(2023-05-31 16:12):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02317-4 A shared neural basis underlying psychiatric comorbidity 之前对于精神疾病共病程度,通常使用p因子衡量。但是,这种指标通过临床评分得到,和共病的神经底物、基因都没有关联。对此,作者提出了一种新的神经生物学的跨疾病精神因子:NP因子。作者通过将与多种精神疾病得分显著相关的脑网络连接进行并集,并筛除掉在纵向数据上不稳定的连接,从而获得NP因子。他们同时证明了,NP因子与神经解剖位置、行为以及基因的关系。最后,NP因子可以泛化到其他类型的数据集上,这对以后的精神疾病的干预提供了帮助。
A shared neural basis underlying psychiatric comorbidity
Recent studies proposed a general psychopathology factor underlying common comorbidities among psychiatric disorders. However, its neurobiological mechanisms and generalizability remain elusive. In this study, we used a large longitudinal neuroimaging cohort from adolescence to young adulthood (IMAGEN) to define a neuropsychopathological (NP) factor across externalizing and internalizing symptoms using multitask connectomes. We demonstrate that this NP factor might represent a unified, genetically determined, delayed development of the prefrontal cortex that further leads to poor executive function. We also show this NP factor to be reproducible in multiple developmental periods, from preadolescence to early adulthood, and generalizable to the resting-state connectome and clinical samples (the ADHD-200 Sample and the Stratify Project). In conclusion, we identify a reproducible and general neural basis underlying symptoms of multiple mental health disorders, bridging multidimensional evidence from behavioral, neuroimaging and genetic substrates. These findings may help to develop new therapeutic interventions for psychiatric comorbidities.