DeDe宝 (2023-12-13 23:02):
#paper,,A Bayesian and efficient observer model explains concurrent attractive and repulsive history biases in visual perception,人类的视觉感知受到历史经验的影响,同时产生排斥性偏差和吸引性偏差,且二者具有不同的时间尺度:吸引性偏差的衰减速度快,只由上一个试次刺激影响产生,排斥性偏差衰减速度慢,可以持续受到过去数分钟的刺激的影响,暗示吸引性和排斥性偏差的机制是分离的。但是,目前仍不清楚吸引性的偏差和排斥性的偏差在知觉决策过程中是否相互作用以及如何相互作用。这篇研究结合了快速编码框架和贝叶斯解码模型,同时捕获了吸引性偏差和排斥性偏差的关键特征。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2020-06-01. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.55389 PMID: 32479264
A Bayesian and efficient observer model explains concurrent attractive and repulsive history biases in visual perception
Human perceptual decisions can be repelled away from (repulsive adaptation) or attracted towards recent visual experience (attractive serial dependence). It is currently unclear whether and how these repulsive and attractive biases interact during visual processing and what computational principles underlie these history dependencies. Here we disentangle repulsive and attractive biases by exploring their respective timescales. We find that perceptual decisions are concurrently attracted towards the short-term perceptual history and repelled from stimuli experienced up to minutes into the past. The temporal pattern of short-term attraction and long-term repulsion cannot be captured by an ideal Bayesian observer model alone. Instead, it is well captured by an ideal observer model with efficient encoding and Bayesian decoding of visual information in a slowly changing environment. Concurrent attractive and repulsive history biases in perceptual decisions may thus be the consequence of the need for visual processing to simultaneously satisfy constraints of efficiency and stability.