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庞庞 (2024-05-31 21:55):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-023-01259-x Molecular and network-level mechanisms explaining individual differences in autism spectrum disorder 该论文基于ASD患者功能连接和症状的相关情况,将ASD患者分为了三个亚型,并进一步探究了亚型间脑和基因的差异情况。对我而言其在CCA时做的特征筛选、模型验证等比较充分,且基因的部分还用brainspan数据集做了验证,可以参考。
IF:21.200Q1 Nature neuroscience, 2023-04. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01259-x PMID: 36894656
The mechanisms underlying phenotypic heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not well understood. Using a large neuroimaging dataset, we identified three latent dimensions of functional brain network connectivity that … >>>
The mechanisms underlying phenotypic heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not well understood. Using a large neuroimaging dataset, we identified three latent dimensions of functional brain network connectivity that predicted individual differences in ASD behaviors and were stable in cross-validation. Clustering along these three dimensions revealed four reproducible ASD subgroups with distinct functional connectivity alterations in ASD-related networks and clinical symptom profiles that were reproducible in an independent sample. By integrating neuroimaging data with normative gene expression data from two independent transcriptomic atlases, we found that within each subgroup, ASD-related functional connectivity was explained by regional differences in the expression of distinct ASD-related gene sets. These gene sets were differentially associated with distinct molecular signaling pathways involving immune and synapse function, G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, protein synthesis and other processes. Collectively, our findings delineate atypical connectivity patterns underlying different forms of ASD that implicate distinct molecular signaling mechanisms. <<<
庞庞 (2023-02-28 21:02):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.4164 Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals 大脑网络的位置、大小等属性具有个体差异。之前的研究忽略了这些差异,运用组水平的分区模板计算功能连接矩阵,导致功能连接个体间差异的混淆。本研究是第一个提出个体化功能网络的研究,基于组水平网络分区模板迭代的思路,获得了具有可重复性、可以捕捉个体间差异、可通过电刺激验证的功能网络个体化分区,为我们进行个体化功能网络的研究提供了新思路。
IF:21.200Q1 Nature neuroscience, 2015-Dec. DOI: 10.1038/nn.4164 PMID: 26551545
The capacity to identify the unique functional architecture of an individual's brain is a crucial step toward personalized medicine and understanding the neural basis of variation in human cognition and … >>>
The capacity to identify the unique functional architecture of an individual's brain is a crucial step toward personalized medicine and understanding the neural basis of variation in human cognition and behavior. Here we developed a cortical parcellation approach to accurately map functional organization at the individual level using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A population-based functional atlas and a map of inter-individual variability were employed to guide the iterative search for functional networks in individual subjects. Functional networks mapped by this approach were highly reproducible within subjects and effectively captured the variability across subjects, including individual differences in brain lateralization. The algorithm performed well across different subject populations and data types, including task fMRI data. The approach was then validated by invasive cortical stimulation mapping in surgical patients, suggesting potential for use in clinical applications. <<<
muton (2022-08-31 21:16):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/nn.4324 A fast pathway for fear in human amygdala 关于杏仁核的多类研究证明其在恐惧中发挥的作用。有一种能够快速到达杏仁核的皮层下通路被认为是为了能够快速检测威胁而进化出来的。这一通路的存在是理解无意识情绪反应的基础,但由于缺乏包括人类在内的灵长类动物杏仁核中短潜伏期恐惧相关反应的证据,如何验证这一通路是一个困难的问题。本文作者记录了人类颅内电生理数据,发现了在刺激开始后的74毫秒,杏仁核对恐惧而不是中性或快乐的面部表情的快速反应。这些反应的潜伏期比我们在视觉皮层观察到的恐惧反应要短得多。值得注意的是,杏仁核的快速反应仅限于恐惧面孔的低空间频率成分。此外,快速的杏仁核反应不会被场景图片唤起,这表明,人们对恐惧的面孔传达的与社会相关的视觉信息有选择性的早期反应。总而言之,本文数据支持了一种系统发育历史悠久的皮层下通路的存在,该通路向人类杏仁核提供快速但粗糙的威胁相关信号。
IF:21.200Q1 Nature neuroscience, 2016-08. DOI: 10.1038/nn.4324 PMID: 27294508
A fast, subcortical pathway to the amygdala is thought to have evolved to enable rapid detection of threat. This pathway's existence is fundamental for understanding nonconscious emotional responses, but has … >>>
A fast, subcortical pathway to the amygdala is thought to have evolved to enable rapid detection of threat. This pathway's existence is fundamental for understanding nonconscious emotional responses, but has been challenged as a result of a lack of evidence for short-latency fear-related responses in primate amygdala, including humans. We recorded human intracranial electrophysiological data and found fast amygdala responses, beginning 74-ms post-stimulus onset, to fearful, but not neutral or happy, facial expressions. These responses had considerably shorter latency than fear responses that we observed in visual cortex. Notably, fast amygdala responses were limited to low spatial frequency components of fearful faces, as predicted by magnocellular inputs to amygdala. Furthermore, fast amygdala responses were not evoked by photographs of arousing scenes, which is indicative of selective early reactivity to socially relevant visual information conveyed by fearful faces. These data therefore support the existence of a phylogenetically old subcortical pathway providing fast, but coarse, threat-related signals to human amygdala. <<<
lsj (2022-07-31 22:15):
#paper Li, A. et al. Neural fragility as an EEG marker of the seizure onset zone. Nat Neurosci 24, 1465–1474 (2021). 癫痫发作具有高同步、高波幅的病理性神经活动特征,并且难以预测并干预。动力学系统的稳定性分析或许可刻画出癫痫发作前或发作中的系统稳定性变化,并通过维护或破坏系统稳定性,提供外科干预、神经调控与发作预测策略。
IF:21.200Q1 Nature neuroscience, 2021-10. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-021-00901-w PMID: 34354282
Over 15 million patients with epilepsy worldwide do not respond to drugs. Successful surgical treatment requires complete removal or disconnection of the seizure onset zone (SOZ), brain region(s) where seizures … >>>
Over 15 million patients with epilepsy worldwide do not respond to drugs. Successful surgical treatment requires complete removal or disconnection of the seizure onset zone (SOZ), brain region(s) where seizures originate. Unfortunately, surgical success rates vary between 30 and 70% because no clinically validated biological marker of the SOZ exists. We develop and retrospectively validate a new electroencephalogram (EEG) marker-neural fragility-in a retrospective analysis of 91 patients by using neural fragility of the annotated SOZ as a metric to predict surgical outcomes. Fragility predicts 43 out of 47 surgical failures, with an overall prediction accuracy of 76% compared with the accuracy of clinicians at 48% (successful outcomes). In failed outcomes, we identify fragile regions that were untreated. When compared to 20 EEG features proposed as SOZ markers, fragility outperformed in predictive power and interpretability, which suggests neural fragility as an EEG biomarker of the SOZ. <<<