DeDe宝 (2024-02-15 16:06):
#paper doi:10.7554/eLife.91825.3 A spatial-attentional mechanism underlies action-related distortions of time judgment,eLife 时间绑定(Temporal binding)指一种动作和稍微延迟的感官事件之间的时间吸引力的错觉,由动作绑定(action binding,即被报告为较晚发生的动作)和结果绑定(outcome binding,即被报告为较早发生的感觉事件)组成。然而,在使用Libet时钟方法测量时间判断时,视觉空间注意力的影响被严重忽视。结果绑定通常是通过比较动作声音(AS)条件和仅声音(SO)条件来获得的,被试报告声音播放时时钟指针指向的位置,AS 条件下报告的时间比 SO 条件下的报告时间早。动作绑定通过比较AS条件和AO条件,AS 条件下报告的按键时间晚于 AO 条件下报告的按键时间。在本研究的四个实验中,研究者使用时钟方法证明了由动作和感觉刺激引起的时间绑定中注意力调节的不同模式。此外,单独使用注意力测量的计算模型可以重现时间绑定效应,为时间绑定的注意力假设提供强有力的支持证据。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2024. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.91825.3
A spatial-attentional mechanism underlies action-related distortions of time judgment
Temporal binding has been understood as an illusion in timing judgment. When an action triggers an outcome (e.g. a sound) after a brief delay, the action is reported to occur later than if the outcome does not occur, and the outcome is reported to occur earlier than a similar outcome not caused by an action. We show here that an attention mechanism underlies the seeming illusion of timing judgment. In one method, participants watch a rotating clock hand and report event times by noting the clock hand position when the event occurs. We find that visual spatial attention is critically involved in shaping event time reports made in this way. This occurs because action and outcome events result in shifts of attention around the clock rim, thereby biasing the perceived location of the clock hand. Using a probe detection task to measure attention, we show a difference in the distribution of visual spatial attention between a single-event condition (sound only or action only) and a two-event agency condition (action plus sound). Participants accordingly report the timing of the same event (the sound or the action) differently in the two conditions: spatial attentional shifts masquerading as temporal binding. Furthermore, computational modeling based on the attention measure can reproduce the temporal binding effect. Studies that use time judgment as an implicit marker of voluntary agency should first discount the artefactual changes in event timing reports that actually reflect differences in spatial attention. The study also has important implications for related results in mental chronometry obtained with the clock-like method since Wundt, as attention may well be a critical confounding factor in the interpretation of these studies.