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张德祥 (2022-08-10 18:02):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.220226 An insula hierarchical network architecture for active interoceptive inference 具身智能,如何具身呢?人类对自身是如何调控的?大脑由维持生存功能的内脏器官组成,包括胃肠、心血管、呼吸、体温调节、激素和免疫系统; 根据主动推理理论,大脑使用通过经验或心理模拟获得的内部生成模型,不断生成对预期感官数据的递减或自上而下的预测.在主动推理中,代理的目标是找到最优的动作策略,例如在给定的环境中快速选择动作、肌肉激活模式、决策和社会行为的规则或策略,其最小化由代理与环境的交互或采样产生的预测和实际感觉输入之间的自由能或预测误差,例如在家或在公共场合的社会交互的质量,驾驶或行走时的街道导航,健康食物的选择, 学习演奏乐器,打篮球时运球还是传球,婴儿学习在光滑或粗糙的表面上行走。 将主动推断和同种异体异位的概念统一在主动内感受推断的范围内,以表明大脑还创建和存储身体内部环境的生成内感受模型,并使用这种内感受模型来解释上升的内感受信号,并生成下降的内感受预测,以调节和实现内脏器官和生理过程的期望状态,例如心率、激素释放、免疫系统的激活和能量代谢。 心血管调节研究已经可靠地证明,人类可以主动学习提高或降低心率和血压。对人类和动物的其他研究也观察到了对内脏反应的预期和自愿控制,包括心率、血压、血容量、呼吸、胃肠功能、肠道控制、瞳孔扩张、皮肤电活动、体温、免疫抑制和血氧水平.总的来说,这些心理生理学研究表明,内脏反应的学习,至少对于那些人类可以施加自愿控制的反应,可能遵循在运动行为中观察到的类似适应原则,例如行为控制中的学习和变化阶段、先验知识的影响、学习或概括的转移、反馈的效率、效应器特异性和对所学内脏反应的认识. 论文图片展示了1 交感和副交感神经系统的组织结构图,2 岛叶上行内感受性通路图 3 主动内感受性推理的岛叶、前额叶皮质和纹状体平行网络层级图。
IF:2.900Q1 Royal Society open science, 2022-Jun. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.220226 PMID: 35774133
In the brain, the insular cortex receives a vast amount of interoceptive information, ascending through deep brain structures, from multiple visceral organs. The unique hierarchical and modular architecture of the … >>>
In the brain, the insular cortex receives a vast amount of interoceptive information, ascending through deep brain structures, from multiple visceral organs. The unique hierarchical and modular architecture of the insula suggests specialization for processing interoceptive afferents. Yet, the biological significance of the insula's neuroanatomical architecture, in relation to deep brain structures, remains obscure. In this opinion piece, we propose the Insula Hierarchical Modular Adaptive Interoception Control (IMAC) model to suggest that insula modules (granular, dysgranular and agranular), forming parallel networks with the prefrontal cortex and striatum, are specialized to form higher order interoceptive representations. These interoceptive representations are recruited in a context-dependent manner to support habitual, model-based and exploratory control of visceral organs and physiological processes. We discuss how insula interoceptive representations may give rise to conscious feelings that best explain lower order deep brain interoceptive representations, and how the insula may serve to defend the body and mind against pathological depression. <<<