龙海晨 (2022-02-16 00:55):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.aah5869 Science, 2016, Generation of influenza A viruses as live but replication-incompetent virus vaccines 。推荐理由。”通过反向遗传学设计研制甲型流感病毒疫苗的论文。研究解决的问题: 1.可以快速大量生产活病毒疫苗(RNA) 2.信使RNA中引入了一个终止密码子让病毒失去复制能力(与之前的方法相比便宜高效) 3.插入位置在保守区,病毒若通过突变的形式恢复制能力会直接死亡 4.技术的核心:拥有用于病毒恢复复制能力的细胞系用于生产病毒,作为疫苗。病毒离开专门细胞系后丧失复制能力。 5.意外的收获:可以当治疗药物使用。新的病毒和野生型结合会使野生型病毒消失。(之前的技术常发生:活疫苗病毒与野生病毒相遇结果活疫苗产生毒性)。通过在(甲型)流感病毒的信使RNA中引入了一个终止密码子,并保留病毒的完整结构。这样,保留了感染性的病毒进入人体后,可以激活人体细胞的全部免疫反应,但由于终止密码子的存在,病毒无法进行蛋白质翻译,因而失去复制能力。
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2016-12-02. PMID: 27934767
Generation of influenza A viruses as live but replication-incompetent virus vaccines
The conversion of life-threatening viruses into live but avirulent vaccines represents a revolution in vaccinology. In a proof-of-principle study, we expanded the genetic code of the genome of influenza A virus via a transgenic cell line containing orthogonal translation machinery. This generated premature termination codon (PTC)-harboring viruses that exerted full infectivity but were replication-incompetent in conventional cells. Genome-wide optimization of the sites for incorporation of multiple PTCs resulted in highly reproductive and genetically stable progeny viruses in transgenic cells. In mouse, ferret, and guinea pig models, vaccination with PTC viruses elicited robust humoral, mucosal, and T cell-mediated immunity against antigenically distinct influenza viruses and even neutralized existing infecting strains. The methods presented here may become a general approach for generating live virus vaccines that can be adapted to almost any virus.