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小W (2023-11-30 23:40):
#paper doi:doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01114-1 Detection of cellular traction forces via the force-triggered Cas12a-mediated catalytic cleavage of a fluorogenic reporter strand 本文介绍了利用CRISPR相关蛋白(Cas)-Cas12a 检测活细胞表面受体分子力事件的方法,其技术路径:激活剂是固定在表面(如玻璃载玻片)上的ssDNA,激活剂通过与互补链杂交而被隐藏,互补链又与配体肽结合;当细胞被植入该表面时,表面受体和配体结合,并施加力,超过双链的机械耐受性的力会导致其断裂,暴露激活剂;激活Cas12a会高效地催化切割荧光性ssDNA报告基因。在作为测试的血小板力检测中,其具有以下优势1.活细胞2.只需要~5 μl或更少的血液来进行每次测量,降低了高通量筛选的难度3.检测结果与出血风险更高的相关4.更短的时间(30min),更易识别的信号,可能更低的成本。对 CRISPR 检测不太了解,欢迎斧正。
Molecular forces generated by cell receptors are infrequent and transient, and hence difficult to detect. Here we report an assay that leverages the CRISPR-associated protein 12a (Cas12a) to amplify the … >>>
Molecular forces generated by cell receptors are infrequent and transient, and hence difficult to detect. Here we report an assay that leverages the CRISPR-associated protein 12a (Cas12a) to amplify the detection of cellular traction forces generated by as few as 50 adherent cells. The assay involves the immobilization of a DNA duplex modified with a ligand specific for a cell receptor. Traction forces of tens of piconewtons trigger the dehybridization of the duplex, exposing a cryptic Cas12-activating strand that sets off the indiscriminate Cas12-mediated cleavage of a fluorogenic reporter strand. We used the assay to perform hundreds of force measurements using human platelets from a single blood draw to extract individualized dose-response curves and half-maximal inhibitory concentrations for a panel of antiplatelet drugs. For seven patients who had undergone cardiopulmonary bypass, platelet dysfunction strongly correlated with the need for platelet transfusion to limit bleeding. The Cas12a-mediated detection of cellular traction forces may be used to assess cell state, and to screen for genes, cell-adhesion ligands, drugs or metabolites that modulate cell mechanics. <<<
张贝 (2023-01-31 22:54):
#paper Limitations and opportunities of technologies for the analysis of cell-free DNA in cancer diagnostics,Nat Biomed Eng. 2022 Mar;6(3):232-245.doi:10.1038/s41551-021-00837-3. 本文是2022年发表在Nature Biomedical Engineering上的一篇关于cfDNA的综述,血浆中的游离DNA(cfDNA)来源于细胞裂解后(包括主动裂解和被动裂解)释放的DNA,经核酸酶裂解成长度约为160bp的片段,半衰期约为5~150分钟,这种“全局快照”能力使cfDNA成为许多疾病的理想生物标志物。本文讨论了现阶段肿瘤cfDNA检测领域面临的机遇与挑战,从cfDNA检测在癌症管理中的角色、分析前的限制因素、cfDNA的低重分析方法、cfDNA的NGS分析方法、唯一分子标签技术、等位基因富集技术、cfDNA的非突变标志物和肿瘤早筛对精度的要求这8个方面分别进行介绍。
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the circulating blood plasma of patients with cancer contains tumour-derived DNA sequences that can serve as biomarkers for guiding therapy, for the monitoring of drug resistance, … >>>
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the circulating blood plasma of patients with cancer contains tumour-derived DNA sequences that can serve as biomarkers for guiding therapy, for the monitoring of drug resistance, and for the early detection of cancers. However, the analysis of cfDNA for clinical diagnostic applications remains challenging because of the low concentrations of cfDNA, and because cfDNA is fragmented into short lengths and is susceptible to chemical damage. Barcodes of unique molecular identifiers have been implemented to overcome the intrinsic errors of next-generation sequencing, which is the prevailing method for highly multiplexed cfDNA analysis. However, a number of methodological and pre-analytical factors limit the clinical sensitivity of the cfDNA-based detection of cancers from liquid biopsies. In this Review, we describe the state-of-the-art technologies for cfDNA analysis, with emphasis on multiplexing strategies, and discuss outstanding biological and technical challenges that, if addressed, would substantially improve cancer diagnostics and patient care. <<<
颜林林 (2022-12-30 20:49):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41551-022-00952-9 Nat. Biomed. Eng, 2022, A deep-learning model for transforming the style of tissue images from cryosectioned to formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded. 在肿瘤诊治过程中,经常需要通过对肿瘤组织进行组织学检查,得到病理诊断结果,才能做出合适的治疗方案。病理组织学检查,需要对组织进行福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋和切片制片,然后将切片放置在显微镜下进行观察,整个过程非常耗时耗力,因而难以应用于手术期间快速决策。冰冻组织切片虽然可以快速进行,但该技术面临细胞结构不容易保留、经常出现各类人为实验因素造成的伪影(artefacts)等挑战,干扰组织学检查过程。本文构建了一个基于GAN的深度学习模型AI-FFPE,用来将冰冻组织切片图像转换成为石蜡包埋组织切片风格,并以此修正各类伪影,提升通过冰冻组织切片来进行组织学检查的效率。经该模型应用于脑肿瘤和肺癌的病理图像公共数据集,进行验证和评估,确实有效修正了相关伪影问题,且效果相对其他专门进行病理图像修正的工具算法更好。此外,本文还将AI-FFPE的输出图像,交给27位病理医生进行人工评估,以及交给之前已发表的AI阅片程序进行分类,其结果也都支持AI-FFPE策略的有效性。
Histological artefacts in cryosectioned tissue can hinder rapid diagnostic assessments during surgery. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue provides higher quality slides, but the process for obtaining them is laborious (typically … >>>
Histological artefacts in cryosectioned tissue can hinder rapid diagnostic assessments during surgery. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue provides higher quality slides, but the process for obtaining them is laborious (typically lasting 12-48 h) and hence unsuitable for intra-operative use. Here we report the development and performance of a deep-learning model that improves the quality of cryosectioned whole-slide images by transforming them into the style of whole-slide FFPE tissue within minutes. The model consists of a generative adversarial network incorporating an attention mechanism that rectifies cryosection artefacts and a self-regularization constraint between the cryosectioned and FFPE images for the preservation of clinically relevant features. Transformed FFPE-style images of gliomas and of non-small-cell lung cancers from a dataset independent from that used to train the model improved the rates of accurate tumour subtyping by pathologists. <<<