来自用户 张德祥 的文献。
当前共找到 43 篇文献分享,本页显示第 21 - 40 篇。
张德祥 (2022-08-10 18:02):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.220226 An insula hierarchical network architecture for active interoceptive inference 具身智能,如何具身呢?人类对自身是如何调控的?大脑由维持生存功能的内脏器官组成,包括胃肠、心血管、呼吸、体温调节、激素和免疫系统; 根据主动推理理论,大脑使用通过经验或心理模拟获得的内部生成模型,不断生成对预期感官数据的递减或自上而下的预测.在主动推理中,代理的目标是找到最优的动作策略,例如在给定的环境中快速选择动作、肌肉激活模式、决策和社会行为的规则或策略,其最小化由代理与环境的交互或采样产生的预测和实际感觉输入之间的自由能或预测误差,例如在家或在公共场合的社会交互的质量,驾驶或行走时的街道导航,健康食物的选择, 学习演奏乐器,打篮球时运球还是传球,婴儿学习在光滑或粗糙的表面上行走。 将主动推断和同种异体异位的概念统一在主动内感受推断的范围内,以表明大脑还创建和存储身体内部环境的生成内感受模型,并使用这种内感受模型来解释上升的内感受信号,并生成下降的内感受预测,以调节和实现内脏器官和生理过程的期望状态,例如心率、激素释放、免疫系统的激活和能量代谢。 心血管调节研究已经可靠地证明,人类可以主动学习提高或降低心率和血压。对人类和动物的其他研究也观察到了对内脏反应的预期和自愿控制,包括心率、血压、血容量、呼吸、胃肠功能、肠道控制、瞳孔扩张、皮肤电活动、体温、免疫抑制和血氧水平.总的来说,这些心理生理学研究表明,内脏反应的学习,至少对于那些人类可以施加自愿控制的反应,可能遵循在运动行为中观察到的类似适应原则,例如行为控制中的学习和变化阶段、先验知识的影响、学习或概括的转移、反馈的效率、效应器特异性和对所学内脏反应的认识. 论文图片展示了1 交感和副交感神经系统的组织结构图,2 岛叶上行内感受性通路图 3 主动内感受性推理的岛叶、前额叶皮质和纹状体平行网络层级图。
IF:2.900Q1 Royal Society open science, 2022-Jun. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.220226 PMID: 35774133
In the brain, the insular cortex receives a vast amount of interoceptive information, ascending through deep brain structures, from multiple visceral organs. The unique hierarchical and modular architecture of the … >>>
In the brain, the insular cortex receives a vast amount of interoceptive information, ascending through deep brain structures, from multiple visceral organs. The unique hierarchical and modular architecture of the insula suggests specialization for processing interoceptive afferents. Yet, the biological significance of the insula's neuroanatomical architecture, in relation to deep brain structures, remains obscure. In this opinion piece, we propose the Insula Hierarchical Modular Adaptive Interoception Control (IMAC) model to suggest that insula modules (granular, dysgranular and agranular), forming parallel networks with the prefrontal cortex and striatum, are specialized to form higher order interoceptive representations. These interoceptive representations are recruited in a context-dependent manner to support habitual, model-based and exploratory control of visceral organs and physiological processes. We discuss how insula interoceptive representations may give rise to conscious feelings that best explain lower order deep brain interoceptive representations, and how the insula may serve to defend the body and mind against pathological depression. <<<
张德祥 (2022-08-09 15:11):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1162%2Fneco_a_01341 Deeply Felt Affect: The Emergence of Valence in Deep Active Inference 智能从模式识别,识别后的第二阶是模型对自我模型识别的信心-confidence,第三阶还可以对自我信心的信心,这种自下而上及自上而下才是真正的层级模型,hierarchical model;另外一种层级模型是 从训练角度看,1监督训练无智能,2动作行动闭环环境有反馈,3增加时间维度的长时反馈,4再一个层次是基于经验的行动信念的自上而下指导,5还可以继续有信念的信念; 6推理的时候也可以按照信念的强度进行推理。另外文章中的图表展示非常棒
IF:2.700Q3 Neural computation, 2021-02. DOI: 10.1162/neco_a_01341 PMID: 33253028
The positive-negative axis of emotional valence has long been recognized as fundamental to adaptive behavior, but its origin and underlying function have largely eluded formal theorizing and computational modeling. Using … >>>
The positive-negative axis of emotional valence has long been recognized as fundamental to adaptive behavior, but its origin and underlying function have largely eluded formal theorizing and computational modeling. Using deep active inference, a hierarchical inference scheme that rests on inverting a model of how sensory data are generated, we develop a principled Bayesian model of emotional valence. This formulation asserts that agents infer their valence state based on the expected precision of their action model-an internal estimate of overall model fitness ("subjective fitness"). This index of subjective fitness can be estimated within any environment and exploits the domain generality of second-order beliefs (beliefs about beliefs). We show how maintaining internal valence representations allows the ensuing affective agent to optimize confidence in action selection preemptively. Valence representations can in turn be optimized by leveraging the (Bayes-optimal) updating term for subjective fitness, which we label affective charge (AC). AC tracks changes in fitness estimates and lends a sign to otherwise unsigned divergences between predictions and outcomes. We simulate the resulting affective inference by subjecting an in silico affective agent to a T-maze paradigm requiring context learning, followed by context reversal. This formulation of affective inference offers a principled account of the link between affect, (mental) action, and implicit metacognition. It characterizes how a deep biological system can infer its affective state and reduce uncertainty about such inferences through internal action (i.e., top-down modulation of priors that underwrite confidence). Thus, we demonstrate the potential of active inference to provide a formal and computationally tractable account of affect. Our demonstration of the face validity and potential utility of this formulation represents the first step within a larger research program. Next, this model can be leveraged to test the hypothesized role of valence by fitting the model to behavioral and neuronal responses. <<<
张德祥 (2022-08-08 13:55):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2022.03.036 Branching Time Active Inference: The theory and its generality 图模型现在应用越来越多,alphafold 也使用了图模型,图模型是否可以自动扩展,根据mcts动态扩展图结构的研究之前还未出现,这篇论文结合MCTS与主动推理,提出了自动扩展生成图模型的算法,值得关注。主动推理模型的复杂程度正在越来越复杂,层次模型,高阶模型,信念模型,这些如果整合好,有望出现一个强大的模型。
Over the last 10 to 15 years, active inference has helped to explain various brain mechanisms from habit formation to dopaminergic discharge and even modelling curiosity. However, the current implementations … >>>
Over the last 10 to 15 years, active inference has helped to explain various brain mechanisms from habit formation to dopaminergic discharge and even modelling curiosity. However, the current implementations suffer from an exponential (space and time) complexity class when computing the prior over all the possible policies up to the time-horizon. Fountas et al. (2020) used Monte Carlo tree search to address this problem, leading to impressive results in two different tasks. In this paper, we present an alternative framework that aims to unify tree search and active inference by casting planning as a structure learning problem. Two tree search algorithms are then presented. The first propagates the expected free energy forward in time (i.e., towards the leaves), while the second propagates it backward (i.e., towards the root). Then, we demonstrate that forward and backward propagations are related to active inference and sophisticated inference, respectively, thereby clarifying the differences between those two planning strategies. <<<
张德祥 (2022-07-19 18:49):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2207.04630 On the Principles of Parsimony and Self-Consistency for the Emergence of Intelligence 马毅的这篇论文已经有公众号报道过了,马毅结合自己的之前的两个工作,LDR 数据压缩及闭环生成模型的深度网络,将压缩和闭环生成提炼为简约和自洽的智能原则,本论文继续提出了更多通用性的想法,并扩展到3d视觉及强化学习并预测对神经科学及高级智能的影响。
Ten years into the revival of deep networks and artificial intelligence, we propose a theoretical framework that sheds light on understanding deep networks within a bigger picture of Intelligence in … >>>
Ten years into the revival of deep networks and artificial intelligence, we propose a theoretical framework that sheds light on understanding deep networks within a bigger picture of Intelligence in general. We introduce two fundamental principles, Parsimony and Self-consistency, that address two fundamental questions regarding Intelligence: what to learn and how to learn, respectively. We believe the two principles are the cornerstones for the emergence of Intelligence, artificial or natural. While these two principles have rich classical roots, we argue that they can be stated anew in entirely measurable and computable ways. More specifically, the two principles lead to an effective and efficient computational framework, compressive closed-loop transcription, that unifies and explains the evolution of modern deep networks and many artificial intelligence practices. While we mainly use modeling of visual data as an example, we believe the two principles will unify understanding of broad families of autonomous intelligent systems and provide a framework for understanding the brain. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-30 16:36):
#paper https://doi.org/10.3390/e24060819 Competency in Navigating Arbitrary Spaces as an Invariant for Analyzing Cognition in Diverse Embodiments 我们在3d空间的导航能力熟视无睹,其实不然,很多女士对方位非常困惑;另外从认知角度看,各种认知能力及不同的知识的掌握都类似于在特定的数学空间的导航能力。这篇论文分析了生物空间的不同导航情况,比如dna的展开,身体发育的展开;这些空间的适用性行为在大脑之前就存在,而且很稳定,很智能;作者从自由能的主动推理推导出一个动作空间的抽象,更多可参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/e6xmn7Xo-mp9UuuxKWVJ6g
One of the most salient features of life is its capacity to handle novelty and namely to thrive and adapt to new circumstances and changes in both the environment and … >>>
One of the most salient features of life is its capacity to handle novelty and namely to thrive and adapt to new circumstances and changes in both the environment and internal components. An understanding of this capacity is central to several fields: the evolution of form and function, the design of effective strategies for biomedicine, and the creation of novel life forms via chimeric and bioengineering technologies. Here, we review instructive examples of living organisms solving diverse problems and propose competent navigation in arbitrary spaces as an invariant for thinking about the scaling of cognition during evolution. We argue that our innate capacity to recognize agency and intelligence in unfamiliar guises lags far behind our ability to detect it in familiar behavioral contexts. The multi-scale competency of life is essential to adaptive function, potentiating evolution and providing strategies for top-down control (not micromanagement) to address complex disease and injury. We propose an observer-focused viewpoint that is agnostic about scale and implementation, illustrating how evolution pivoted similar strategies to explore and exploit metabolic, transcriptional, morphological, and finally 3D motion spaces. By generalizing the concept of behavior, we gain novel perspectives on evolution, strategies for system-level biomedical interventions, and the construction of bioengineered intelligences. This framework is a first step toward relating to intelligence in highly unfamiliar embodiments, which will be essential for progress in artificial intelligence and regenerative medicine and for thriving in a world increasingly populated by synthetic, bio-robotic, and hybrid beings. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-30 16:23):
#paper https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2020.00041 An Active Inference Approach to Modeling Structure Learning: Concept Learning as an Example Case 概念学习是AI的难点,如果学习新概念,去掉冗余概念或冗余认识,提高认知的泛化,及使用无监督学习,这几个难点合在一起更难,这篇论文对概念学习进行了尝试和验证,给出了良好结果的实验,值得参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lSkIsuTiDESVBxZcm9PY-w
Within computational neuroscience, the algorithmic and neural basis of structure learning remains poorly understood. Concept learning is one primary example, which requires both a type of internal model expansion process … >>>
Within computational neuroscience, the algorithmic and neural basis of structure learning remains poorly understood. Concept learning is one primary example, which requires both a type of internal model expansion process (adding novel hidden states that explain new observations), and a model reduction process (merging different states into one underlying cause and thus reducing model complexity via meta-learning). Although various algorithmic models of concept learning have been proposed within machine learning and cognitive science, many are limited to various degrees by an inability to generalize, the need for very large amounts of training data, and/or insufficiently established biological plausibility. Using concept learning as an example case, we introduce a novel approach for modeling structure learning-and specifically state-space expansion and reduction-within the active inference framework and its accompanying neural process theory. Our aim is to demonstrate its potential to facilitate a novel line of active inference research in this area. The approach we lay out is based on the idea that a generative model can be equipped with extra (hidden state or cause) "slots" that can be engaged when an agent learns about novel concepts. This can be combined with a Bayesian model reduction process, in which any concept learning-associated with these slots-can be reset in favor of a simpler model with higher model evidence. We use simulations to illustrate this model's ability to add new concepts to its state space (with relatively few observations) and increase the granularity of the concepts it currently possesses. We also simulate the predicted neural basis of these processes. We further show that it can accomplish a simple form of "one-shot" generalization to new stimuli. Although deliberately simple, these simulation results highlight ways in which active inference could offer useful resources in developing neurocomputational models of structure learning. They provide a template for how future active inference research could apply this approach to real-world structure learning problems and assess the added utility it may offer. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-30 16:22):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.09.011 World model learning and inference 最近lecun 提出了他的AGI世界模型架构,lecun名气从深度学习的奠基而来,生物认知方面还是有所欠缺,这篇论文的第二部分的概述层次深入,逐步递进,讲解了从感知的不同时间维度,从感知到动作到推理的层次递进。很有深度,看参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MwBCBIvRG5HdcDwJL0rK5w
Understanding information processing in the brain-and creating general-purpose artificial intelligence-are long-standing aspirations of scientists and engineers worldwide. The distinctive features of human intelligence are high-level cognition and control in various … >>>
Understanding information processing in the brain-and creating general-purpose artificial intelligence-are long-standing aspirations of scientists and engineers worldwide. The distinctive features of human intelligence are high-level cognition and control in various interactions with the world including the self, which are not defined in advance and are vary over time. The challenge of building human-like intelligent machines, as well as progress in brain science and behavioural analyses, robotics, and their associated theoretical formalisations, speaks to the importance of the world-model learning and inference. In this article, after briefly surveying the history and challenges of internal model learning and probabilistic learning, we introduce the free energy principle, which provides a useful framework within which to consider neuronal computation and probabilistic world models. Next, we showcase examples of human behaviour and cognition explained under that principle. We then describe symbol emergence in the context of probabilistic modelling, as a topic at the frontiers of cognitive robotics. Lastly, we review recent progress in creating human-like intelligence by using novel probabilistic programming languages. The striking consensus that emerges from these studies is that probabilistic descriptions of learning and inference are powerful and effective ways to create human-like artificial intelligent machines and to understand intelligence in the context of how humans interact with their world. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-23 09:27):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2022.104714 Neurons as hierarchies of quantum reference frames Author links open overlay panel 神经元的概念和模型已经落后于经验数据几十年了,现在的神经网络的启发概念是几十年前的模型,人工智能现在很需要从生物高效的神经元模型获得启发,这篇论文用量子信息论的工具扩展现在的神经元模型,这种表示法中量子参考系扮演了层次主动推理的模型,生物计算是否跟量子有关还存在很多争议,这篇论文也列举了部分证据数据。期待生物启发的高效神经元模型的出现。
Conceptual and mathematical models of neurons have lagged behind empirical understanding for decades. Here we extend previous work in modeling biological systems with fully scale-independent quantum information-theoretic tools to develop … >>>
Conceptual and mathematical models of neurons have lagged behind empirical understanding for decades. Here we extend previous work in modeling biological systems with fully scale-independent quantum information-theoretic tools to develop a uniform, scalable representation of synapses, dendritic and axonal processes, neurons, and local networks of neurons. In this representation, hierarchies of quantum reference frames act as hierarchical active-inference systems. The resulting model enables specific predictions of correlations between synaptic activity, dendritic remodeling, and trophic reward. We summarize how the model may be generalized to nonneural cells and tissues in developmental and regenerative contexts. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-22 20:03):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.10.077 Life, death, and self: Fundamental questions of primitive cognition viewed through the lens of body plasticity and synthetic organisms 形体改变对认知会产生什么影响?化茧成蝶,蝌蚪青蛙,随着脑机接口的发展,人类也会逐渐体会到形体改变对我们的影响。这是一个新的跨学科领域,位于认知科学、再生生物学、合成生物工程和神经科学的交叉点。通过连续的生命史解开身体和心灵的可塑性。随着人工生命的发展,这个领域会有更大的发展。
Central to the study of cognition is being able to specify the Subject that is making decisions and owning memories and preferences. However, all real cognitive agents are made of … >>>
Central to the study of cognition is being able to specify the Subject that is making decisions and owning memories and preferences. However, all real cognitive agents are made of parts (such as brains made of cells). The integration of many active subunits into a coherent Self appearing at a larger scale of organization is one of the fundamental questions of evolutionary cognitive science. Typical biological model systems, whether basal or advanced, have a static anatomical structure which obscures important aspects of the mind-body relationship. Recent advances in bioengineering now make it possible to assemble, disassemble, and recombine biological structures at the cell, organ, and whole organism levels. Regenerative biology and controlled chimerism reveal that studies of cognition in intact, "standard", evolved animal bodies are just a narrow slice of a much bigger and as-yet largely unexplored reality: the incredible plasticity of dynamic morphogenesis of biological forms that house and support diverse types of cognition. The ability to produce living organisms in novel configurations makes clear that traditional concepts, such as body, organism, genetic lineage, death, and memory are not as well-defined as commonly thought, and need considerable revision to account for the possible spectrum of living entities. Here, I review fascinating examples of experimental biology illustrating that the boundaries demarcating somatic and cognitive Selves are fluid, providing an opportunity to sharpen inquiries about how evolution exploits physical forces for multi-scale cognition. Developmental (pre-neural) bioelectricity contributes a novel perspective on how the dynamic control of growth and form of the body evolved into sophisticated cognitive capabilities. Most importantly, the development of functional biobots - synthetic living machines with behavioral capacity - provides a roadmap for greatly expanding our understanding of the origin and capacities of cognition in all of its possible material implementations, especially those that emerge de novo, with no lengthy evolutionary history of matching behavioral programs to bodyplan. Viewing fundamental questions through the lens of new, constructed living forms will have diverse impacts, not only in basic evolutionary biology and cognitive science, but also in regenerative medicine of the brain and in artificial intelligence. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-22 19:56):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1093/nc/niab013 Minimal physicalism as a scale-free substrate for cognition and consciousness 论文提出意识和认知的无尺度表征,认为高级生物的认知和意识可以追溯到细菌等基础系统的认知反应,论文借鉴了量子生物学等进展,最小物理讲信息和能量视为形式等价,最小物理无标度,适用分子细胞有机体等尺度;最小物理由信息交换、马尔科夫链、参考系组成。论文最后提出了17个预测,剪切内容可以参考 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/JoajaXP0plzmfmBHSuzYaQ
Theories of consciousness and cognition that assume a neural substrate automatically regard phylogenetically basal, nonneural systems as nonconscious and noncognitive. Here, we advance a scale-free characterization of consciousness and cognition … >>>
Theories of consciousness and cognition that assume a neural substrate automatically regard phylogenetically basal, nonneural systems as nonconscious and noncognitive. Here, we advance a scale-free characterization of consciousness and cognition that regards basal systems, including synthetic constructs, as not only informative about the structure and function of experience in more complex systems but also as offering distinct advantages for experimental manipulation. Our "minimal physicalist" approach makes no assumptions beyond those of quantum information theory, and hence is applicable from the molecular scale upwards. We show that standard concepts including integrated information, state broadcasting via small-world networks, and hierarchical Bayesian inference emerge naturally in this setting, and that common phenomena including stigmergic memory, perceptual coarse-graining, and attention switching follow directly from the thermodynamic requirements of classical computation. We show that the self-representation that lies at the heart of human autonoetic awareness can be traced as far back as, and serves the same basic functions as, the stress response in bacteria and other basal systems. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-22 19:35):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2022.05.006 A free energy principle for generic quantum systems 自由能作为一个无尺度的概念框架,这篇论文讲FEP的适用范围扩展到了一般的量子系统,论文表明量子生物的领域比现在了解的要大的多。预测分子级别的动力学实现了量子信息处理。技术细节没有基础,个人感觉难度比较大,欢迎朋友一起研读。
The Free Energy Principle (FEP) states that under suitable conditions of weak coupling, random dynamical systems with sufficient degrees of freedom will behave so as to minimize an upper bound, … >>>
The Free Energy Principle (FEP) states that under suitable conditions of weak coupling, random dynamical systems with sufficient degrees of freedom will behave so as to minimize an upper bound, formalized as a variational free energy, on surprisal (a.k.a., self-information). This upper bound can be read as a Bayesian prediction error. Equivalently, its negative is a lower bound on Bayesian model evidence (a.k.a., marginal likelihood). In short, certain random dynamical systems evince a kind of self-evidencing. Here, we reformulate the FEP in the formal setting of spacetime-background free, scale-free quantum information theory. We show how generic quantum systems can be regarded as observers, which with the standard freedom of choice assumption become agents capable of assigning semantics to observational outcomes. We show how such agents minimize Bayesian prediction error in environments characterized by uncertainty, insufficient learning, and quantum contextuality. We show that in its quantum-theoretic formulation, the FEP is asymptotically equivalent to the Principle of Unitarity. Based on these results, we suggest that biological systems employ quantum coherence as a computational resource and - implicitly - as a communication resource. We summarize a number of problems for future research, particularly involving the resources required for classical communication and for detecting and responding to quantum context switches. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-22 19:20):
#paper DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-022-03480-w Active inference models do not contradict folk psychology 主动推理作为一个大框架,能否跟传统心理学中的各种高级概念兼容?这篇论文对两者进行了对比分析,结论是主动推理架构跟传统心理学的高级概念: 信念 愿望 意图兼容,虽然主动推理的数学中没有这些概念的直接定义,但是主动推理的公式中概念的含义可以跟这些高级心理概念对应。
AbstractActive inference offers a unified theory of perception, learning, and decision-making at computational and neural levels of description. In this article, we address the worry that active inference may be … >>>
AbstractActive inference offers a unified theory of perception, learning, and decision-making at computational and neural levels of description. In this article, we address the worry that active inference may be in tension with the belief–desire–intention (BDI) model within folk psychology because it does not include terms for desires (or other conative constructs) at the mathematical level of description. To resolve this concern, we first provide a brief review of the historical progression from predictive coding to active inference, enabling us to distinguish between active inference formulations of motor control (which need not have desires under folk psychology) and active inference formulations of decision processes (which do have desires within folk psychology). We then show that, despite a superficial tension when viewed at the mathematical level of description, the active inference formalism contains terms that are readily identifiable as encoding both the objects of desire and the strength of desire at the psychological level of description. We demonstrate this with simple simulations of an active inference agent motivated to leave a dark room for different reasons. Despite their consistency, we further show how active inference may increase the granularity of folk-psychological descriptions by highlighting distinctions between drives to seek information versus reward—and how it may also offer more precise, quantitative folk-psychological predictions. Finally, we consider how the implicitly conative components of active inference may have partial analogues (i.e., “as if” desires) in other systems describable by the broader free energy principle to which it conforms. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-12 23:52):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmp.2021.102632 A step-by-step tutorial on active inference and its application to empirical data 零基础入门自由能理论框架及代码编程细节,本论文从自由能基础开始介绍,以构建马尔科夫模型为中心,以落地掌握应用为目标,使用matlab代码,也介绍有开源python代码,有基础讲解也有高阶功能介绍,有层级模型的解读,内容还是比较多,深入下去看需要很大功夫。关键点推荐参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FlqNQzCphhefOlgDD6vL9g
The active inference framework, and in particular its recent formulation as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), has gained increasing popularity in recent years as a useful approach for … >>>
The active inference framework, and in particular its recent formulation as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), has gained increasing popularity in recent years as a useful approach for modeling neurocognitive processes. This framework is highly general and flexible in its ability to be customized to model any cognitive process, as well as simulate predicted neuronal responses based on its accompanying neural process theory. It also affords both simulation experiments for proof of principle and behavioral modeling for empirical studies. However, there are limited resources that explain how to build and run these models in practice, which limits their widespread use. Most introductions assume a technical background in programming, mathematics, and machine learning. In this paper we offer a step-by-step tutorial on how to build POMDPs, run simulations using standard MATLAB routines, and fit these models to empirical data. We assume a minimal background in programming and mathematics, thoroughly explain all equations, and provide exemplar scripts that can be customized for both theoretical and empirical studies. Our goal is to provide the reader with the requisite background knowledge and practical tools to apply active inference to their own research. We also provide optional technical sections and multiple appendices, which offer the interested reader additional technical details. This tutorial should provide the reader with all the tools necessary to use these models and to follow emerging advances in active inference research. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-11 20:31):
#paper DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s13164-021-00579-w Active Inference as a Computational Framework for Consciousness 意识作为一个复杂的现象,对它的研究应该梳理好研究方法,研究思路,研究框架,研究;自由能作为一个统一的框架,包括主动推理,预测过程等,对意识研究提供了整合的帮助,包括因果反事实,层次框架等,这篇论文对此进行了相关阐述,罗列了相关实验,可以参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/q7dsFAXTz00-rfdz6Qlw8A
Recently, the mechanistic framework of active inference has been put forward as a principled foundation to develop an overarching theory of consciousness which would help address conceptual disparities in the … >>>
Recently, the mechanistic framework of active inference has been put forward as a principled foundation to develop an overarching theory of consciousness which would help address conceptual disparities in the field (Wiese 2018; Hohwy and Seth 2020). For that promise to bear out, we argue that current proposals resting on the active inference scheme need refinement to become a process theory of consciousness. One way of improving a theory in mechanistic terms is to use formalisms such as computational models that implement, attune and validate the conceptual notions put forward. Here, we examine how computational modelling approaches have been used to refine the theoretical proposals linking active inference and consciousness, with a focus on the extent and success to which they have been developed to accommodate different facets of consciousness and experimental paradigms, as well as how simulations and empirical data have been used to test and improve these computational models. While current attempts using this approach have shown promising results, we argue they remain preliminary in nature. To refine their predictive and structural validity, testing those models against empirical data is needed i.e., new and unobserved neural data. A remaining challenge for active inference to become a theory of consciousness is to generalize the model to accommodate the broad range of consciousness explananda; and in particular to account for the phenomenological aspects of experience. Notwithstanding these gaps, this approach has proven to be a valuable avenue for theory advancement and holds great potential for future research. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-08 21:18):
#paper DOI https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/68nhy 意识很难定义,那如何研究意识,通过范畴论中的yoneda lemma,我们可以通过研究一个对象的关系来研究这个对象,这个方法对研究意识非常有帮助。这一创新的数学范畴应用到意识的研究思路希望可以推进意识的研究。
Characterizing consciousness in and of itself is notoriously difficult. Any effort to define consciousness seems to evade what it tries to achieve. In particular, definitions often involve comparisons of different … >>>
Characterizing consciousness in and of itself is notoriously difficult. Any effort to define consciousness seems to evade what it tries to achieve. In particular, definitions often involve comparisons of different kinds of “consciousness” in a self-referential manner. The tautological nature of characterizing consciousness has led some scholars to propose that establishing a science of consciousness is infeasible. Here, we propose an alternative approach to characterize, and to eventually define, consciousness through exhaustive descriptions of consciousness’ relationships to all other consciousness. This approach is mathematically founded in category theory. Indeed, category theory can prove two objects A and B in a category can be equivalent if and only if all the relationships that A holds with others in the category are the same as those of B; this proof is called the Yoneda lemma. To introduce the Yoneda lemma, we gradually introduce key concepts of category theory to consciousness researchers in this paper. Along the way, we propose several possible definitions of categories of consciousness, both in terms of level and contents, through the usage of simple examples. We also propose empirical research programs that can test the validity of our proposed categories of consciousness and to improve them. We propose to use the categorical structure of consciousness as a gold standard if one tries to empirically test some structural theories of consciousness, such as Integrated Information Theory of consciousness. <<<
张德祥 (2022-06-08 12:38):
#paper DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s13164-021-00604-y 意识科学之前大多通过人类自我的反思来思考,后面随着工具的发展,脑科学工具的发展,从神经扫描,脑电波等等途径继续分析,这些仍然是从现象入手,随着主动推理,自由能框架的发展,自由能对非稳态复杂系统,生命的建模,这个框架自然建模了智能及意识等,这篇就是从自由能入手分析意识的计算方法分析。详情参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nltUaly_iaGD6poIAHGn4A
This paper presents a version of neurophenomenology based on generative modelling techniques developed in computational neuroscience and biology. Our approach can be described as because it applies methods originally developed … >>>
This paper presents a version of neurophenomenology based on generative modelling techniques developed in computational neuroscience and biology. Our approach can be described as because it applies methods originally developed in computational modelling to provide a formal model of the descriptions of lived experience in the phenomenological tradition of philosophy (e.g., the work of Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, etc.). The first section presents a brief review of the overall project to naturalize phenomenology. The second section presents and evaluates philosophical objections to that project and situates our version of computational phenomenology with respect to these projects. The third section reviews the generative modelling framework. The final section presents our approach in detail. We conclude by discussing how our approach differs from previous attempts to use generative modelling to help understand consciousness. In summary, we describe a version of computational phenomenology which uses generative modelling to construct a computational model of the inferential or interpretive processes that best explain this or that kind of lived experience. <<<
张德祥 (2022-05-26 21:26):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X19002000 大脑的贝叶斯预测理论需要哪些具体的技术理论支撑,这篇论文认为需要抽象的表示,这篇论文对抽象表示进行了分析,从业界缺乏的抽象定义开始,持续进行了深入的分析 详细参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bOVnaFqjvmAXXEDTq36yWQ
In recent years, scientists have increasingly taken to investigate the predictive nature of cognition. We argue that prediction relies on abstraction, and thus theories of predictive cognition need an explicit … >>>
In recent years, scientists have increasingly taken to investigate the predictive nature of cognition. We argue that prediction relies on abstraction, and thus theories of predictive cognition need an explicit theory of abstract representation. We propose such a theory of the abstract representational capacities that allow humans to transcend the "here-and-now." Consistent with the predictive cognition literature, we suggest that the representational substrates of the mind are built as a hierarchy, ranging from the concrete to the abstract; however, we argue that there are qualitative differences between elements along this hierarchy, generating meaningful, often unacknowledged, diversity. Echoing views from philosophy, we suggest that the representational hierarchy can be parsed into: modality-specific representations, instantiated on perceptual similarity; multimodal representations, instantiated primarily on the discovery of spatiotemporal contiguity; and categorical representations, instantiated primarily on social interaction. These elements serve as the building blocks of complex structures discussed in cognitive psychology (e.g., episodes, scripts) and are the inputs for mental representations that behave like functions, typically discussed in linguistics (i.e., predicators). We support our argument for representational diversity by explaining how the elements in our ontology are all required to account for humans' predictive cognition (e.g., in subserving logic-based prediction; in optimizing the trade-off between accurate and detailed predictions) and by examining how the neuroscientific evidence coheres with our account. In doing so, we provide a testable model of the neural bases of conceptual cognition and highlight several important implications to research on self-projection, reinforcement learning, and predictive-processing models of psychopathology. <<<
张德祥 (2022-05-22 05:39):
#paper book ISBN: 978-3-319-42337-1 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42337-1 这本书介绍了主观逻辑推理及相关很多内容,扩展了概率推理,包括演绎推理,因果溯源推理,多来源信息证据的融合算法,贝叶斯主观网络等内容。很新的前沿内容。16年出版;全书ppt等等参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wLRHPnJaUWM1cVgBfqmWgA
Abstract: No abstract available.
张德祥 (2022-05-07 11:31):
#paper doi:10.11896/jsjkx.210500158 基于物理信息的神经网络: 最新进展与展望 神经网络的强大高效已经被人们认识,缺点也逐渐暴露,物理模型有严格的推导,对物理世界有很好的先验,结合起来效率提升,这篇中文文章调研了这个领域的最新进展,表一对理论和应用总结的不错,论文对NS方程也有大量的调研,值得参考。
基于物理信息的神经网络(Physics-informed Neural Networks,PINN),是一类用于解决有监督学习任务的神经网络,它不仅尽力遵循训练数据样本的分布规律,而且遵守由偏微分方程描述的物理定律。与纯数据驱动的神经网络学习相比,PINN在训练过程中施加了物理信息约束,因此能用更少的数据样本学习得到更具泛化能力的模型。近年来,PINN已逐渐成为机器学习和计算数学交叉学科的研究热点,并在理论和应用方面都获得了相对深入的研究,取得了可观的进展。但PINN独特的网络结构在实际应用中也存在训练缓慢甚至不收敛、精度低等问题。文中在总结当前PINN研究的基础上,对其网络/体系设计及其在流体力学等多个领域中的应用进行了探究,并展望了进一步的研究方向。 >>>
基于物理信息的神经网络(Physics-informed Neural Networks,PINN),是一类用于解决有监督学习任务的神经网络,它不仅尽力遵循训练数据样本的分布规律,而且遵守由偏微分方程描述的物理定律。与纯数据驱动的神经网络学习相比,PINN在训练过程中施加了物理信息约束,因此能用更少的数据样本学习得到更具泛化能力的模型。近年来,PINN已逐渐成为机器学习和计算数学交叉学科的研究热点,并在理论和应用方面都获得了相对深入的研究,取得了可观的进展。但PINN独特的网络结构在实际应用中也存在训练缓慢甚至不收敛、精度低等问题。文中在总结当前PINN研究的基础上,对其网络/体系设计及其在流体力学等多个领域中的应用进行了探究,并展望了进一步的研究方向。 <<<
张德祥 (2022-05-02 09:28):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2001.04385 Universal Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learnin 我们提供一流的工具来求解微分方程 我们提供用于推导和拟合科学模型的工具 我们提供高级域特定建模工具,使科学建模更易于访问 我们提供科学机器学习中最新算法的高级实现 我们为所有常见科学编程语言的用户提供使用我们工具的能力 我们提供用于研究科学机器学习方法的工具 我们的目标是什么 我们构建的一切都与自动微分兼容 性能被视为优先事项,性能问题被视为错误 我们的软件包使用科学模拟和机器学习工具进行了常规和稳健的测试 我们紧跟计算硬件的进步,以确保与最新的高性能计算工具兼容。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jR_2A1IqqZ1J8idmXb9Tpg
In the context of science, the well-known adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" might well be "a model is worth a thousand datasets." In this manuscript we introduce … >>>
In the context of science, the well-known adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" might well be "a model is worth a thousand datasets." In this manuscript we introduce the SciML software ecosystem as a tool for mixing the information of physical laws and scientific models with data-driven machine learning approaches. We describe a mathematical object, which we denote universal differential equations (UDEs), as the unifying framework connecting the ecosystem. We show how a wide variety of applications, from automatically discovering biological mechanisms to solving high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, can be phrased and efficiently handled through the UDE formalism and its tooling. We demonstrate the generality of the software tooling to handle stochasticity, delays, and implicit constraints. This funnels the wide variety of SciML applications into a core set of training mechanisms which are highly optimized, stabilized for stiff equations, and compatible with distributed parallelism and GPU accelerators. <<<