吴增丁 (2022-04-01 16:41):
#paper Kranz, L., Diken, M., Haas, H. et al. Systemic RNA delivery to dendritic cells exploits antiviral defence for cancer immunotherapy. Nature 534, 396–401 (2016). DOI:10.1038/nature18300 该文章是BioNtech在2016年发表的,展示了其公司开发的RNA-LPX递送载体技术,以及利用该提送技术成功地将包含四个Tumor associate antigen (NY-SYO-1,MAGE-A3,tyrosinase,TPTE)的FixVac panel,成功推到了临床研究阶段。1.该研究在pre-clinical阶段:a.探索了LPX载体的生产工艺,包括其电荷比,mRNA:Lipid比例等关键参数等。b.探索了mRNA在老鼠体内的表达位置,通过调整DOTAM/DOPE比例,将mRNA的表达主要局限在spleen和骨髓中;c.通过注射能表达流感免疫原的mRNA,评估确定了mRNA能正常表达,且在老鼠体内产生了免疫反应;d.在小鼠体内也能对肿瘤产生免疫反应;2. 在clinical阶段,采用了四个在黑色素瘤中特异高表达的Tumor associate antigen (NY-SYO-1,MAGE-A3,tyrosinase,TPTE),并对纳入临床研究的几例patien分析评估其产生了免疫反应。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2016-06-16. DOI: 10.1038/nature18300 PMID: 27281205
Systemic RNA delivery to dendritic cells exploits antiviral defence for cancer immunotherapy
Lymphoid organs, in which antigen presenting cells (APCs) are in close proximity to T cells, are the ideal microenvironment for efficient priming and amplification of T-cell responses. However, the systemic delivery of vaccine antigens into dendritic cells (DCs) is hampered by various technical challenges. Here we show that DCs can be targeted precisely and effectively in vivo using intravenously administered RNA-lipoplexes (RNA-LPX) based on well-known lipid carriers by optimally adjusting net charge, without the need for functionalization of particles with molecular ligands. The LPX protects RNA from extracellular ribonucleases and mediates its efficient uptake and expression of the encoded antigen by DC populations and macrophages in various lymphoid compartments. RNA-LPX triggers interferon-α (IFNα) release by plasmacytoid DCs and macrophages. Consequently, DC maturation in situ and inflammatory immune mechanisms reminiscent of those in the early systemic phase of viral infection are activated. We show that RNA-LPX encoding viral or mutant neo-antigens or endogenous self-antigens induce strong effector and memory T-cell responses, and mediate potent IFNα-dependent rejection of progressive tumours. A phase I dose-escalation trial testing RNA-LPX that encode shared tumour antigens is ongoing. In the first three melanoma patients treated at a low-dose level, IFNα and strong antigen-specific T-cell responses were induced, supporting the identified mode of action and potency. As any polypeptide-based antigen can be encoded as RNA, RNA-LPX represent a universally applicable vaccine class for systemic DC targeting and synchronized induction of both highly potent adaptive as well as type-I-IFN-mediated innate immune mechanisms for cancer immunotherapy.