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庞庞 (2023-12-30 20:07):
#paper Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group doi: 10.1038/s41380-020-0754-0 研究者使用大样本数据集(ENIGMA)探究了抑郁症患者脑龄相对正常人的差异。具体而言,他们使用正常人的脑结构信息,构建了预测脑龄的模型,并将抑郁症患者作为测试集对他们的脑龄进行了预测。研究发现,抑郁症患者的脑龄相比正常人更高,并且和临床症状无关。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2021-09. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-020-0754-0 PMID: 32424236
Laura K M Han, Richard Dinga, Tim Hahn, Christopher R K Ching, Lisa T Eyler, Lyubomir Aftanas, Moji Aghajani, André Aleman, Bernhard T Baune, Klaus Berger, Ivan Brak, Geraldo Busatto Filho, Angela Carballedo, Colm G Connolly, Baptiste Couvy-Duchesne, Kathryn R Cullen, Udo Dannlowski, Christopher G Davey, Danai Dima, Fabio L S Duran, Verena Enneking, Elena Filimonova, Stefan Frenzel, Thomas Frodl, Cynthia H Y Fu, Beata R Godlewska, Ian H Gotlib, Hans J Grabe, Nynke A Groenewold, Dominik Grotegerd, Oliver Gruber, Geoffrey B Hall, Ben J Harrison, Sean N Hatton, Marco Hermesdorf, Ian B Hickie, Tiffany C Ho, Norbert Hosten, Andreas Jansen, Claas Kähler, Tilo Kircher, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan, Bernd Krämer, Axel Krug, Jim Lagopoulos, Ramona Leenings, Frank P MacMaster, Glenda MacQueen, Andrew McIntosh, Quinn McLellan, Katie L McMahon, Sarah E Medland, Bryon A Mueller, Benson Mwangi, Evgeny Osipov, Maria J Portella, Elena Pozzi, Liesbeth Reneman, Jonathan Repple, Pedro G P Rosa, Matthew D Sacchet, Philipp G Sämann, Knut Schnell, Anouk Schrantee, Egle Simulionyte, Jair C Soares, Jens Sommer, Dan J Stein, Olaf Steinsträter, Lachlan T Strike, Sophia I Thomopoulos, Marie-José van Tol, Ilya M Veer, Robert R J M Vermeiren, Henrik Walter, Nic J A van der Wee, Steven J A van der Werff, Heather Whalley, Nils R Winter, Katharina Wittfeld, Margaret J Wright, Mon-Ju Wu, Henry Völzke, Tony T Yang, Vasileios Zannias, Greig I de Zubicaray, Giovana B Zunta-Soares, Christoph Abé, Martin Alda, Ole A Andreassen, Erlend Bøen, Caterina M Bonnin, Erick J Canales-Rodriguez, Dara Cannon, Xavier Caseras, Tiffany M Chaim-Avancini, Torbjørn Elvsåshagen, Pauline Favre, Sonya F Foley, Janice M Fullerton, Jose M Goikolea, Bartholomeus C M Haarman, Tomas Hajek, Chantal Henry, Josselin Houenou, Fleur M Howells, Martin Ingvar, Rayus Kuplicki, Beny Lafer, Mikael Landén, Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, Ulrik F Malt, Colm McDonald, Philip B Mitchell, Leila Nabulsi, Maria Concepcion Garcia Otaduy, Bronwyn J Overs, Mircea Polosan, Edith Pomarol-Clotet, Joaquim Radua, Maria M Rive, Gloria Roberts, Henricus G Ruhe, Raymond Salvador, Salvador Sarró, Theodore D Satterthwaite, Jonathan Savitz, Aart H Schene, Peter R Schofield, Mauricio H Serpa, Kang Sim, Marcio Gerhardt Soeiro-de-Souza, Ashley N Sutherland, Henk S Temmingh, Garrett M Timmons, Anne Uhlmann, Eduard Vieta, Daniel H Wolf, Marcus V Zanetti, Neda Jahanshad, Paul M Thompson, Dick J Veltman, Brenda W J H Penninx, Andre F Marquand, James H Cole, Lianne Schmaal <<<
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with an increased risk of brain atrophy, aging-related diseases, and mortality. We examined potential advanced brain aging in adult MDD patients, and whether this … >>>
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with an increased risk of brain atrophy, aging-related diseases, and mortality. We examined potential advanced brain aging in adult MDD patients, and whether this process is associated with clinical characteristics in a large multicenter international dataset. We performed a mega-analysis by pooling brain measures derived from T1-weighted MRI scans from 19 samples worldwide. Healthy brain aging was estimated by predicting chronological age (18-75 years) from 7 subcortical volumes, 34 cortical thickness and 34 surface area, lateral ventricles and total intracranial volume measures separately in 952 male and 1236 female controls from the ENIGMA MDD working group. The learned model coefficients were applied to 927 male controls and 986 depressed males, and 1199 female controls and 1689 depressed females to obtain independent unbiased brain-based age predictions. The difference between predicted "brain age" and chronological age was calculated to indicate brain-predicted age difference (brain-PAD). On average, MDD patients showed a higher brain-PAD of +1.08 (SE 0.22) years (Cohen's d = 0.14, 95% CI: 0.08-0.20) compared with controls. However, this difference did not seem to be driven by specific clinical characteristics (recurrent status, remission status, antidepressant medication use, age of onset, or symptom severity). This highly powered collaborative effort showed subtle patterns of age-related structural brain abnormalities in MDD. Substantial within-group variance and overlap between groups were observed. Longitudinal studies of MDD and somatic health outcomes are needed to further assess the clinical value of these brain-PAD estimates. <<<
庞庞 (2023-07-31 19:14):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41380-021-01247-2, Disrupted intrinsic functional brain topology in patients with major depressive disorder 之前人们去比较抑郁症和正常人大脑功能的拓扑差异,结果多有不同。这可能是因为数据量不够的原因。严超赣课题组使用了16个站点的821名MDD患者和765名正常对照,发现与正常人相比,抑郁症患者的全局和局部效率降低。在节点水平上,患者感觉运动网络(SMN)、背侧注意网络(DAN)和视觉网络(VN)的节点度降低,默认模式网络(DMN)、SMN、DAN和VN的节点效率降低。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2021-12. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-021-01247-2 PMID: 34385597
Aberrant topological organization of whole-brain networks has been inconsistently reported in studies of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), reflecting limited sample sizes. To address this issue, we utilized a … >>>
Aberrant topological organization of whole-brain networks has been inconsistently reported in studies of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), reflecting limited sample sizes. To address this issue, we utilized a big data sample of MDD patients from the REST-meta-MDD Project, including 821 MDD patients and 765 normal controls (NCs) from 16 sites. Using the Dosenbach 160 node atlas, we examined whole-brain functional networks and extracted topological features (e.g., global and local efficiency, nodal efficiency, and degree) using graph theory-based methods. Linear mixed-effect models were used for group comparisons to control for site variability; robustness of results was confirmed (e.g., multiple topological parameters, different node definitions, and several head motion control strategies were applied). We found decreased global and local efficiency in patients with MDD compared to NCs. At the nodal level, patients with MDD were characterized by decreased nodal degrees in the somatomotor network (SMN), dorsal attention network (DAN) and visual network (VN) and decreased nodal efficiency in the default mode network (DMN), SMN, DAN, and VN. These topological differences were mostly driven by recurrent MDD patients, rather than first-episode drug naive (FEDN) patients with MDD. In this highly powered multisite study, we observed disrupted topological architecture of functional brain networks in MDD, suggesting both locally and globally decreased efficiency in brain networks. <<<
庞庞 (2023-03-31 15:06):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-01958-8 Individualized fMRI connectivity defines signatures of antidepressant and placebo responses in major depression 由于个体的异质性,不同个体对抗抑郁药物的缓释程度各有不同。因此,理解抗抑郁药物的作用机制对个性化医疗至关重要。本文采用去除组成分的COBE算法,获得个体化的功能连接矩阵,作为特征对抗抑郁药物舍曲林和安慰剂的疗效进行预测。研究发现,个体化的功能连接比起组水平的功能连接显著提高了预测准确率;对预测舍曲林贡献高的脑区主要位于左侧颞中皮层和右侧脑岛;对安慰剂贡献高的主要位于双侧扣带皮层和左侧颞上皮层。这位抗抑郁的疗效预测标志物提供了新视角。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2023-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-01958-8 PMID: 36732585
Though sertraline is commonly prescribed in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), its superiority over placebo is only marginal. This is in part due to the neurobiological heterogeneity of the … >>>
Though sertraline is commonly prescribed in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), its superiority over placebo is only marginal. This is in part due to the neurobiological heterogeneity of the individuals. Characterizing individual-unique functional architecture of the brain may help better dissect the heterogeneity, thereby defining treatment-predictive signatures to guide personalized medication. In this study, we investigate whether individualized brain functional connectivity (FC) can define more predictable signatures of antidepressant and placebo treatment in MDD. The data used in the present work were collected by the Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response in Clinical Care (EMBARC) study. Patients (N = 296) were randomly assigned to antidepressant sertraline or placebo double-blind treatment for 8 weeks. The whole-brain FC networks were constructed from pre-treatment resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Then, FC was individualized by removing the common components extracted from the raw baseline FC to train regression-based connectivity predictive models. With individualized FC features, the established prediction models successfully identified signatures that explained 22% variance for the sertraline group and 31% variance for the placebo group in predicting HAMD change. Compared with the raw FC-based models, the individualized FC-defined signatures significantly improved the prediction performance, as confirmed by cross-validation. For sertraline treatment, predictive FC metrics were predominantly located in the left middle temporal cortex and right insula. For placebo, predictive FC metrics were primarily located in the bilateral cingulate cortex and left superior temporal cortex. Our findings demonstrated that through the removal of common FC components, individualization of FC metrics enhanced the prediction performance compared to raw FC. Associated with previous MDD clinical studies, our identified predictive biomarkers provided new insights into the neuropathology of antidepressant and placebo treatment. <<<
Arwen (2022-12-31 23:45):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-022-01924-w Inflammation and cognition in severe mental illness: patterns of covariation and subgroups 免疫/炎症通路失调与认知障碍之间的潜在关系已在严重精神疾病 (SMI) 中提出,例如精神分裂症和双相谱系障碍。 然而,外周炎症/免疫相关标志物与认知领域之间的多变量关系尚不清楚,许多研究并未考虑认知功能和炎症/免疫状态的个体差异。 本研究旨在调查炎症/免疫相关标记物与认知域之间的协方差模式,并进一步阐明大型 SMI 和健康对照 (HC) 队列中的异质性 (SZ = 343, BD = 289, HC = 770)。 应用典型相关分析 (CCA) 来识别综合选择的认知域和炎症/免疫标记之间的最大协变模式。 发现,较差的语言学习和精神运动处理速度与更高水平的白细胞介素 18 系统细胞因子和 β 防御素 2 相关,反映出先天免疫激活增强,与 HC 相比,SMI 中的这种模式增强。 对 CCA 识别的协方差模式应用层次聚类揭示了一个以 HC 为主(24% SZ、45% BD、74% HC)的高认知-低免疫失调亚组和一个主要由 SMI 患者组成的低认知-高免疫失调亚组( 76% SZ,55% BD,26% HC)。 这些亚组在智商、受教育年限、年龄、CRP、BMI(所有组)、功能水平、症状和抗精神病药的限定日剂量 (DDD)(SMI 队列)方面存在差异。 研究结果表明:在一部分患有严重精神疾病的个体中,认知障碍与先天免疫失调之间存在联系。 研究启发:多变量方法与异质性思想的结合可借鉴
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2023-03. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01924-w PMID: 36577840
A potential relationship between dysregulation of immune/inflammatory pathways and cognitive impairment has been suggested in severe mental illnesses (SMI), such as schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar (BD) spectrum disorders. However, multivariate … >>>
A potential relationship between dysregulation of immune/inflammatory pathways and cognitive impairment has been suggested in severe mental illnesses (SMI), such as schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar (BD) spectrum disorders. However, multivariate relationships between peripheral inflammatory/immune-related markers and cognitive domains are unclear, and many studies do not account for inter-individual variance in both cognitive functioning and inflammatory/immune status. This study aimed to investigate covariance patterns between inflammatory/immune-related markers and cognitive domains and further elucidate heterogeneity in a large SMI and healthy control (HC) cohort (SZ = 343, BD = 289, HC = 770). We applied canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to identify modes of maximum covariation between a comprehensive selection of cognitive domains and inflammatory/immune markers. We found that poor verbal learning and psychomotor processing speed was associated with higher levels of interleukin-18 system cytokines and beta defensin 2, reflecting enhanced activation of innate immunity, a pattern augmented in SMI compared to HC. Applying hierarchical clustering on covariance patterns identified by the CCA revealed a high cognition-low immune dysregulation subgroup with predominantly HC (24% SZ, 45% BD, 74% HC) and a low cognition-high immune dysregulation subgroup predominantly consisting of SMI patients (76% SZ, 55% BD, 26% HC). These subgroups differed in IQ, years of education, age, CRP, BMI (all groups), level of functioning, symptoms and defined daily dose (DDD) of antipsychotics (SMI cohort). Our findings suggest a link between cognitive impairment and innate immune dysregulation in a subset of individuals with severe mental illness. <<<
林李泽强 (2022-07-31 23:55):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01229-4. Molecular Psychiatry,2022,Resolving heterogeneity in schizophrenia through a novel systems approach to brain structure: individualized structural covariance network analysis. 本文作者提出了一种新的构建个体结构协变网络的方法。 在这个研究中,作者引入了一种网络模板扰动方法,利用脑区的灰质体积构建个体差异结构协变网络(IDSCN),该方法首先构建一个组水平的健康人结构协变网络,然后每次加入一个病人的数据以扰乱该协变网络,作为该病人的个体结构协变网络。IDSCN量化了患者两个脑区之间的结协变如何偏离健康被试的改变。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2021-12. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-021-01229-4 PMID: 34316005
Reliable mapping of system-level individual differences is a critical first step toward precision medicine for complex disorders such as schizophrenia. Disrupted structural covariance indicates a system-level brain maturational disruption in … >>>
Reliable mapping of system-level individual differences is a critical first step toward precision medicine for complex disorders such as schizophrenia. Disrupted structural covariance indicates a system-level brain maturational disruption in schizophrenia. However, most studies examine structural covariance at the group level. This prevents subject-level inferences. Here, we introduce a Network Template Perturbation approach to construct individual differential structural covariance network (IDSCN) using regional gray-matter volume. IDSCN quantifies how structural covariance between two nodes in a patient deviates from the normative covariance in healthy subjects. We analyzed T1 images from 1287 subjects, including 107 first-episode (drug-naive) patients and 71 controls in the discovery datasets and established robustness in 213 first-episode (drug-naive), 294 chronic, 99 clinical high-risk patients, and 494 controls from the replication datasets. Patients with schizophrenia were highly variable in their altered structural covariance edges; the number of altered edges was related to severity of hallucinations. Despite this variability, a subset of covariance edges, including the left hippocampus-bilateral putamen/globus pallidus edges, clustered patients into two distinct subgroups with opposing changes in covariance compared to controls, and significant differences in their anxiety and depression scores. These subgroup differences were stable across all seven datasets with meaningful genetic associations and functional annotation for the affected edges. We conclude that the underlying physiology of affective symptoms in schizophrenia involves the hippocampus and putamen/pallidum, predates disease onset, and is sufficiently consistent to resolve morphological heterogeneity throughout the illness course. The two schizophrenia subgroups identified thus have implications for the nosology and clinical treatment. <<<
颜林林 (2022-07-25 07:28):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41380-022-01661-0 Molecular Psychiatry, 2022, The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence. 这是一篇meta分析,而且还是一篇阴性结果的报道,按照很多“业内人”的观点,这样的“水文”是不屑一顾或羞于启齿的。本文研究血清素(serotonin,即5-羟色胺)是否与抑郁症病因有关。这是一个流行于大多数公众和专业研究人员的观点,人们普遍认为血清素降低与抑郁症有关。本文采取了“伞式”审查(umbrella review)方法,纳入多个不同领域对血清素系统进行的大量研究,以便为结论提供可及的最高证据等级支持。涵盖的六个领域分别是:(1) 血清素及其代谢物5-HIAA(5-羟吲哚乙酸)是否在抑郁症患者体液中含量更低;(2) 抑郁症患者的血清素受体是否表达水平更低;(3) 血清素转运蛋白(SERT)是否抑郁症患者中表达更高;(4) 色氨酸(5-羟色胺的前体)耗竭是否会导致抑郁症;(5) 抑郁症患者的 SERT 基因是否表达更高;(6) 抑郁症患者的SERT基因与压力之间是否存在相互作用。本文研究在 PROSPERO 注册(CRD42020207203),共纳入 17 项研究:12 项系统评价和meta分析(systematic reviews and meta-analyses),1 项协作meta分析(collaborative meta-analysis),1 项大型队列研究的meta分析(meta-analysis of large cohort studies),1 项系统评价和综述(systematic review and narrative synthesis),1 项遗传关联研究(genetic association study)和 1 项伞式审查(umbrella review)。最终在六个领域问题上,分别以各自可及的最大样本量(从数百到数万),否定了血清素活性标志物与抑郁症之间的关联,并建议“it is time to acknowledge that the serotonin theory of depression is not empirically substantiated(是时候承认抑郁症的血清素理论并没有经验实证)”。可见,能够明确下一个阴性结论(否定结论),也是相当不容易的。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2023-Aug. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01661-0 PMID: 35854107
The serotonin hypothesis of depression is still influential. We aimed to synthesise and evaluate evidence on whether depression is associated with lowered serotonin concentration or activity in a systematic umbrella … >>>
The serotonin hypothesis of depression is still influential. We aimed to synthesise and evaluate evidence on whether depression is associated with lowered serotonin concentration or activity in a systematic umbrella review of the principal relevant areas of research. PubMed, EMBASE and PsycINFO were searched using terms appropriate to each area of research, from their inception until December 2020. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and large data-set analyses in the following areas were identified: serotonin and serotonin metabolite, 5-HIAA, concentrations in body fluids; serotonin 5-HT receptor binding; serotonin transporter (SERT) levels measured by imaging or at post-mortem; tryptophan depletion studies; SERT gene associations and SERT gene-environment interactions. Studies of depression associated with physical conditions and specific subtypes of depression (e.g. bipolar depression) were excluded. Two independent reviewers extracted the data and assessed the quality of included studies using the AMSTAR-2, an adapted AMSTAR-2, or the STREGA for a large genetic study. The certainty of study results was assessed using a modified version of the GRADE. We did not synthesise results of individual meta-analyses because they included overlapping studies. The review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020207203). 17 studies were included: 12 systematic reviews and meta-analyses, 1 collaborative meta-analysis, 1 meta-analysis of large cohort studies, 1 systematic review and narrative synthesis, 1 genetic association study and 1 umbrella review. Quality of reviews was variable with some genetic studies of high quality. Two meta-analyses of overlapping studies examining the serotonin metabolite, 5-HIAA, showed no association with depression (largest n = 1002). One meta-analysis of cohort studies of plasma serotonin showed no relationship with depression, and evidence that lowered serotonin concentration was associated with antidepressant use (n = 1869). Two meta-analyses of overlapping studies examining the 5-HT receptor (largest n = 561), and three meta-analyses of overlapping studies examining SERT binding (largest n = 1845) showed weak and inconsistent evidence of reduced binding in some areas, which would be consistent with increased synaptic availability of serotonin in people with depression, if this was the original, causal abnormaly. However, effects of prior antidepressant use were not reliably excluded. One meta-analysis of tryptophan depletion studies found no effect in most healthy volunteers (n = 566), but weak evidence of an effect in those with a family history of depression (n = 75). Another systematic review (n = 342) and a sample of ten subsequent studies (n = 407) found no effect in volunteers. No systematic review of tryptophan depletion studies has been performed since 2007. The two largest and highest quality studies of the SERT gene, one genetic association study (n = 115,257) and one collaborative meta-analysis (n = 43,165), revealed no evidence of an association with depression, or of an interaction between genotype, stress and depression. The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations. Some evidence was consistent with the possibility that long-term antidepressant use reduces serotonin concentration. <<<