来自杂志 Signal transduction and targeted therapy 的文献。
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吴增丁 (2022-06-30 16:51):
#paper . doi:10.1038/s41392-021-00572-w 分享一篇发表在2021年nature子刊Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy的有关肿瘤靶向治疗小分子药物研发的综述:Small molecules in targeted cancer therapy: advances, challenges, and future perspectives. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy。 这篇文章汇总了自2001年第一个靶向治疗药物伊马替尼(格列卫--我不是药神)上市以来二十年间89种抗肿瘤小分子药,其对应的靶点涵盖了酪受体氨酸激酶抑制剂(ALK/c-MET/EGFR/FLT3/VEGFR/FGFR/PDGFR/NTRK)、非受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(BCR-ABL/BTK/JAK)、丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶抑制剂(BRAF/MEK/ERK/CDK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR)、酪氨酸激酶样激酶抑制剂(BRAF/MEK/ERK/CDK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR)、 表观遗传抑制剂(EZH/HDAC/IDH1,2)、BCL-2 抑制剂、PROTEASOME 抑制剂、以及合成致死(PARP)。这些靶点中酪氨酸激酶获批的药物最多。本文章并没有太多新颖之处,主要是以量取胜,几乎每一种药物都有相关内容的阐述,所以工作量还是蛮大的。这篇文章适合当做字典对靶向药的查询使用。
Due to the advantages in efficacy and safety compared with traditional chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapeutic drugs have become mainstream cancer treatments. Since the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib was approved … >>>
Due to the advantages in efficacy and safety compared with traditional chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapeutic drugs have become mainstream cancer treatments. Since the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib was approved to enter the market by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, an increasing number of small-molecule targeted drugs have been developed for the treatment of malignancies. By December 2020, 89 small-molecule targeted antitumor drugs have been approved by the US FDA and the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of China. Despite great progress, small-molecule targeted anti-cancer drugs still face many challenges, such as a low response rate and drug resistance. To better promote the development of targeted anti-cancer drugs, we conducted a comprehensive review of small-molecule targeted anti-cancer drugs according to the target classification. We present all the approved drugs as well as important drug candidates in clinical trials for each target, discuss the current challenges, and provide insights and perspectives for the research and development of anti-cancer drugs. <<<
张贝 (2022-05-31 22:51):
#paper  DOI: 10.1038/s41392-021-00501-x Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021. Targeting Erbin in B cells for therapy of lung metastasis of colorectal cancer. 结直肠癌是全球致死率最高的癌症之一,其中肺是结直肠癌转移的第二大器官,但目前关于结直肠癌肺转移的机制以及涉及到的肿瘤环境中的关键因子还尚不明确。本文作者发现结直肠癌肺转移中lgA产生的肠道免疫网络明显失调。单细胞RNA测序发现Erbin(富含亮氨酸重复序列和PDZ域(LAP)家族的一员)阳性的B细胞亚型参与了肺转移。敲除B细胞的Erbin抑制体内结直肠癌的肺转移。从机制上讲,Erbin基因敲除减弱了TGFβ介导的CXCR5 + IgA +细胞迁移和STAT6介导的PD1表达的抑制。该研究揭示了Erbin在CRC肺转移中调节PD1 + IgA + B细胞的关键作用。靶向Erbin以及联合使用中和B细胞和中和PD1的抗体可抑制小鼠结直肠癌的肺转移,该研究为治疗结直肠癌肺转移提供潜在的选择。
The mechanisms and key factors involved in tumor environments for lung metastasis of CRC are still unclear. Here, using clinical samples from lung metastases of CRC patients, we found that … >>>
The mechanisms and key factors involved in tumor environments for lung metastasis of CRC are still unclear. Here, using clinical samples from lung metastases of CRC patients, we found that intestinal immune network for IgA production was significantly dysregulated in lung metastases of CRC. Single-cell RNA sequencing discovered a subtype of B cells positive for Erbin, one member of the leucine-rich repeat and PDZ domain (LAP) family, was involved in the lung metastases. Erbin deletion in B cells suppressed lung metastasis of CRC in vivo. And, deletion of Erbin in B cells enhanced the killing effects of CD8 T cells on tumor cells. Mechanistically, Erbin knockout attenuated TGFβ-mediated suppression of migration of CXCR5 IgA cells and STAT6-mediated PD1 expression. Our study uncovered a key role of Erbin in regulating PD1 IgA B cells in lung metastasis of CRC. Targeting Erbin as well as combined use of neutralizing B cells and antibodies neutralizing PD1 suppresses lung metastasis of CRC in mice, suggesting the potential option for treatment of lung metastasis of CRC. <<<
June (2022-04-30 14:29):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41392-022-00936-w该研究通过将 RT 与核酸酶野生型 Cas9 (WT-PE) 融合来进行大规模基因组操作,设计了一种新的先导编辑系统。与传统的先导编辑器(PE2)不同,这种新系统同时在目标位点引入了一个 DSB 和一个 3' 延伸的瓣,然后通过内源机制将它们整合到基因组中。当它与配对的 pegRNA 结合时,WT-PE 实现了高效的大规模基因组编辑,包括大片段缺失和染色体易位。因此, WT-PE 系统可能有助于建模或治疗与大片段畸变相关的疾病。
Large scale genomic aberrations including duplication, deletion, translocation, and other structural changes are the cause of a subtype of hereditary genetic disorders and contribute to onset or progress of cancer. … >>>
Large scale genomic aberrations including duplication, deletion, translocation, and other structural changes are the cause of a subtype of hereditary genetic disorders and contribute to onset or progress of cancer. The current prime editor, PE2, consisting of Cas9-nickase and reverse transcriptase enables efficient editing of genomic deletion and insertion, however, at small scale. Here, we designed a novel prime editor by fusing reverse transcriptase (RT) to nuclease wild-type Cas9 (WT-PE) to edit large genomic fragment. WT-PE system simultaneously introduced a double strand break (DSB) and a single 3' extended flap in the target site. Coupled with paired prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs) that have complementary sequences in their 3' terminus while target different genomic regions, WT-PE produced bi-directional prime editing, which enabled efficient and versatile large-scale genome editing, including large fragment deletion up to 16.8 megabase (Mb) pairs and chromosomal translocation. Therefore, our WT-PE system has great potential to model or treat diseases related to large-fragment aberrations. <<<