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符毓 Yu (2023-02-28 21:08):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.6.021001 Physical Review Applied, 2016, Nonvolatile Memory Based on Nonlinear Magnetoelectric Effects。在过去的十年中,已经提出和探索了多种多铁性或磁电存储器的概念。此文提出了一种基于多铁性磁电系数 (α) 的多种状态来实现多级非易失性存储器的新原理。 这种多级磁电存储器保留了铁电随机存取存储器的所有优点,并克服了极化破坏性读取的缺点。
The magnetoelectric effects in multiferroics have a great potential in creating next-generation memory devices. We use an alternative concept of nonvolatile memory based, on a type of nonlinear magnetoelectric effects … >>>
The magnetoelectric effects in multiferroics have a great potential in creating next-generation memory devices. We use an alternative concept of nonvolatile memory based, on a type of nonlinear magnetoelectric effects showing a butterfly-shaped hysteresis loop. The principle is to utilize the states of the magnetoelectric coefficient, instead of magnetization, electric polarization, or resistance, to store binary information. Our experiments in a device made of the PMN-PT/Terfenol- D multiferroic heterostructure clearly demonstrate that the sign of the magnetoelectric coefficient can be repeatedly switched between positive and negative by applying electric fields, confirming the feasibility of this principle. This kind of nonvolatile memory has outstanding practical virtues such as simple structure, easy operation in writing and reading, low power, fast speed, and diverse materials available. <<<
符毓 Yu (2022-08-31 23:08):
#paper doi: 10.1525/cmr.2014.57.1.16 California Management Review, 2014, The Japanese software industry: what went wrong and what can we learn from it? 工业软件总是伴随工业制造一起发展,然而日本作为全球领先的先进制造大国,日产工业软件明显缺失。本文提出了几个解释: 1. 软件高端人才缺失:重硬件轻软件的文化加上软件过度外包和定制化,让软件人才“蓝领化” 2. 创业公司缺失:日本常见的企业形态是由老牌大型公司开拓新产品新业务,再分拆出子公司,新公司沿袭老公司的员工和制度,并不会挑战老公司;与之类似,当新供应商提供新产品或者服务的时候,客户通常会等待甚至支持原有供应商提供类似服务,而不是切换供应商
Recent findings indicate that the Japanese IT sector increasingly lags the U.S. IT sector in software innovation and that this underlies Japan's weakening competitive performance vis-à-vis U.S. IT. This article … >>>
Recent findings indicate that the Japanese IT sector increasingly lags the U.S. IT sector in software innovation and that this underlies Japan's weakening competitive performance vis-à-vis U.S. IT. This article explores alternative explanations for this outcome and analyzes what explains the Japanese software industry's trajectory. The sources are found in the late understanding of the transformational role of software and its value-creating potential as well as in the evolution of the industry's structure. Finally, this article considers what policy makers in other nations might learn from the Japanese experience in building a more vibrant software industry. <<<
符毓 Yu (2022-07-31 15:10):
#paper doi:10.1115/1.2429697 Journal of Mechanical Design, 2007, Review of Metamodeling Techniques in Support of Engineering Design Optimization 本文概述了Metamodeling及其在工程设计优化中的应用。根据设计工程师的需求分为:模型简化、设计边界定义、问题公式化和优化支持。文中还讨论了挑战和未来的发展。可以帮助在这一领域刚刚起步的学习人员,适合作为进一步学习的框架
Computation-intensive design problems are becoming increasingly common in manufacturing industries. The computation burden is often caused by expensive analysis and simulation processes in order to reach a comparable level of … >>>
Computation-intensive design problems are becoming increasingly common in manufacturing industries. The computation burden is often caused by expensive analysis and simulation processes in order to reach a comparable level of accuracy as physical testing data. To address such a challenge, approximation or metamodeling techniques are often used. Metamodeling techniques have been developed from many different disciplines including statistics, mathematics, computer science, and various engineering disciplines. These metamodels are initially developed as “surrogates” of the expensive simulation process in order to improve the overall computation efficiency. They are then found to be a valuable tool to support a wide scope of activities in modern engineering design, especially design optimization. This work reviews the state-of-the-art metamodel-based techniques from a practitioner’s perspective according to the role of metamodeling in supporting design optimization, including model approximation, design space exploration, problem formulation, and solving various types of optimization problems. Challenges and future development of metamodeling in support of engineering design is also analyzed and discussed. <<<