张德祥 (2022-06-30 16:22):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.09.011 World model learning and inference 最近lecun 提出了他的AGI世界模型架构,lecun名气从深度学习的奠基而来,生物认知方面还是有所欠缺,这篇论文的第二部分的概述层次深入,逐步递进,讲解了从感知的不同时间维度,从感知到动作到推理的层次递进。很有深度,看参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MwBCBIvRG5HdcDwJL0rK5w
World model learning and inference
Understanding information processing in the brain-and creating general-purpose artificial intelligence-are long-standing aspirations of scientists and engineers worldwide. The distinctive features of human intelligence are high-level cognition and control in various interactions with the world including the self, which are not defined in advance and are vary over time. The challenge of building human-like intelligent machines, as well as progress in brain science and behavioural analyses, robotics, and their associated theoretical formalisations, speaks to the importance of the world-model learning and inference. In this article, after briefly surveying the history and challenges of internal model learning and probabilistic learning, we introduce the free energy principle, which provides a useful framework within which to consider neuronal computation and probabilistic world models. Next, we showcase examples of human behaviour and cognition explained under that principle. We then describe symbol emergence in the context of probabilistic modelling, as a topic at the frontiers of cognitive robotics. Lastly, we review recent progress in creating human-like intelligence by using novel probabilistic programming languages. The striking consensus that emerges from these studies is that probabilistic descriptions of learning and inference are powerful and effective ways to create human-like artificial intelligent machines and to understand intelligence in the context of how humans interact with their world.