muton (2023-03-31 22:44):
#paper Extra-hippocampal contributions to pattern separation 模式分离,或记忆中高度相似的刺激或经验由不重叠的神经组合代表的过程,通常被归结为由海马体支持的过程。然而,广泛研究的证据表明,模式分离是一个由大脑区域网络支持的多阶段过程。基于这些证据,再加上文献中的相关发现,作者提出了 "皮质-海马模式分离"(CHiPS)框架,认为参与认知控制的大脑区域在模式分离中发挥了重要作用。特别是,这些区域可能通过以下方式对模式分离做出贡献:(1)解决投射到海马的感觉区域的干扰,从而调节其皮质输入;或(2)根据任务要求直接调节海马的过程。本文创新之处是作者认为模式分离也同样受到新皮层-海马而不仅仅是海马的支持。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2023-03-27. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.82250 PMID: 36972123
Extra-hippocampal contributions to pattern separation
Pattern separation, or the process by which highly similar stimuli or experiences in memory are represented by non-overlapping neural ensembles, has typically been ascribed to processes supported by the hippocampus. Converging evidence from a wide range of studies, however, suggests that pattern separation is a multistage process supported by a network of brain regions. Based on this evidence, considered together with related findings from the interference resolution literature, we propose the 'cortico-hippocampal pattern separation' (CHiPS) framework, which asserts that brain regions involved in cognitive control play a significant role in pattern separation. Particularly, these regions may contribute to pattern separation by (1) resolving interference in sensory regions that project to the hippocampus, thus regulating its cortical input, or (2) directly modulating hippocampal processes in accordance with task demands. Considering recent interest in how hippocampal operations are modulated by goal states likely represented and regulated by extra-hippocampal regions, we argue that pattern separation is similarly supported by neocortical-hippocampal interactions.