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(2023-04-30 19:59):
#paper doi: 10.1002/hbm.25985 Prediction of childhood maltreatment and subtypes with personalized functional connectome of large-scale brain networks 童年虐待 (CM) 对儿童的身心健康有着长期的影响。 然而,CM 的神经基础仍不清楚。本研究基于个体化的功能脑网络分区方法,计算功能网络连接 (FNC)和通过儿童创伤问卷 (CTQ) 评估的 CM 影响之间的关联。个体化的 FNC可以很好地预测 CM 总分和子量表分数,涉及到了默认模式网络、额顶叶网络、视觉网络、边缘网络、运动网络、背侧和腹侧注意网络,不同的网络对预测有不同的贡献。
Childhood maltreatment (CM) has a long impact on physical and mental health of children. However, the neural underpinnings of CM are still unclear. In this study, we aimed to establish …
Childhood maltreatment (CM) has a long impact on physical and mental health of children. However, the neural underpinnings of CM are still unclear. In this study, we aimed to establish the associations between functional connectome of large-scale brain networks and influences of CM evaluated through Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) at the individual level based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data of 215 adults. A novel individual functional mapping approach was employed to identify subject-specific functional networks and functional network connectivities (FNCs). A connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) was used to estimate CM total and subscale scores using individual FNCs. The CPM established with FNCs can well predict CM total scores and subscale scores including emotion abuse, emotion neglect, physical abuse, physical neglect, and sexual abuse. These FNCs primarily involve default mode network, fronto-parietal network, visual network, limbic network, motor network, dorsal and ventral attention networks, and different networks have distinct contributions to predicting CM and subtypes. Moreover, we found that CM showed age and sex effects on individual functional connections. Taken together, the present findings revealed that different types of CM are associated with different atypical neural networks which provide new clues to understand the neurobiological consequences of childhood adversity.
(2023-03-31 15:06):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-01958-8 Individualized fMRI connectivity defines signatures of antidepressant and placebo responses in major depression
Though sertraline is commonly prescribed in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), its superiority over placebo is only marginal. This is in part due to the neurobiological heterogeneity of the …
Though sertraline is commonly prescribed in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), its superiority over placebo is only marginal. This is in part due to the neurobiological heterogeneity of the individuals. Characterizing individual-unique functional architecture of the brain may help better dissect the heterogeneity, thereby defining treatment-predictive signatures to guide personalized medication. In this study, we investigate whether individualized brain functional connectivity (FC) can define more predictable signatures of antidepressant and placebo treatment in MDD. The data used in the present work were collected by the Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response in Clinical Care (EMBARC) study. Patients (N = 296) were randomly assigned to antidepressant sertraline or placebo double-blind treatment for 8 weeks. The whole-brain FC networks were constructed from pre-treatment resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Then, FC was individualized by removing the common components extracted from the raw baseline FC to train regression-based connectivity predictive models. With individualized FC features, the established prediction models successfully identified signatures that explained 22% variance for the sertraline group and 31% variance for the placebo group in predicting HAMD change. Compared with the raw FC-based models, the individualized FC-defined signatures significantly improved the prediction performance, as confirmed by cross-validation. For sertraline treatment, predictive FC metrics were predominantly located in the left middle temporal cortex and right insula. For placebo, predictive FC metrics were primarily located in the bilateral cingulate cortex and left superior temporal cortex. Our findings demonstrated that through the removal of common FC components, individualization of FC metrics enhanced the prediction performance compared to raw FC. Associated with previous MDD clinical studies, our identified predictive biomarkers provided new insights into the neuropathology of antidepressant and placebo treatment.
(2023-02-28 21:02):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.4164 Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals
The capacity to identify the unique functional architecture of an individual's brain is a crucial step toward personalized medicine and understanding the neural basis of variation in human cognition and …
The capacity to identify the unique functional architecture of an individual's brain is a crucial step toward personalized medicine and understanding the neural basis of variation in human cognition and behavior. Here we developed a cortical parcellation approach to accurately map functional organization at the individual level using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A population-based functional atlas and a map of inter-individual variability were employed to guide the iterative search for functional networks in individual subjects. Functional networks mapped by this approach were highly reproducible within subjects and effectively captured the variability across subjects, including individual differences in brain lateralization. The algorithm performed well across different subject populations and data types, including task fMRI data. The approach was then validated by invasive cortical stimulation mapping in surgical patients, suggesting potential for use in clinical applications.
(2023-01-31 12:30):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2007032 Performing group-level functional image analyses based on homologous functional regions mapped in individuals
大脑功能区域的大小、形状、位置和连接模式在个体之间可能存在巨大差异。 作者提出了新的个体化功能分区方法,并证明该方法可以显着改进静息状态功能连接、任务-fMRI 激活和大脑-行为关联的研究。 此外,作者还表明大脑功能区域在大小、位置和连通性方面的个体差异可以提供解释人类行为的信息。
Functional MRI (fMRI) studies have traditionally relied on intersubject normalization based on global brain morphology, which cannot establish proper functional correspondence between subjects due to substantial intersubject variability in functional …
Functional MRI (fMRI) studies have traditionally relied on intersubject normalization based on global brain morphology, which cannot establish proper functional correspondence between subjects due to substantial intersubject variability in functional organization. Here, we reliably identified a set of discrete, homologous functional regions in individuals to improve intersubject alignment of fMRI data. These functional regions demonstrated marked intersubject variability in size, position, and connectivity. We found that previously reported intersubject variability in functional connectivity maps could be partially explained by variability in size and position of the functional regions. Importantly, individual differences in network topography are associated with individual differences in task-evoked activations, suggesting that these individually specified regions may serve as the "localizer" to improve the alignment of task-fMRI data. We demonstrated that aligning task-fMRI data using the regions derived from resting state fMRI may lead to increased statistical power of task-fMRI analyses. In addition, resting state functional connectivity among these homologous regions is able to capture the idiosyncrasies of subjects and better predict fluid intelligence (gF) than connectivity measures derived from group-level brain atlases. Critically, we showed that not only the connectivity but also the size and position of functional regions are related to human behavior. Collectively, these findings suggest that identifying homologous functional regions across individuals can benefit a wide range of studies in the investigation of connectivity, task activation, and brain-behavior associations.
(2022-12-31 18:17):
#paper Causes and Consequences of Diagnostic Heterogeneity in Depression: Paths to Discovering Novel Biological Depression Subtypes https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.01.012 抑郁症是一种高度异质性的综合症。 该综述文章回顾了抑郁症诊断异质性的主要原因。 并讨论使用数据驱动策略根据功能性神经影像学测量发现新的抑郁症亚型的前景,包括维度、分类和混合方法来解析诊断异质性和理解其生物学基础。 最后,文章考虑了使用静息态功能磁共振成像功能连接技术进行子类型化的优点以及一系列技术挑战和潜在解决方案。
Depression is a highly heterogeneous syndrome that bears only modest correlations with its biological substrates, motivating a renewed interest in rethinking our approach to diagnosing depression for research purposes and …
Depression is a highly heterogeneous syndrome that bears only modest correlations with its biological substrates, motivating a renewed interest in rethinking our approach to diagnosing depression for research purposes and new efforts to discover subtypes of depression anchored in biology. Here, we review the major causes of diagnostic heterogeneity in depression, with consideration of both clinical symptoms and behaviors (symptomatology and trajectory of depressive episodes) and biology (genetics and sexually dimorphic factors). Next, we discuss the promise of using data-driven strategies to discover novel subtypes of depression based on functional neuroimaging measures, including dimensional, categorical, and hybrid approaches to parsing diagnostic heterogeneity and understanding its biological basis. The merits of using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging functional connectivity techniques for subtyping are considered along with a set of technical challenges and potential solutions. We conclude by identifying promising future directions for defining neurobiologically informed depression subtypes and leveraging them in the future for predicting treatment outcomes and informing clinical decision making.
(2022-11-17 18:14):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2110416119 Sex differences in the functional topography of association networks in youth 之前的工作已经证实,大脑皮层功能网络的空间分布存在个体间差异。然而,至今仍不知道年轻人大脑功能网络形态是否存在性别差异。该研究基于693个年轻人被试,使用NMF定义个体的功能网络,并使用多变量(LSVM)模型,用个体功能形态指标对性别进行分类,准确率达到82.9%,对预测做出显著贡献的脑区分布在联合网络:包括额顶网络,默认模式网络,背外侧注意网络。同时,作者也使用单变量(GAM)模型探究形态指标和性别的关系,发现了一致的结果。最后,作者使用艾伦脑图谱的基因表达数据,揭示了功能形态存在差异的脑区与X染色体的基因表达相关。综上,该研究表明性别是塑性功能形态的重要生物因素。
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2110416119
PMID: 35939696
Prior work has shown that there is substantial interindividual variation in the spatial distribution of functional networks across the cerebral cortex, or functional topography. However, it remains unknown whether there …
Prior work has shown that there is substantial interindividual variation in the spatial distribution of functional networks across the cerebral cortex, or functional topography. However, it remains unknown whether there are sex differences in the topography of individualized networks in youth. Here, we leveraged an advanced machine learning method (sparsity-regularized non-negative matrix factorization) to define individualized functional networks in 693 youth (ages 8 to 23 y) who underwent functional MRI as part of the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. Multivariate pattern analysis using support vector machines classified participant sex based on functional topography with 82.9% accuracy ( < 0.0001). Brain regions most effective in classifying participant sex belonged to association networks, including the ventral attention, default mode, and frontoparietal networks. Mass univariate analyses using generalized additive models with penalized splines provided convergent results. Furthermore, transcriptomic data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas revealed that sex differences in multivariate patterns of functional topography were spatially correlated with the expression of genes on the X chromosome. These results highlight the role of sex as a biological variable in shaping functional topography.
(2022-10-26 15:51):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2022.08.012,Automated optimization of TMS coil placement for personalized functional network engagement。本文提出了基于个体化的功能网络分区的TMS刺激方法(TANS)。TMS用于治疗多种精神和神经系统疾病,但由于个体的功能网络分布不同,所以个体反应是高度可变的。传统的基于组水平的TMS方法可能会无意中针对抑郁症患者的不同功能网络,导致疗效不佳。而作者开发的 TANS方法,选择的线圈位置则是使得个体目标功能网络受刺激占比最高的位置。作者从计算机和活体验证两方面,验证了TASN可以提高被试的刺激特异性。
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is used to treat multiple psychiatric and neurological conditions by manipulating activity in particular brain networks and circuits, but individual responses are highly variable. In clinical …
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is used to treat multiple psychiatric and neurological conditions by manipulating activity in particular brain networks and circuits, but individual responses are highly variable. In clinical settings, TMS coil placement is typically based on either group average functional maps or scalp heuristics. Here, we found that this approach can inadvertently target different functional networks in depressed patients due to variability in their functional brain organization. More precise TMS targeting should be feasible by accounting for each patient's unique functional neuroanatomy. To this end, we developed a targeting approach, termed targeted functional network stimulation (TANS). The TANS approach improved stimulation specificity in silico in 8 highly sampled patients with depression and 6 healthy individuals and in vivo when targeting somatomotor functional networks representing the upper and lower limbs. Code for implementing TANS and an example dataset are provided as a resource.