吴增丁 (2022-02-28 16:36):
#paper Towards precision medicine for AML #link https://www.nature.com/articles/s41571-021-00509-w 这篇21年发表在nature reviews clinical oncology上的文章,综述了最新的关于AML精准治疗相关的信息。在靶向治疗、免疫治疗方面非常详细地列举了对应靶点,以及这些靶点能够用来实现靶向治疗的细胞生物学逻辑。 血液病的治疗方案不像肺癌那么丰富,本综述基本上把AML目前的治疗方案和靶点都有探讨到了,适合对AML整体概貌了解
Towards precision medicine for AML
With rapid advances in sequencing technologies, tremendous progress has been made in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), thus revealing enormous genetic and clonal heterogeneity, and paving the way for precision medicine approaches. The successful development of precision medicine for patients with AML has been exemplified by the introduction of targeted FLT3, IDH1/IDH2 and BCL-2 inhibitors. When used as single agents, these inhibitors display moderate antileukaemic activity. However, augmented clinical activity has been demonstrated when they are administered in combination with drugs with broader mechanisms of action targeting epigenetic and/or other oncogenic signalling pathways or with conventional cytotoxic agents. The development of immunotherapies has been hampered by the expression of antigens that are expressed by both leukaemic and non-malignant haematopoietic progenitor cells; nonetheless, a diverse range of immunotherapies are now entering clinical development. This myriad of emerging agents also creates challenges, such as how to safely combine agents with different mechanisms of action, the need to circumvent primary and secondary resistance, and new challenges in future clinical trial design. In this Review, we discuss the current state of precision medicine for AML, including both the potential to improve patient outcomes and the related challenges.