张德祥 (2022-08-09 15:11):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1162%2Fneco_a_01341 Deeply Felt Affect: The Emergence of Valence in Deep Active Inference 智能从模式识别,识别后的第二阶是模型对自我模型识别的信心-confidence,第三阶还可以对自我信心的信心,这种自下而上及自上而下才是真正的层级模型,hierarchical model;另外一种层级模型是 从训练角度看,1监督训练无智能,2动作行动闭环环境有反馈,3增加时间维度的长时反馈,4再一个层次是基于经验的行动信念的自上而下指导,5还可以继续有信念的信念; 6推理的时候也可以按照信念的强度进行推理。另外文章中的图表展示非常棒
IF:2.700Q3 Neural computation, 2021-02. DOI: 10.1162/neco_a_01341 PMID: 33253028
Deeply Felt Affect: The Emergence of Valence in Deep Active Inference
The positive-negative axis of emotional valence has long been recognized as fundamental to adaptive behavior, but its origin and underlying function have largely eluded formal theorizing and computational modeling. Using deep active inference, a hierarchical inference scheme that rests on inverting a model of how sensory data are generated, we develop a principled Bayesian model of emotional valence. This formulation asserts that agents infer their valence state based on the expected precision of their action model-an internal estimate of overall model fitness ("subjective fitness"). This index of subjective fitness can be estimated within any environment and exploits the domain generality of second-order beliefs (beliefs about beliefs). We show how maintaining internal valence representations allows the ensuing affective agent to optimize confidence in action selection preemptively. Valence representations can in turn be optimized by leveraging the (Bayes-optimal) updating term for subjective fitness, which we label affective charge (AC). AC tracks changes in fitness estimates and lends a sign to otherwise unsigned divergences between predictions and outcomes. We simulate the resulting affective inference by subjecting an in silico affective agent to a T-maze paradigm requiring context learning, followed by context reversal. This formulation of affective inference offers a principled account of the link between affect, (mental) action, and implicit metacognition. It characterizes how a deep biological system can infer its affective state and reduce uncertainty about such inferences through internal action (i.e., top-down modulation of priors that underwrite confidence). Thus, we demonstrate the potential of active inference to provide a formal and computationally tractable account of affect. Our demonstration of the face validity and potential utility of this formulation represents the first step within a larger research program. Next, this model can be leveraged to test the hypothesized role of valence by fitting the model to behavioral and neuronal responses.