庞庞 (2022-11-17 18:14):
​#paper https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2110416119 Sex differences in the functional topography of association networks in youth 之前的工作已经证实,大脑皮层功能网络的空间分布存在个体间差异。然而,至今仍不知道年轻人大脑功能网络形态是否存在性别差异。该研究基于693个年轻人被试,使用NMF定义个体的功能网络,并使用多变量(LSVM)模型,用个体功能形态指标对性别进行分类,准确率达到82.9%,对预测做出显著贡献的脑区分布在联合网络:包括额顶网络,默认模式网络,背外侧注意网络。同时,作者也使用单变量(GAM)模型探究形态指标和性别的关系,发现了一致的结果。最后,作者使用艾伦脑图谱的基因表达数据,揭示了功能形态存在差异的脑区与X染色体的基因表达相关。综上,该研究表明性别是塑性功能形态的重要生物因素。
Sex differences in the functional topography of association networks in youth
Prior work has shown that there is substantial interindividual variation in the spatial distribution of functional networks across the cerebral cortex, or functional topography. However, it remains unknown whether there are sex differences in the topography of individualized networks in youth. Here, we leveraged an advanced machine learning method (sparsity-regularized non-negative matrix factorization) to define individualized functional networks in 693 youth (ages 8 to 23 y) who underwent functional MRI as part of the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. Multivariate pattern analysis using support vector machines classified participant sex based on functional topography with 82.9% accuracy ( < 0.0001). Brain regions most effective in classifying participant sex belonged to association networks, including the ventral attention, default mode, and frontoparietal networks. Mass univariate analyses using generalized additive models with penalized splines provided convergent results. Furthermore, transcriptomic data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas revealed that sex differences in multivariate patterns of functional topography were spatially correlated with the expression of genes on the X chromosome. These results highlight the role of sex as a biological variable in shaping functional topography.