DeDe宝 (2024-04-05 01:19):
#paper, Prior probability cues bias sensory encoding with increasing task exposure, doi:先验影响被试的反应时间和反应结果,之前的计算模型通常将先验的影响归因于选择方案时的调整(即先验的影响发生在决策阶段)。然而,最近的研究表明,先验也可能直接影响感官证据(似然)。在本研究中,研究者用脑电图记录了神经活动,同时被试在多个测试过程中使用有效先验、无效先验或中性先验执行对比辨别任务。研究者通过对比依赖的稳态视觉诱发电位(SSVEP)测量了感觉证据编码,而标准调整的读数则由运动皮层上的效应器选择性 mu-β 带活动提供。研究着发现先验对运动和SSVEP 均产生了显着的调节。研究表明,除了对决策过程进行战略调整之外,先验概率信息还会引起编码的偏差。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2024. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.91135.3
Prior probability cues bias sensory encoding with increasing task exposure
When observers have prior knowledge about the likely outcome of their perceptual decisions, they exhibit robust behavioural biases in reaction time and choice accuracy. Computational modelling typically attributes these effects to strategic adjustments in the criterion amount of evidence required to commit to a choice alternative - usually implemented by a starting point shift - but recent work suggests that expectations may also fundamentally bias the encoding of the sensory evidence itself. Here, we recorded neural activity with EEG while participants performed a contrast discrimination task with valid, invalid, or neutral probabilistic cues across multiple testing sessions. We measured sensory evidence encoding via contrast-dependent steady-state visual-evoked potentials (SSVEP), while a read-out of criterion adjustments was provided by effector-selective mu-beta band activity over motor cortex. In keeping with prior modelling and neural recording studies, cues evoked substantial biases in motor preparation consistent with criterion adjustments, but we additionally found that the cues produced a significant modulation of the SSVEP during evidence presentation. While motor preparation adjustments were observed in the earliest trials, the sensory-level effects only emerged with extended task exposure. Our results suggest that, in addition to strategic adjustments to the decision process, probabilistic information can also induce subtle biases in the encoding of the evidence itself.