masion (2022-03-31 18:15):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aad0408 Science, 2015, The Symbiodinium kawagutii genome illuminates dinoflagellate gene expression and coral symbiosis. 甲藻是海洋生态系统和珊瑚共生体的重要组成部分,但对它们的基因组却知之甚少。我们报告了一个来自共生菌Symbiodinium kawagutii的1180Mb碱基的高质量组装基因组,对蛋白质编码基因进行了注释,并确定了共生菌种特异性的基因家族。没有观察到全基因组复制,但我们发现了活跃(追溯) 转位和基因家族扩张,尤其是在对与珊瑚成功共生过程相关的基因族表达。此外,我们还记录了可能控制有性繁殖及休眠体形成、新启动子元件和microRNA系统相关的基因,后者可能在调节共生体和珊瑚中的基因表达中都起作用。我们发现了S.kawagutii和顶孢珊瑚虫anthozoan Acropora基因组之间存在生化反应的互补性,揭示了宿主-共生体的共进化,为研究珊瑚共生的分子基础和进化提供资料。
The Symbiodinium kawagutii genome illuminates dinoflagellate gene expression and coral symbiosis
Dinoflagellates are important components of marine ecosystems and essential coral symbionts, yet little is known about their genomes. We report here on the analysis of a high-quality assembly from the 1180-megabase genome of Symbiodinium kawagutii. We annotated protein-coding genes and identified Symbiodinium-specific gene families. No whole-genome duplication was observed, but instead we found active (retro)transposition and gene family expansion, especially in processes important for successful symbiosis with corals. We also documented genes potentially governing sexual reproduction and cyst formation, novel promoter elements, and a microRNA system potentially regulating gene expression in both symbiont and coral. We found biochemical complementarity between genomes of S. kawagutii and the anthozoan Acropora, indicative of host-symbiont coevolution, providing a resource for studying the molecular basis and evolution of coral symbiosis.