来自杂志 Science (New York, N.Y.) 的文献。
当前共找到 27 篇文献分享,本页显示第 21 - 27 篇。
洪媛媛 (2022-06-30 22:36):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.aav1898 Science 362, 420 (2018). The chromatin accessibility landscape of primary human cancers。推荐理由:这篇文章对TCGA数据库的23种癌症的410份肿瘤组织的ATAC-seq数据进行了分析,得到562,709个染色质开发区域。其中远端调控区域具有癌种特异性,将癌种间差异最大的250,000个区域通过tSNE分成18个cluster,发现这18个cluster based clustering schemes和mRNA based clustering schemes相关性很好,和癌种也有强相关性。
We present the genome-wide chromatin accessibility profiles of 410 tumor samples spanning 23 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We identify 562,709 transposase-accessible DNA elements that substantially extend … >>>
We present the genome-wide chromatin accessibility profiles of 410 tumor samples spanning 23 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We identify 562,709 transposase-accessible DNA elements that substantially extend the compendium of known cis-regulatory elements. Integration of ATAC-seq (the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing) with TCGA multi-omic data identifies a large number of putative distal enhancers that distinguish molecular subtypes of cancers, uncovers specific driving transcription factors via protein-DNA footprints, and nominates long-range gene-regulatory interactions in cancer. These data reveal genetic risk loci of cancer predisposition as active DNA regulatory elements in cancer, identify gene-regulatory interactions underlying cancer immune evasion, and pinpoint noncoding mutations that drive enhancer activation and may affect patient survival. These results suggest a systematic approach to understanding the noncoding genome in cancer to advance diagnosis and therapy. <<<
小W (2022-05-31 23:44):
doi:DOI: 10.1126/science.abl5197 Cross-tissue immune cell analysis reveals tissue-specific features in humans Human Cell Atlas (HCA) 五月发布的泛组织单细胞文章中一篇。这几篇文章对单细胞技术,细胞特异性的RNA剪接方式,细胞与人类疾病关联分析,免疫细胞组织特异性特征进行了论述。本文分析了来自12名成年器官捐献者16个组织的33万个免疫细胞的scrna-seq数据,通过随机梯度下降优化的逻辑回归分类器训练免疫细胞类型注释工具,对主要免疫细胞和细胞亚型(101种)注释。研究了单核吞噬细胞共有的和组织受限的标志物,B细胞亚群间标志物、免疫球蛋白偏好性和不同克隆分布,T细胞亚型的组织分布。其提供的免疫细胞参考图集,有助于了解感染组织特征,免疫药物设计和递送。
Despite their crucial role in health and disease, our knowledge of immune cells within human tissues remains limited. We surveyed the immune compartment of 16 tissues from 12 adult donors … >>>
Despite their crucial role in health and disease, our knowledge of immune cells within human tissues remains limited. We surveyed the immune compartment of 16 tissues from 12 adult donors by single-cell RNA sequencing and VDJ sequencing generating a dataset of ~360,000 cells. To systematically resolve immune cell heterogeneity across tissues, we developed CellTypist, a machine learning tool for rapid and precise cell type annotation. Using this approach, combined with detailed curation, we determined the tissue distribution of finely phenotyped immune cell types, revealing hitherto unappreciated tissue-specific features and clonal architecture of T and B cells. Our multitissue approach lays the foundation for identifying highly resolved immune cell types by leveraging a common reference dataset, tissue-integrated expression analysis, and antigen receptor sequencing. <<<
翁凯 (2022-04-30 23:23):
#paper DOI: 10.1126/science.1192788 science, 2011, How to Grow a Mind: Statistics, Structure, and Abstraction. 这是一篇综述,提出了在我看来比较可信的关于人脑如何学习的解释。人脑学习的一个特点是只需少量样本量(或者说数据很稀疏)就能学得很好,尤其是对因果关联的学习。作者认为学习效率高是因为用了抽象知识指导学习,并认为贝叶斯定理能很好地解释是如何用抽象知识指导学习的。而且贝叶斯方法可以有效利用多种形式的抽象知识,从而避免了传统方法需要穷举各种可能(一个个很长的数值向量)的需要。至于是如何从数据学到抽象知识的,比如是如何知道哪种形式是正确的,作者提到了各种形式(树、空间、环、次序……)都可以用graph表示,然后可以用分层贝叶斯模型来生成所需的graph,并且非参形式的分层贝叶斯模型自动蕴含了奥卡姆剃刀,只在数据需要时引入更多变量。不过,有些重要问题仍然没有被分层贝叶斯模型解决,比如学习到底是如何开始的?总得有什么作为基础吧?作者指出,有些贝叶斯建模者认为哪怕是最抽象的概念(比如因果关系的概念)原则上也是可以被学习的。作者还有一些讨论,比如什么Turing complete compositional representations,还有人脑具体如何实现贝叶斯算法,但目前不是我的兴趣(或者其实更是今晚我没有时间重新仔细看了……虽然2011年这篇文献出来的时候我就读过)。有兴趣的朋友可以直接找文献看。
In coming to understand the world-in learning concepts, acquiring language, and grasping causal relations-our minds make inferences that appear to go far beyond the data available. How do we do … >>>
In coming to understand the world-in learning concepts, acquiring language, and grasping causal relations-our minds make inferences that appear to go far beyond the data available. How do we do it? This review describes recent approaches to reverse-engineering human learning and cognitive development and, in parallel, engineering more humanlike machine learning systems. Computational models that perform probabilistic inference over hierarchies of flexibly structured representations can address some of the deepest questions about the nature and origins of human thought: How does abstract knowledge guide learning and reasoning from sparse data? What forms does our knowledge take, across different domains and tasks? And how is that abstract knowledge itself acquired? <<<
小擎子 (2022-04-30 21:50):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aan4236 Nature, 2017, Gut microbiome modulates response to anti–PD-1 immunotherapy in melanoma patients。发现肠道微生物组可以调节黑色素瘤患者对检查点免疫疗法的反应。患者分为有应答组(R)和无应答组(NR),R组的特点是肠道微生物组有高多样性和丰度的Ruminococcaceae(瘤胃球菌科)/Faecalibacterium(粪杆菌),而NR组的肠道微生物有低多样性和高相对丰度的Bacteroidales(拟杆菌)。通过小鼠模型发现,肠道微生物组通过调节免疫细胞浸润影响了抗肿瘤免疫应答。
Preclinical mouse models suggest that the gut microbiome modulates tumor response to checkpoint blockade immunotherapy; however, this has not been well-characterized in human cancer patients. Here we examined the oral … >>>
Preclinical mouse models suggest that the gut microbiome modulates tumor response to checkpoint blockade immunotherapy; however, this has not been well-characterized in human cancer patients. Here we examined the oral and gut microbiome of melanoma patients undergoing anti-programmed cell death 1 protein (PD-1) immunotherapy ( = 112). Significant differences were observed in the diversity and composition of the patient gut microbiome of responders versus nonresponders. Analysis of patient fecal microbiome samples ( = 43, 30 responders, 13 nonresponders) showed significantly higher alpha diversity ( < 0.01) and relative abundance of bacteria of the Ruminococcaceae family ( < 0.01) in responding patients. Metagenomic studies revealed functional differences in gut bacteria in responders, including enrichment of anabolic pathways. Immune profiling suggested enhanced systemic and antitumor immunity in responding patients with a favorable gut microbiome as well as in germ-free mice receiving fecal transplants from responding patients. Together, these data have important implications for the treatment of melanoma patients with immune checkpoint inhibitors. <<<
masion (2022-03-31 18:15):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aad0408 Science, 2015, The Symbiodinium kawagutii genome illuminates dinoflagellate gene expression and coral symbiosis. 甲藻是海洋生态系统和珊瑚共生体的重要组成部分,但对它们的基因组却知之甚少。我们报告了一个来自共生菌Symbiodinium kawagutii的1180Mb碱基的高质量组装基因组,对蛋白质编码基因进行了注释,并确定了共生菌种特异性的基因家族。没有观察到全基因组复制,但我们发现了活跃(追溯) 转位和基因家族扩张,尤其是在对与珊瑚成功共生过程相关的基因族表达。此外,我们还记录了可能控制有性繁殖及休眠体形成、新启动子元件和microRNA系统相关的基因,后者可能在调节共生体和珊瑚中的基因表达中都起作用。我们发现了S.kawagutii和顶孢珊瑚虫anthozoan Acropora基因组之间存在生化反应的互补性,揭示了宿主-共生体的共进化,为研究珊瑚共生的分子基础和进化提供资料。
Dinoflagellates are important components of marine ecosystems and essential coral symbionts, yet little is known about their genomes. We report here on the analysis of a high-quality assembly from the … >>>
Dinoflagellates are important components of marine ecosystems and essential coral symbionts, yet little is known about their genomes. We report here on the analysis of a high-quality assembly from the 1180-megabase genome of Symbiodinium kawagutii. We annotated protein-coding genes and identified Symbiodinium-specific gene families. No whole-genome duplication was observed, but instead we found active (retro)transposition and gene family expansion, especially in processes important for successful symbiosis with corals. We also documented genes potentially governing sexual reproduction and cyst formation, novel promoter elements, and a microRNA system potentially regulating gene expression in both symbiont and coral. We found biochemical complementarity between genomes of S. kawagutii and the anthozoan Acropora, indicative of host-symbiont coevolution, providing a resource for studying the molecular basis and evolution of coral symbiosis. <<<
小擎子 (2022-03-31 15:29):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aah5043 Science, 2017, Potential role of intratumor bacteria in mediating tumor resistance to the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine. 先前已经有研究发现支原体感染的肿瘤细胞培养物中的核苷分解代谢酶会损害抗癌药物吉西他滨的细胞抑制活性。该文献对其机制进行进一步探索,发现人类真皮成纤维细胞(HDF) 的抗生素治疗消除了吉西他滨代谢活性,但用M. hyorhinis(猪支原体)再次感染这些相同的HDF恢复了细胞条件培养基对吉西他滨的代谢;为了确定除支原体以外的细菌是否可以对吉西他滨产生耐药性,文献将分析扩展到 27 种细菌, 27 个物种中有 13 个消除了吉西他滨对 RKO 人结肠直肠癌细胞的影响。经实验发现,CDD是细菌抗吉西他滨的关键基因,CDD的异构体会影响细菌对吉西他滨的代谢能力,CDD L会显著抗吉西他滨,CDD S只有部分代谢吉西他滨的能力。主要是属于Gammaproteobacteria的细菌具有赋予CDD L介导的吉西他滨抗性的潜力。吉西他滨通常用于治疗胰腺导管腺癌 (PDAC),文献假设肿瘤内细菌可能导致这些肿瘤的耐药性,进而对PDAC进行了采样和检测,在测试的 113 个人类 PDAC 中,86 个(76%)对细菌呈阳性,主要是 Gammaproteobacteria。
Growing evidence suggests that microbes can influence the efficacy of cancer therapies. By studying colon cancer models, we found that bacteria can metabolize the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine (2',2'-difluorodeoxycytidine) into its … >>>
Growing evidence suggests that microbes can influence the efficacy of cancer therapies. By studying colon cancer models, we found that bacteria can metabolize the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine (2',2'-difluorodeoxycytidine) into its inactive form, 2',2'-difluorodeoxyuridine. Metabolism was dependent on the expression of a long isoform of the bacterial enzyme cytidine deaminase (CDD), seen primarily in Gammaproteobacteria. In a colon cancer mouse model, gemcitabine resistance was induced by intratumor Gammaproteobacteria, dependent on bacterial CDD expression, and abrogated by cotreatment with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. Gemcitabine is commonly used to treat pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), and we hypothesized that intratumor bacteria might contribute to drug resistance of these tumors. Consistent with this possibility, we found that of the 113 human PDACs that were tested, 86 (76%) were positive for bacteria, mainly Gammaproteobacteria. <<<
龙海晨 (2022-02-16 00:55):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.aah5869 Science, 2016, Generation of influenza A viruses as live but replication-incompetent virus vaccines 。推荐理由。”通过反向遗传学设计研制甲型流感病毒疫苗的论文。研究解决的问题: 1.可以快速大量生产活病毒疫苗(RNA) 2.信使RNA中引入了一个终止密码子让病毒失去复制能力(与之前的方法相比便宜高效) 3.插入位置在保守区,病毒若通过突变的形式恢复制能力会直接死亡 4.技术的核心:拥有用于病毒恢复复制能力的细胞系用于生产病毒,作为疫苗。病毒离开专门细胞系后丧失复制能力。 5.意外的收获:可以当治疗药物使用。新的病毒和野生型结合会使野生型病毒消失。(之前的技术常发生:活疫苗病毒与野生病毒相遇结果活疫苗产生毒性)。通过在(甲型)流感病毒的信使RNA中引入了一个终止密码子,并保留病毒的完整结构。这样,保留了感染性的病毒进入人体后,可以激活人体细胞的全部免疫反应,但由于终止密码子的存在,病毒无法进行蛋白质翻译,因而失去复制能力。
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2016-12-02. PMID: 27934767
The conversion of life-threatening viruses into live but avirulent vaccines represents a revolution in vaccinology. In a proof-of-principle study, we expanded the genetic code of the genome of influenza A … >>>
The conversion of life-threatening viruses into live but avirulent vaccines represents a revolution in vaccinology. In a proof-of-principle study, we expanded the genetic code of the genome of influenza A virus via a transgenic cell line containing orthogonal translation machinery. This generated premature termination codon (PTC)-harboring viruses that exerted full infectivity but were replication-incompetent in conventional cells. Genome-wide optimization of the sites for incorporation of multiple PTCs resulted in highly reproductive and genetically stable progeny viruses in transgenic cells. In mouse, ferret, and guinea pig models, vaccination with PTC viruses elicited robust humoral, mucosal, and T cell-mediated immunity against antigenically distinct influenza viruses and even neutralized existing infecting strains. The methods presented here may become a general approach for generating live virus vaccines that can be adapted to almost any virus. <<<