector machine algorithm-based and mass spectrum-based feature selection, we identified nine lipids (lysophosphatidylcholines 16:0, 18:0, and 20:4; phosphatidylcholines 16:0-18:1, 16:0-18:2, 18:0-18:1, 18:0-18:2, and 16:0-22:6; and triglycerides 16:0-18:1-18:1) as the features most important for early-stage cancer detection. Using these nine features, we developed a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS)-based targeted assay using multiple reaction monitoring. This target assay achieved 100.00% specificity on an independent validation cohort. In a hospital-based lung cancer screening cohort of 1036 participants examined by low-dose computed tomography and a prospective clinical cohort containing 109 participants, the assay reached more than 90.00% sensitivity and 92.00% specificity. Accordingly, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS imaging confirmed that the selected lipids were differentially expressed in early-stage lung cancer tissues in situ. This method, designated as Lung Cancer Artificial Intelligence Detector, may be useful for early detection of lung cancer or large-scale screening of high-risk populations for cancer prevention. <<<
吴增丁 (2022-07-31 23:04):
#paper DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aau5516 这是一篇发表在science translational Medicine的文章,证明了一个非常有意思的观点:非编码区是靶向肿瘤特异性抗原的主要来源。 肿瘤特异性抗原 (TSA) 代表了癌症免疫治疗的理想靶标,但是目前鉴定出来的没有多少。因此作者开发了一种基于质谱(MS)蛋白质组学的新抗原鉴定方法,以实现对可能由所有基因组区域编码的 TSA 的高通量筛选和鉴定。在两种鼠癌细胞系和 7 种人类原发性肿瘤中,作者共鉴定了 40 个 TSA,其中约 90% 来自据称非编码区域,并且会被标准的基于外显子组测序(WES-based)的方法遗漏。此外,这些 TSA 中的大多数来源于非突变但异常表达的转录本(例如内源性逆转录因子),这些转录本可能由多种肿瘤类型共享。最后,作者证明,在小鼠中TSA 疫苗接种后的抗肿瘤反应强度受“TSA 表达水平”和 “免疫组库中TSA应答T细胞水平”两个参数的影响,这两个参数可以在人类中临床研究中用于 TSA 优先级选择。总结来说,本文鉴定肿瘤特异性新抗原的策略可以极大地促进人类 TSA 的鉴定以及优先排序的确定。
Tumor-specific antigens (TSAs) represent ideal targets for cancer immunotherapy, but few have been identified thus far. We therefore developed a proteogenomic approach to enable the high-throughput discovery of TSAs coded … >>>
Tumor-specific antigens (TSAs) represent ideal targets for cancer immunotherapy, but few have been identified thus far. We therefore developed a proteogenomic approach to enable the high-throughput discovery of TSAs coded by potentially all genomic regions. In two murine cancer cell lines and seven human primary tumors, we identified a total of 40 TSAs, about 90% of which derived from allegedly noncoding regions and would have been missed by standard exome-based approaches. Moreover, most of these TSAs derived from nonmutated yet aberrantly expressed transcripts (such as endogenous retroelements) that could be shared by multiple tumor types. Last, we demonstrated that, in mice, the strength of antitumor responses after TSA vaccination was influenced by two parameters that can be estimated in humans and could serve for TSA prioritization in clinical studies: TSA expression and the frequency of TSA-responsive T cells in the preimmune repertoire. In conclusion, the strategy reported herein could considerably facilitate the identification and prioritization of actionable human TSAs. <<<