张德祥 (2022-08-08 13:55):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2022.03.036 Branching Time Active Inference: The theory and its generality 图模型现在应用越来越多,alphafold 也使用了图模型,图模型是否可以自动扩展,根据mcts动态扩展图结构的研究之前还未出现,这篇论文结合MCTS与主动推理,提出了自动扩展生成图模型的算法,值得关注。主动推理模型的复杂程度正在越来越复杂,层次模型,高阶模型,信念模型,这些如果整合好,有望出现一个强大的模型。
Branching Time Active Inference: The theory and its generality
Over the last 10 to 15 years, active inference has helped to explain various brain mechanisms from habit formation to dopaminergic discharge and even modelling curiosity. However, the current implementations suffer from an exponential (space and time) complexity class when computing the prior over all the possible policies up to the time-horizon. Fountas et al. (2020) used Monte Carlo tree search to address this problem, leading to impressive results in two different tasks. In this paper, we present an alternative framework that aims to unify tree search and active inference by casting planning as a structure learning problem. Two tree search algorithms are then presented. The first propagates the expected free energy forward in time (i.e., towards the leaves), while the second propagates it backward (i.e., towards the root). Then, we demonstrate that forward and backward propagations are related to active inference and sophisticated inference, respectively, thereby clarifying the differences between those two planning strategies.